09.04.2021 Emotion Concepts in Extended Conceptual Metaphor Theory (Keynote Lecture by Zoltán Kövecses)

We depend on metaphors to "grasp" and to "handle" the world - with emotions and subjectivities being among those parts of the world which are most difficult to "put into words" and to "take hold of". Conceptual Metaphor Theory, developed by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson in the early 80s, provides useful tools for the analysis of the metaphorical processes, which are conceived of as both body-based and culturally constructed.
A project team of doctoral and postdoctoral researchers at Marburg University is hosting a colloquium on transdisciplinary approaches on metaphors, with a special focus on emotion metaphors in thought and practice. Working in fields as diverse as Indo-European Studies, Neurolinguistics, Pediatrics or the Ethnography of Religion, we are very glad to welcome Prof. em. Zoltán Kövesces, an eminent protagonist of Conceptual Metaphor Theory, as Keynote Speaker. He will talk about
Emotion Concepts in Extended Conceptual Metaphor Theory
Thursday, 15.4.2021, 18 c.t. Berlin Time.
The lecture is free to attend under the following link:
It will be accessible via browsers such as Firefox or Chrome or the Cisco Webex Meetings app.
The Lecture introduces an interdisciplinary workshop, featuring input presentations on divese topics:
Konzeptmetaphern in Wirtschafts- und Sozialdiskursen
(Dr. Kristin Kuck, Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben am Bereich Germanistik, Lehrstuhl für Germanistische Linguistik, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg)
Die metaphorische Konzeption des Todes in der Frühgeschichte anhand materieller Metaphern
(Lilith Apostel, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Centrum für Religionswissenschaftliche Studien der Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
Metaphern und Emotionen: Beispiele aus akkadischen Keilschrifttexten
(Dr. Ulrike Steinert, Postdoktorandin im GRK 1876 „Frühe Konzepte von Mensch und Natur“ an der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)