
Kobe University

Kobe University has one of the oldest economics faculties in Japan and is among the top 10 in this field. The University has a good range of English-language courses. The campus is located on the mountainside with a beautiful view of the city and Kobe Bay. The Kobe University's Faculty of Economics is one of the oldest economic research centers in Japan and has the largest number of research areas and faculty members among the national universities in the Kansai region and Japan.

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Country, Location Kobe, Japan
Available Exchange/ Level 2 Students / Bachelor and Master
Department/ Subject Area Faculty and Graduate School of Economics
Exchange Period Full year or one semester
Semester Calendar Winter term October - March
Summer term April- September
Course catalog


Info: 1 Kobe Credit corresponds to 1.5 (max. 2) ECTS in the Bachelor's programme 
1 Kober Credit corresponds to 3 ECTS in the Master's programme

Language and Requirements English B2
Japanese (recommended)
Coordinator and contacts (Marburg) Student Advisory Service
Contact Host University Information for Incomings
Further Information Application at the School of Business and Economics via Mobility Online Portal
Deadline: 15.12.


Homepage for international students
Informations for exchange students

Newsletter Kobe University


The Kobe University offers the JASSO “Student Exchange Support Program” Scholarship for exchange students. 

More information can be found at the Kobe University website.

Also in Japan, the School of Business and Economics (University of Marburg) has a cooperation with the Tōyō University in Tokyo for a long time. The Tōyō University is a bilateral cooperation with Partner universities of the Philipps University Marburg. The application for the Tōyō University is processed via the International Office (application deadline is November 30th).