27.05.2022 Prof. Dr. Ina Dietzsch im Interview mit Carsten Wilhelm (Maître de conférences en Sciences de l’information et de la communication) für Interfaces numériques 2022

Culture.s of Technics, innovation and communication: imaginaries, potentialities, utopias
In der aktuellen Sonderausgabe der französischen peer-review-Zeitschrift Interfaces numériques Vol. 11, die unter dem Titel "Culture.s of Technics, innovation and communication: imaginaries, potentialities, utopias" erschienen ist, findet sich ein umfangreiches Interview mit Prof. Dr. Ina Dietzsch.
Das Interview gewährt tiefe Einblicke in gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen und Diskurse im Bereich technologischer Entwicklungen und digitaler Zukünfte und spiegelt somit einen wichtigen Forschungsschwerpunkt von Prof. Dr. Ina Dietzsch am Institut für Europäische Ethnologie/Kulturwissenschaft wider.
Über die Sonderausgabe
"This special issue questions the configuration of culture and technique in their environment. How, by interfering, do they hold together (Ricœur, 1990)? The root of the word culture itself contains the idea of the cultivation and at the same time of the transformation of the matter (Williams, 1985). Is it the technique that transforms the culture of communication at the risk of standardizing it or is it the culture or rather cultural hegemonies that lead to technical transformations (Pignier & Robert, 2015) and their more or less diversified appropriations? And beyond that, how does technique/ do technics/ does technology interrogate the transformations of objects and practices of culture (Doueihi, 2011)? The notion of transformation emerges here as operative for thinking about this question, especially if we approach the relationship between culture and technique with the example of communication between beings. A certain level of change is needed for a technical fact to produce a cultural paradigm equivalent to the changes induced by the emergence of writing (Souchier, Jeanneret and Le Marec, 2003), industrialization or computational reason (Bachimont, 2010)."
Prof. Dr. Ina Dietzsch