26.08.2024 Temporal Sounds - Summer School 2024

Just started: Summer School on "Temporal Sounds"

Foto: Colourbox.de

Finally! This week (26.08.-30.08.) our Summer School on Temporal Sounds is taking place. We have been looking forward to the multimodal international Summer School for the past months and are excited it has arrived. Meanwhile we have been planning for this week and invited interesting artists and scholars as guests.

Participants and guests from all over Europe are currently arriving. While we are looking forward to the results of the workshops and Summer School as a whole, we will keep you updated on Instagram, just follow the link or directly go to ekw.marburg on Instagram. 

We have a limited number of open spots. If you are a student from Marburg you are welcome to e-mail to inquire about joining last minute.

The Summer School "Temporal Sounds"

Click here to download the poster.

Sounds arise, evolve and fade away. Their timing affects our perception. Soundscapes change over time, mould our memories and their design shapes our future.

The Summer School is dedicated to the deeply interwoven relationship between sound and time and aims to open up an experimental field that invites participants to combine (artistic) sound practice with temporally dimensioned questions. Specific tools and methods will be presented and insights into various artistic sound research will be given. Workshops invite participants to elaborate their own sound relevant research question and experiment with artistic sound practice themselves.

Click here for more infos.
