Prof. Dr. Dirk Berg-Schlosser

im Ruhestand


bergschl@staff 1 Ketzerbach 63
35032 Marburg
M|01 Institutsgebäude (Raum: 03E05A bzw. +3E05a)


Philipps-Universität Marburg Gesellschaftswissenschaften und Philosophie (Fb03) Institut für Politikwissenschaft Ehemalige Professorinnen und Professoren


Zu den Publikationen im Forschungsinformationssystem

Dirk Berg-Schlosser

  • Curriculum Vitae

    Date and place of birth:

    December 10th, 1943 at Ruhlsdorf, District of Jessen, Germany


    1950 - 1954: Primary School Alsfeld/Hessen

    1954 - 1963: Albert-Schweitzer-Gymnasium, Secondary School, Alsfeld

    December 1960 - April 1961: Friends' School, Saffron Walden, England

    1963: Abitur


    1963 - 1968: Economics, sociology and political science at Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich;

    Fall and Winter 1964/65: Political science at the "Institut des Sciences Politiques" of the Sorbonne, Paris;

    Fall and Winter 1965/66: Political science at the Otto-Suhr-Institute of the Free University Berlin;

    Fall 1968 to Spring 1970: Graduate studies in political science, sociology and social anthropology at the University of California, Berkeley (funded by a scholarship from the "German Academic Exchange Service");

    Summer 1970: Summer course in Swahili at Indiana University, Bloomington/Indiana (funded by a grant from the University of California, Berkeley)

    Spring 1973: Advanced course in Swahili at the Church Missionary Society Language School, Nairobi/Kenya;

    Summer 1987: Advanced intensive course in Spanish at the University of Salamanca/Spain.

    Extracurricular activities:

    1963/64: Elected member of the Student Union at Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich;

    1964: Federal Chairman of the German section of the „International Student Movement for the United Nations” (ISMUN);

    1965/66: Member of the Executive Committee of ISMUN.


    Summer 1963: Internship at Linde Corporation, Munich;

    Summer 1964: Internship at Deutsche Bank, Munich;

    Summer 1965: Internship at IBM, Munich..


    December 1963: "Cambridge Proficiency" in English at the Cambridge Institute, Munich;

    February 1964: "Diplome de la Civilisation Francaise", Sorbonne, Paris;

    Summer 1968: "Diplom-Volkswirt" (approximately equivalent to the Master’s degree in economics) at Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich;

    Summer 1970: "Advancement to candidacy" for the Ph.D. at the Department of Political Science, University of California at Berkeley/USA;

    Summer 1971: Completion of the requirements for the degree of "Dr. oec. publ." in political science, economics and sociology at Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich („magna cum laude“);

    January 1979: Completion of the requirements for the degree of "Dr. phil. habil." in political science at the University of Augsburg;

    December 1979: Completion of requirements for the "Ph.D." in political science at the University of California, Berkeley/USA.

    Professional positions:

    1969/70: Research assistant of Professor Carl G. Rosberg at the Department of Political Science of the University of California, Berkeley;

    1970/71: Member of the „IFO-Institute for Economic Research“, Munich;

    Winter 1970/71: Part-time lecturer in political science at the „Geschwister-Scholl-Institut“ of Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich;

    Fall 1971 to Spring 1975: Assistant professor in political science at the Paedagogische Hochschule Rheinland, Aachen;

    April 1973 to October 1974: Research associate at the „Institute of African Studies“of the University of Nairobi/Kenya;

    November 1974 to September 1975: Research associate at the Survey Research Center of the University of California/Berkeley;

    October 1975: Assistant professor (with tenure) at the University of Augsburg;

    January 1979: Appointment as „Privatdozent“ in political science at the University of Augsburg;

    1980 - 1982: Visiting professor (Lehrstuhlvertretung) at the „Geschwister-Scholl-Institut“ of Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich;

    1982 - 1984: Visiting professor (Lehrstuhlvertretung) at the Catholic University, Eichstaett/F.R. Germany;

    February 1984: Appointment as „ausserplanmaessiger Professor“ (roughly equivalent to a position as associate professor) at the University of Augsburg;

    1985 - 2009: Professor, Institute of Political Science, Philipps-University Marburg;

    1989-1992 and 2003: Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy of Philipps-University Marburg.

    1993-1994 and 2001/2002: Director of the Institute of Political Science, Philipps-University Marburg.

    February/March 1998: Visiting professor at the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.

    February/March 2001: Visiting professor at Charles University, Prague.

    Spring Semester 2004: Visiting professor at University of California, Berkeley.

    Essex Summer School 2004 ff.: Instructor.

    ECPR Methods Summer School, Ljubljana 2006, Instructor

    February/March 2005: Visiting professor, Institut d’Etudes Politiques Lille, France.

