21.02.2025 Ausschreibung für die Summer School 2025 "Caucasus Conflict Culture" Bewerbung bis zum 14. März

Closed Borders in the South Caucasus: Consequences for Border Communities

We have the opportunity to take five students from Marburg to Georgia. Travel and accommodation costs will be covered. The trip is planned to take place from 20.-31. August 2025 and will bring together 30-35 people. The research will take place in Lagodekhi, Georgia. Please note that due to the dynamic conflict situation in the South Caucasus, the date, topic, and location of the Summer School may change.

This offer is primarily addressed to students of the MA programs Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie, Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, or Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Marburg. There will be an information meeting for all applicants on 03.03.2025 from 16:00-18:00 held online (https://webconf.hrz.uni-marburg.de/n/rooms/kxg-sag-g78-a1q/join) where the project will be presented.

We look forward to receiving your application by 14.03.2025 at sophie.falschebner@uni-marburg.de, preferably in one file. Please use this application form (https://uni-marburg.de/xMjx0o) and attach a short CV. Previous knowledge of the region is not required.

 Weitere Informationen zur Ausschreibung finden Sie hier.

Sophie Falschebner & Stéphane Voell, Zentrum für Konfliktforschung, 14.02.2025