Islamist Opposition in Authoritarian Regimes: The Party of Justice and Development in Morocco. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press. 2011.
Peer Reviewed Journals
Court Performance and Citizen Attitudes Towards Fighting Corruption, Governance, published online 6 May 2021, with Leticia Barbabela and Miquel Pellicer.
Poor People´s Beliefs and the Dynamics of Clientelism, with Miquel Pellicer, Lindsay Benstead and Ellen Lust, Journal of Theoretical Politics, 3 (3), 300-332.
Clientelism from the Client´s Perspective. A Meta-Analysis of Ethnographic Literature, with Miquel Pellicer, Markus Bayer, and Christian Tischmeyer, Perspectives on Politics, published online 28 December 2020.
Preferences for the Scope of Protest, with Miquel Pellicer and Alexander De Juan, Political Research Quarterly, 74 (2), 288-301.
Perceptions of inevitability and demand for redistribution: Evidence from a survey experiment, with Miquel Pellicer and Patrizio Piraino, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 159 (2019) 274-288).
Revisiting the Islamist-Secular divide: Parties and Voters in the Arab World, with Francesco Cavatorta, International Political Science Review (2019), Vol. 40 (4) 558-575.
Social Inequality, State-Centered Grievances, and Protest- Evidence from South Africa, with Alexander De Juan, Journal of Conflict Resolution, published online 16. August 2017.
Local Level Accountability in a Dominant Party System: insights from South Africa, Government and Opposition, published online: 29 March 2016.
The Justice and Development Party in Moroccan Local Politics, with Miquel Pellicer, Middle East Journal, 69, 1, 32-49, 2015
Is there strength in numbers?, with Miquel Pellicer and Francesco Cavatorta, Contribution for "Research and Methodology in a Post-Arab-Spring Environment: Challenges for the Field", Middle East Law and Governance, 7, 153-168, 2015.
The Mechanical and Psychological Effects of Legal Thresholds, with Miquel Pellicer, Electoral Studies, 33, 258-266.2014.
Socio-Economic Voter Profile and Motives for Islamist Support in Morocco, with Miquel Pellicer, Party Politics, 20, 1, 116-133. 2014.
Electoral Rules and Clientelistic Parties. A Regression Discontinuity Approach, with Miquel Pellicer, Quarterly Journal of Political Science, 8, 1-33. 2013.
Left-Islamist Opposition Cooperation in Morocco, with Miquel Pellicer, British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 38 (3), 303-322. 2011.
Islamist Moderation without Democratization: The Coming of Age of the Party of Justice and Development? with Miquel Pellicer, Democratization, 16 (1), 157-175. 2009.
Autocrats and Islamists: Contenders and Containment in Egypt and Morocco, with Holger Albrecht, Journal of North African Studies, 11 (2), 123-141. 2006.
Book Chapters
Philosophy of Science Issues in Clientelism Research forthcoming in Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Political Science (co-authored by Harold Kincaid, Miquel Pellicer, and Eva Wegner.
Politischer Islam als Soziale Bewegung im Nahen Osten und Nordafrika, in H. Albrecht and K. Köhler (eds.): Politischer Islam im Vorderen Orient. Zwischen Sozialbewegung, Opposition und Widerstand}, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 38-42. 2008.
"Inklusion oder Repression –Über die Kosten-Nutzen Kalküle Autoritärer Herrscher”, in M. Asseburg (ed.): Moderate Islamisten als Reformakteure,Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 34-42. 2008.
Islamist Inclusion and Regime Persistence. The Moroccan Win-Win Situation', in O. Schlumberger (ed.): Debating Arab Authoritarianism: Dynamics and Durability in Non-Democratic Regimes, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 75-93. 2007.