    March 2007: Visiting professor, University of Stellenbosch/South Africa

    April 2008: Visiting professor at the Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna/Austria

    March 2009: Visiting professor, Sciences-Po, Paris

    June 2010: Seminar “Quality of Democracy”, Ulan Bataar/Mongolia

    August/September 2010: Fellow of the Stellenbosch Institute of Advanced Studies (STIAS), Stellenbosch/South Africa

    2010 – 2019: Co-Director and Instructor at the IPSA Summer Schools on “Concepts, Methods and Techniques in Political Science” at Sao Paulo, Stellenbosch/South Africa, Singapore, Ankara, Mexico City, St. Petersburg, Antalya;

    January 2018 – December 2020: Research Fellow at the Centre for International and Comparative Politics, Department of Political Science, University of Stellenbosch.

    Membership in scientific associations:

    American Political Science Association (APSA);

    African Studies Association (ASA);

    European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), official representative, Philipps-University, Marburg (1985 - 2009);

    member of the Executive Committee 2000-2006)

         Local organizer, General Conference, Marburg, September 2003

         Chair, 2003-2006

    International Political Science Association (IPSA): Co-chairman of a Study Group on „Democratization in Comparative Perspective“ (1988-1994);

    Chairman of the Research Committee on „Democratization in Comparative Perspective“ 1994 -2000;

    Member, Executive Committee 2003-2009, 2006 - 2009: Vice-president

    Program Chair, “International Political Science – New Theoretical and Regional Perspectives”, IPSA conference, Montreal, May 2008

    2009 - 2016 Coordinator of the IPSA Summer Schools on “Concepts, Methods and Techniques in Political Science” at Sao Paulo, Stellenbosch/South Africa, Singapore, Ankara, Mexico City and St. Petersburg; co-opted member of the IPSA Executive Committee.

    German Political Science Association: 1979-1984 chairman of the regional section of Bavaria; 1981-1985: Member of the Council (at the federal level); 1982-1988: Co-chairman of a research committee on the analysis of political culture. Member, Executive Committee 2003-2009

    International Sociological Association (ISA): member of the Council of the Research Committee on Comparative Sociology (1986-1994);

    Society for Comparative Research (SCR);

    Förderverein Wissenschaft und Politische Praxis (WPP)

    Editorial boards:

    International Political Science Review;

    International Political Science Abstracts;

    International Journal of Comparative Sociology;

    Zeitschrift fuer Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft

    European Political Science Review

    Taiwan Journal of Democracy

    Methodological Innovations Online

    Cross-Cultural Research

    Book series “Empirische Demokratieforschung”, Campus-Verlag, Frankfurt, New York.

    Co-editor of the book series on comparative politics, Oxford University Press (2009 – 2012)

    Referee for Comparative Politics, Comparative Political Studies, European Journal of Political Research; Journal of Commonwealth and Comparative Politics, International Political Science Review; Acta Politica, Politische Vierteljahresschrift; Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft , Volkswagen Foundation, Swedish Rijksbank, Swiss National Fund, Austrian Science Foundation, International Science Foundation; National Research Foundation/South Africa, Leibniz Gemeinschaft, European Research Council (ERC), FNRS/Belgium .

    Major research projects:

    1970 - 1971: (with two other members of the IFO-Institute for Economic Research, Munich): „Programming of Medium-Term German Development Aid to Morocco“, and „Programming of Medium-Term German Development Aid to Kenya“, both commissioned by the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation;

    1973 - 1975: The Social Bases of Politics in Kenya, funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG);

    1980 - 1984: Classification und Evaluation of Third World Political Systems, supported by a grant from Augsburg University;

    1983 - 1985: (with Dr. Allan Zink): Social Structure and Political Development in Greece – Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Conditions, funded by DFG;

    1986/87: (with Rainer Siegler): Political Stability and Development - A Comparative Analysis of Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, commissioned by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation;

    1987/88: (with Prof. Peter Waldmann, Augsburg): Social and Political Consequences of Hyperinflation in Latin America, funded by Volkswagen Foundation;

    1986 - 2000: Co-chairman (with Prof. Jeremy Mitchell, Oxford) of a Research Group on "Crisis, Compromise, Collapse: Conditions of Democracy in Inter-War Europe", in part funded by the Norwegian National Science Foundation, the Nuffield Foundation, the Volkswagen Foundation and the European Consortium for Political Research;

    1988 - 1991: (with Professors Mertins, Münkner and Rienhoff, Marburg; Prof. Körte, Darmstadt): Collaboration in a research project on "Habitat-Problems of Lower Social Strata in Third World Cities", funded by the Ministry of Science of the state of Hessen;

    1994-2000: Research Project on „Problems of Social and Political Participation in Marginal Settlement Areas of Third World Cities“ funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.

    1995-2000: Research Project on "Regional Cooperation under Global Asymmetric conditions: The Situation in Southern Africa" funded by the Ministry of Science and Arts of the State of Hessen.

    1996: Research Project on "Authoritarianism and Democracy in Southern, Central and Eastern Europe - Analysis of recent Conditions compared with the Experiences of the Inter-War Period “ in part funded by Volkswagen Foundation

    1999: Collaboration in a research project on "Citizens in Transition" funded by the European Science Foundation chaired by Richard Rose, Strathclyde

    Since 2000: Cooperation in the international comparative research project “Transformation Research Initiative” funded by the Daimler-Chrysler Foundation; now the Transformation Research Unit (TRU) at the University of Stellenbosch/South Africa..

    Field research:

    July to November 1966: Field work in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania for a "Diplom-Arbeit" (M.A. thesis) in political science with a grant by "ASA" (private German foundation);

    July to September 1971: Field work in Kenya as member of the IFO-Institute for Economic Research, Munich;

    April 1973 to September 1975: Field work in Kenya with a grant by the DFG;

    November 1974 to August 1975: Work at the Survey Research Center at the University of California, Berkeley/USA, funded by DFG;

    August to September 1980: Further exploratory field work in Kenya, Zimbabwe and Cameroon with a grant by the University of Augsburg;

    January and February 1987: Field work in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, commissioned by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation;

    March 1987: Preparation of a research project in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil and Uruguay, funded by the Volkswagen Foundation;

    October 1988: Continuation of a research project in Israel;

    August to September 1989: Preparation of a research project in Zimbabwe;

    August to September 1991: Continuation of a research project in Kenya and Zimbabwe;

    January 1995: Kenya, DFG-project "Political Participation";

    March to April 1995: Chile and Brazil - DFG-project "Political Participation"

    August 1995: Ivory Coast, DFG-project "Political Participation"

    February to March 1996: Botswana, South Africa, Project "Regional Cooperation in Southern Africa"

    October 2006: Preparation of a research project in Kenya, funded by DFG

     Organization of panels and workshops:

    1979 - 1984: Organization of the annual meeting of the Bavarian section of the German Political Science Association at the Akademie für Politische Bildung, Tutzing;

    1982 - 1986 (with Dr. Jakob Schissler, Berlin): Organization of the semi-annual workshops of the Research Committee on Political Culture of the German Political Science Association;

    1986 - 1996 (with Prof. Jeremy Mitchell, Oxford): Organization of semi-annual workshops of the Research Group on "Crisis, Compromise, Collapse: Conditions of Democracy in Inter-War Europe";

    March 1986: Co-chairman (with Prof. George Romoser, Durham/N.H.) of a panel of the International Studies Association on "Recent Developments in German Political Culture", Anaheim/Ca.;

    October 1986: Organization of a Symposium (with representatives of the African Political Science Association) on "Democracy and the One-Party State in Africa" at the Evangelische Akademie Arnoldshain, funded by Volkswagen Foundation;

    April 1987: Co-chairman (with Prof. Tatu Vanhanen, Tampere) of a workshop of the European Consortium for Political Research "Socio-Economic Pre-Conditions for Political Democracy" at Amsterdam;

    August 1988: Chairman of a panel on "Strategies of Democratization" at the World Congress of the International Political Science Association, Washington/D.C.;

    April 1989: Co-chairman (with Prof. Bertrand Badie, Clermont-Ferrand) of a workshop of the European Consortium for Political Research "West European Political Cultures in a Comparative Perspective", Paris;

    May 1990: Co-chairman (with Prof. Tatu Vanhanen, Tampere) of a workshop of the Study Group on "Democratization in a Comparative Perspective" of the International Political Science Association, Tampere, Finnland;

    July 1991: Chairman of a Panel at the World Congress of the International Political Science Association on "Democratization: Regional Perspectives", Buenos Aires;

    September 1992: Chairman of an International Congress of the IPSA-Study Group on "Democratization in Comparative Perspective" at the Centre for Democratic Studies, Abuja, Nigeria.

    December 1992: Organization of a symposium on "Crisis, Compromise, Collapse - Conditions of Authoritarianism, Fascism and Democracy in Inter-War Europe", Marburg, funded by Volkswagen Foundation.

    July 1994: Chairman of a Panel on "Recent Advances in Comparative Methodology" at the World Congress of the International Sociological Association in Bielefeld/Germany.

    August 1994: Chairman of a panel on "Democratization in Comparative Perspective - Regional Aspects" at the World Congress of the International Political Science Association in Berlin.

    October 1995: Chairman of a Regional Conference of the Research Committee on “Democratization in Comparative Perspective” in Rio de Janeiro

    January 1996: Chairman of a Regional Conference of the Research Committee on “Democratization in Comparative Perspective” in Chandigarh, India.

    May 1996: Organization of a symposium on “Crisis, Compromise, Consolidiation? Post-Authoritarian Transitions in Southern, Central and Eastern Europe”, in Marburg, funded by Volkswagen Foundation.

    August 1997: Chairman of a panel on “The Breakdown of Political Systems” at the World Congress of the International Political Science Association in Seoul/South Korea.

    August 1998: Chairman of a panel of the Research Committee on "Political Sociology" at the World Congress of the International Sociological Association, Montreal.

    November 1998: Chairman of a conference of the IPSA Research Committee on "Democratization in Comparative Perspective", Tallin/Estland.

    July 2000: Organization of a symposium on "Poverty and Democracy - Problems of Self-Help, Interest Organization and Political Participation of the Urban Poor in Third World Countries", Marburg, funded by the Ministry of Science of the state of Hessen.

    August 2000: Chairman of a panel of the Research Committee on "Democratization in Comparative Perspective" of the International Political Science Association on "Defects of Contemporary Democracies", Quebec/Canada.

    July 2003: Chair of a panel of the Research Committee on "Democratization in Comparative Perspective" of the International Political Science Association on "Successful New Democracies ", Durban/South Africa.

    September 2003: Organization of a Round Table on “Methodological Advances in Comparative Analysis”, ECPR General Conference Marburg.

    September 2005: Chair of a panel on “Advances in Comparative Methodology”, Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington/D.C.

    July 2006: Organization of a Round Table on “Are there universal core democratic values across cultures?”, IPSA World Congress, Fukuoka/Japan.

    July 2009: Organization of a panel on “Regional prospects for further democratization or state failure”, IPSA World Congress, Santiago de Chile.

    September 2009: Organization of a Round Table on “German Political Science as seen from abroad”, meeting of the German Political Science Association, Kiel/Germany.

    July 2016: “The IPSA Summer Schools on Concepts and Methods in Political Science”, IPSA/APSA Round Table, IPSA World Congress, Poznan.

    September 2015: “The IPSA Summer Schools on Concepts and Methods in Political Science”, IPSA/APSA Round Table, APSA Annual Meeting, San Francisco.

    July 2021: Round Table “Innovative Methods in Political Science” (with Gary King, Max Bergman, Derek Beach and Benoit Rihoux), IPSA World Congress, Lisbon (on-line).

  • Short CV

    Dirk Berg-Schlosser. born in 1943, is professor emeritus at Philipps-University, Marburg/Germany. He has been awarded degrees of Dr. oec. publ. (Munich 1971); Dr. phil. habil. (Augsburg 1978), and Ph.D. (UC Berkeley 1979). He has been Director of the Institute of Political Science and Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Marburg. He has also done research and taught at the universities of Munich, Aachen, Augsburg, Eichstaett, Nairobi, Stellenbosch/South Africa and Berkeley. From 1988 to 2000 he has been chairman of the Research Committee on "Democratization in Comparative Perspective" of the International Political Science Association (IPSA). From 2003 to 2006 he was Chair of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), from 2006 to 2009 Vice-President of IPSA. From 2010 to 2016 he has been founder and coordinator of the IPSA Summer Schools on Research Methods at the universities of Sao Paulo, Stellenbosch, Singapore, Ankara, Mexico City and
    St. Petersburg. He has been a reviewer for a greater number of national and international research foundations. He is on the editorial board of six major international journals. His research interests include political culture, empirical democratic theory, development studies, comparative politics, and comparative methodology. He is a fellow of the “Stellenbosch Institute of Advanced Studies” (STIAS), a member of the “Transformation Research Unit” (TRU) at Stellenbosch University/South Africa, and was appointed as Research Fellow at the Centre for International and Comparative Politics, Department of Political Science, University of Stellenbosch January 2018 – December 2020.

     Major publications in English are: Tradition and Change in Kenya (1984), Political Stability and Development (with Rainer Siegler 1990), Political Culture in Germany (ed. with Ralf Rytlewski 1993), Poverty and Democracy (ed. with Norbert Kersting 2003), Conditions of Authoritarianism and Democracy in Europe 1919-39, (2 vol. ed. with Jeremy Mitchell 2000 and 2002), Perspectives of Democratic Consolidation in Eastern Europe (ed. with Raivo Vetik2001)., Democratization – the State of the Art (ed.,2nd ed. 2007), Mixed Methods in Comparative Politics (2012), International Encyclopedia of Political Science (8 vol., co-ed. with Bertrand Badie and Leonardo Morlino 2011). Political Science – A Global Perspective (with Bertrand Badie and Leonardo Morlino, 2017); Handbook of Political Science (3 vol.  co-ed. with Bertrand Badie and Leonardo Morlino), 2020.

  • Bibliography

     Books and Monographs:

    Sage Handbook of Political Science (ed. with Bertrand Badie and Leonardo Morlino), 3 vol., London: Sage, 2020.

    Political Science – A Global Perspective (with Bertrand Badie and Leonardo Morlino), SAGE, London, 2017.

    Comparative Research Designs and Comparative Methods, IPSA MOOC, 2016

    Politikwissenschaft – eine grundlegende Einführung (with Theo Stammen), 8th ed., completely revised, Nomos UTB, Baden-Baden, 2013.

    Mixed Methods in Comparative Politics – Principles and Applications, Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2012.

    International Encyclopedia of Political Science (ed. with Bertrand Badie and Leonardo Morlino), 8 vol., SAGE, Los Angeles, 2011.

    Aktuelle Methoden der Vergleichenden Politikwissenschaft (with Lasse Cronqvist), Barbara Budrich Publishers, Opladen, 2012.

    Democratization – The State of the Art (ed.), Barbara Budrich Publishers, Opladen & Farmington Hills, 2nd ed., 2007.

    Armut und Demokratie (co-author and co-editor with Norbert Kersting), Frankfurt: Campus, 2000. English edition: Poverty and Democracy, ZED Books, London, 2003.

    Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, Leske-Verlag, Opladen (co-author and co-editor with Ferdinand Müller-Rommel), 4th ed., 2003.

    Authoritarianism and Democracy in Europe 1919-39. Comparative Analyses (co-author and co-editor with Jeremy Mitchell), Palgrave, London, 2002.

    Perspectives of Democratic Consolidation in Eastern Europe (ed. with Raivo Vetik), Columbia University Press, New York, 2001.

    Einführung in die Politikwissenschaft, Verlag C.H. Beck, München, 7th. edition 2003, (with Theo Stammen); Czech edition: Prague, 2000.

    Conditions of Democracy in Europe, 1919-1939 - Systematic Case Studies (Co-author and co-editor: Jeremy Mitchell), Macmillan, London, 2000.

    Perspektiven der Demokratie - Probleme und Chancen im Zeitalter der Globalisierung (ed. with Hans-Joachim Giegel), Campus Verlag, Frankfurt a.M., 1999.

    Empirische Demokratieforschung - Exemplarische Analysen, Campus Verlag, Frankfurt a.M., 1999.

    Literaturführer Politikwissenschaft (ed. with Sven Quenter) Kohlhammer, Stuttgart, 1999.

    Politikwissenschaftliche Spiegelungen (eds. with Gisela Riescher und Arno Waschkuhn),

    Festschrift für Theo Stammen, Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen, 1998.

    Parteien und Wahlen in Hessen 1946-1994, (co-edited with Alexander Fack and Thomas Noetzel), Schüren Verlag, Marburg, 1994.

    Democratisation in Africa (co-editors: Omo Omoruyi, Adesina Sambo Ada Okwuosa), 4 volumes, Hima & Hima Ltd., Benin City/Nigeria, 1994.

    Political Culture in Germany, (co-author and co-editor with Ralf Rytlewski), Macmillan Press, London, 1993.

    Politische Stabilität und Entwicklung - Eine vergleichende Analyse der Bestimmungsfaktoren und Interaktionsmuster in Kenia, Tansania und Uganda, Weltforum Verlag, Köln, 1988 (co-author with Rainer Siegler);
    English edition: Political Stability and Development: A Comparative Analysis of Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder/Col., 1990.

     Politische Kultur in Deutschland - Bilanz und Perspektiven der Forschung, PVS-Sonderheft 18, Opladen, 1987 (co-author and co-editor with Jakob Schissler).

    Tradition and Change in Kenya - A Comparative Analysis of seven Major Ethnic Groups, Verlag F. Schöningh, Paderborn, 1984.

    Politikwissenschaft in Bayern - eine Dokumentation, München, 1981 (editor).

    The Social and Economic Bases of Politics in Kenya - A Structural and Cultural Analysis, Ph.D. Thesis, University of California, Berkeley, December 1979, University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor/Mich.

    Grammatik Politikwissenschaft, Deutsches Institut für Fernstudien, Tübingen, 1976 (with H. Denzer, H. Maier and T. Stammen).

    Die Politischen Probleme der Dritten Welt, Verlag Hoffmann und Campe, Hamburg, 1972 (co-author and editor).

     Politische Kultur - eine neue Dimension politikwissenschaftlicher Analyse, Ernst-Vögel-Verlag, München, 1972.

     The Distribution of Income and Education in Kenya - Causes and Potential Consequences, Weltforum-Verlag, München, 1970.

    Journal articles:

     “Comparative Area Studies Epistemological and Methodological Foundations and a Practical Application”. Vestnik RUDN. International Relations, 2020 (2), pp. 288—302.

     “Calibrating and aggregating multi-dimensional concepts with fuzzy sets: ‘Human Development’and the quality of democracy”, Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ), Volume 26, Issue 4, November 2018, pp. 350-357.

     “The Impact of the Great Recession on Regime Change: Economic and Political Interactions”, Taiwan Journal of Democracy, vol. 11, no.1, 2015, pp. 37 – 52.

     “The Emergence of Democracy: Forces and Counter-forces”, Government and Opposition, vol. 50, no. 3, 2015, pp. 363 – 363.                                                                                                                                           

    “Armut und Demokratie in Europa – Chancen und Konflikte“, Die Österreichische Volkshochschule, 2013, pp. 5 - 9.

     “Comparative Area Studies – goldener Mittelweg zwischen Regionalstudien und universalistischen Ansätzen?”, Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, no. 1, 2012, pp. 1-16.  

     “Political Science between Vision and Reality – Lessons in Times of Crisis”, European Political Science, 10, 2011, pp. 259 – 271.

     “The Quality of Post- Communist Democracies”, Westnik Analytiki, 2010, pp. 17 – 24.

     „The Quality of Post-Communist Democracies – with some special reference to Mongolia“, Law and Politics, 2010, pp. 13 -28.

     „Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft in Deutschland – Themen, Konjunkturen, Tendenzen, internationale Einordnung“ Politische Vierteljahresschrift, vol.50, no.3, 2009, pp. 433 – 450.

     Interview, Expert Magazine, 2008, no. 45, pp. 72 – 77.

     “Neighbourhood Effects of Democratization in Europe”, Taiwan Journal of Democracy, vol.4, no.2, 2008, pp.29-45.

     “Determinants of Democratic Successes and Failures in Africa”, European Journal of Political Research, vol.47, no. 3, May 2008, pp.269 – 306.

     “Political Science in Europe: Diversity, Excellence, Relevance”, European Political Science, vol. 5, no.2, June 2006, pp. 163-170.

      “Macro-quantitative vs. macro-qualitative methods in the social sciences – an example from empirical democratic theory employing new software” (mit Lasse Cronqvist), in: Historical Social Research, vol. 30, no. 4, 2005, pp. 154-175.

     “Indicators of Democracy and Good Governance as Measures of the Quality of

    Democracy in Africa – A Critical Appraisal”, in: Acta Politica, 39, 2004, pp. 248-278.

     „The Quality of Democracies in Europe as Measured by Current Indicators of Democratization and Good Governance“, Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, Vol. 20, No. 1, 2004, pp. 1-28.

     „Comment on Welzel, Inglehart & Klingemann’s ‚The theory of human development: A cross-cultural analysis‘, in: European Journal of Political Research 42, 2003, pp. 381-386.

     „Evaluation critique des indicateurs de la démocratisation et de la bonne gouvernance“, Revue Comparée de la Science Politique, 2003.

     "Vergleichende europäische Politikwissenschaft - Ansätze einer Bestandsaufnahme" in: Politische Vierteljahresschrift, Vol. 4, 1998, pp. 829-840.

     ”Conditions of Authoritarianism, Fascism and Democracy in Inter-War Europe – A Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Analysis” International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 1998, pp. 335-377.

     “Von der Quadriga zum Fünfgespann?” Gaia-Ökologische Perspektiven in Natur-, Geistes- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften No. 2, 1997 pp. 85-87.

     „The democratisation of the political culture of Germany - a paradigmatic case“, in The School Field, Vol. 7, No.1/2, summer 1996, pp. 86-99.

     „Macro-quantitative vs. macro qualitative methods in Political Science - Problems and advantages of comparative procedures using the example of the theory of the welfare state“, (with Sven Quenter) Historical Social Research, Vol. 21, 1996, No. 1, pp. 3-25.

     „Promouvoir le développement démocratique: affiner les typologies et les outils d’analyse“ Solagral, No. 6, April 1996, pp. 61-74.

     "Conditions of authoritarianism, fascism and democracy in inter-war Europe: systematic matching and contrasting of cases for 'small n' analysis" Comparative Political Studies (with Gisèle De Meur.) 1996, pp. 423-468.

    „Marx, Weber und die politikwissenschaftliche Erforschung der Dritten Welt“, Theorie und Praxis No. 5, 1996, pp. 100-118.

     "Makro-quantitative vs. makro-qualitative Methoden in der Politikwissenschaft - Vorzüge und Mängel komparativer Verfahrensweisen am Beispiel der Sozialstaatstheorie“ (mit Sven Quenter), Politische Vierteljahresschrift, No. 1, 1996, pp. 100-118.

     „Das Scheitern der Weimarer Republik - Eine vergleichende Analyse der Bedingungen von Autoritarismus und Demokratie in Europa in der Zwischenkriegszeit“, Zeitschrift für Historische Sozialforschung, Dec. 1995.

     „Democratization in Africa - Conditions and Prospects“, State and Law, 1995, Vol. 52, pp. 37-57.

     "Conditions of Democracy in Interwar Europe. A Boolean Test of Major Hypotheses", Comparative Politics, April 1994, pp. 253-279, (with Gisèle De Meur).

     "Comparing Political Systems - Establishing Similarities and Dissimilarities", European Journal of Political Research, Vol. 26, 1994, pp. 193-219, (with Gisèle De Meur).

     "Demokratisierung in Afrika - Bedingungen und Perspektiven", Verfassung und Recht in Übersee, 27, 1994, pp. 287-308.

     "Mehrparteiendemokratie in Kenia?", Internationales Afrikaforum, No. 3, 1993, pp. 275-277.

    "Entwicklung der Politischen Kultur in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland", Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, Vol. 7, 9.2. 1990, pp. 30-46.

     "Political System-Types as Determinants of Economic and Social Development in Africa", Law and State, 1989,Vol. 40, pp. 88-119.

     "A spiral do desastre", Interview in: Veja, Sao Paulo, 27.7. 1988, pp. 5-8.

     "Democracy Advancing in the Third World?", Law and State, 1987, Vol. 35, pp. 82-92.

     "The Political Culture Debate in the Federal Republic of Germany", ASGP Journal, summer 1986, No. 12, pp. 11-27.

     "Leistungen und Fehlleistungen politischer Systeme der Dritten Welt als Kriterium der Entwicklungspolitik", Zeitschrift für Konjunkturpolitik, Vol. 31, No. 1/2, 1985, pp. 79-114.

     "Elements of Consociational Democracy in Kenya", European Journal of Political Research, No. 1, 1985, pp. 95-109.

     "Die Njonjo-Affäre - ein kenianisches Watergate", Internationales Afrikaforum, December 1984, pp. 399-403.

     "African Political Systems - Typology and Performance", Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 17, No.1, 1984, pp. 121-151.

    "Afrika zwischen Despotie und Demokratie - Bedingungen und Leistungsfähigkeit der politischen Systeme der Gegenwart", Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, supplement to "Das Parlament", B 14, April 1984, pp. 3-14.

     "Vorgezogene Neuwahlen in Kenya - das Ende des 'msaliti'?", Internationales Afrika Forum, No. 4, December 1983, pp. 381-386.

     "Kenya nach dem Putschversuch - Hintergründe und Perspektiven", Internationales Afrika Forum, No. 4, December 1982, pp. 367-376.

     "Modes and meaning of Political Participation in Kenya", Comparative Politics, Vol. 14, No. 4, July 1982, pp. 397-415.

     "Probleme der nationalen Integration eines Vielvölkerstaates am Beispiel Kenias", Politische Studien, Sonderheft Afrika, 1981, pp. 88-110.

     "Forum Politische Kultur", Politische Vierteljahresschrift, No.1, 1981, pp. 110-117.

     "Die nyayo-Wahlen in Kenia - Ergebnisse und Analysen", Internationales Afrika Forum, No.1, 1980, pp. 57-62.

     "Soziale Differenzierung und Klassenbildung in Kenia - Entwicklung und Perspektiven", Politische Vierteljahresschrift, Vol. 20, No.4, Dezember 1979, pp. 313-329.

     "Wahlen in Kenia - Demokratie in einem Entwicklungsland?", Afrika-Spektrum, Vol. 10, 1975/1, pp. 55-66.

     "Die Problematik des 'nation-building' in Afrika", Internationales Afrika Forum, July/August 1968, pp. 457-462.

    Contributions to edited volumes:

     “Introduction” (with Bertrand Badie and Leonardo Morlino), in: D. Berg.Schlosser, B. Badie, L. Morlino (eds.), Sage Handbook of Political Science, London: Sage, 2020, vol. 1, pp. 1 – 9.

     “Political Cultures”, in: D. Berg.Schlosser, B. Badie, L. Morlino (eds.), Sage Handbook of Political Science, London: Sage, 2020, vol. 2, pp. 619 – 640.

     “Long Waves and Conjunctures of Democratization” in Ch. Haerpfer/ P. Bernhagen/ Ch. Welzel/ R. Inglehart (eds.), Democratization, 2nd ed.,  Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2019, pp. 76 - 81.  

     „Le XXI siècle, théâtre d’un changement du climat politique international? La démocratie face à l’autocratie” (with Leonardo Morlino), in: Allès, Delphine, Romain Malejacq and Stéphane Paquin (eds.), Un monde fragmenté – Autour de la sociologie des Relations internationales de Bertrand Badie, Paris: CNRS Editions.

      “Methods and Summer Schools. The IPSA Experience”, in: Meisselbach, Christoph, Jakob Lempp, and Stephan Dreischer (eds.), Politikwissenschaft als Beruf – Perspektiven aus Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2018, pp. 261 – 266.

      “Aggregating a multi-dimensional concept: the quality of democracy”, in: Tomini, Luca and Giulia Sandri (eds.), Challenges of Democracy in the 21st Century. London: Routledge, 2018, pp. 29 – 50.

     “Democratic Quality and Legitimacy in the TRU Countries” (with Ursula Hoffmann-Lange), in: van Beek, Ursula (ed.), Democracy under Threat – A Crisis of Legitimacy?. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, pp. 45 – 90.

     “Comparative Methods in Transformation Research: Political Culture”, in: Merkel, Wolfgang, Raj Kollmorgen, and Hans-Jürgen Wagener (eds.), Handbook of Political, Social, and Economic Transformation. Oxford: OUP, 2019, pp. 231 - 239.

      “Comparative Area Studies - the Golden Mean between Area Studies and Universalist Approaches?”, in: Ahram, Ariel, Patrick Koellner and Rudra Sil (eds.), Comparative Area Studies – Methodological Rationales & Cross-Regional Applications, Oxford: OUP, 2018, pp. 29 – 44.

     „Bedingungen der Demokratie in Europa in der Zwischenkriegszeit – zentrale Befunde eines internationalvergleichenden Forschungsprojekts“, in: Kailitz, Steffen (ed.), Nach dem „Großen Krieg“, Göttingen: Vandenhoek & Ruprecht, 2017, pp. 181 – 216.

      “Contemporary Problems and Future Perspectives of Empirical Research on Democracy”, in: Harfst, Ph.,I. Kubbe, Th. Poguntke (eds.),  Parties, Governments and Elites – The Comparative Study of Democracy, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2017, pp- 299 – 316.

     „Epistemology and approaches: logic, causation and explanation”. In: Keman, Hans and Jan Woldendorp (eds.), Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Political Science, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishers, 2016, pp. 24 – 37.

     „Historische Entwicklungen und Grundlagen der Vergleichenden Politikwissenschaft“ in: H.-J. Lauth, M. Kneuer, G. Pickel (eds.), Handbuch Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2016, pp. 3 – 22.

     „Vergleichende Methoden in der Transformationsforschung: Politische Kultur“ in: R. Kollmorgen, W. Merkel, H.-J. Wagener (eds.), Handbuch Transformationsforschung, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2015, pp. 291 – 301.

      “In memoriam Juan Linz”, in:  H. E. Chehabi (ed.), Juan J. Linz – Scholar, Teacher, Friend, Cambridge/Mass.: Ty Aur Press, 2014, pp. 13 – 16.

     “Zur Qualität von Demokratien und ‘Governance’ im erweiterten Europa“, in: E.Wiechmann/ J. Bogumil (eds.), Arbeitsbeziehungen und Demokratie im Wandel – Festschrift für Leo Kißler, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2014, pp. 185 – 197.

     “Das Versprechen der Vergleichenden Politikwissenschaft”, in H. Buchstein (ed.), Die Versprechen der Demokratie, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2013, pp. 367-385.

     “Poverty and Democracy – Chances and Conflicts”, in:  Council of Europe, Redefining and Combating poverty – Human rights, democracy and common goods in today’s Europe, Strasbourg, 2012, pp. 217 – 229 (also in French).

     „The Impact of the Great Depression on Democracy“,in: U. van Beek/ E. Wnuk-Lipinski (eds.), Democracy under Stress – The Global Crisis and beyond, Sun Press, Stellenbosch, 2012, pp. 47 – 57.

     “Demokratietheorien und Demokratisierung: Österreich im internationalen Vergleich”, in: B. Prammer/B. Rosenberg/K. Duffek (Hg.), Die Qualität der Demokratie – Kriterien, Befunde, Herausforderungen, Edition Renner-Institut, Bd. 1, Wien, 2011, pp. 75 – 93.

     “Quality of Democracy in the Age of Globalization”,in: The Modern State and Social Security, Yaroslavl/ Russia, 2009, pp. 209 – 212.

     “Long Waves and Conjunctures of Democratization” in Ch. Haerpfer/ R. Inglehart/ Ch. Welzel/ P. Bernhagen (eds.), Democratization in a Globalized World, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2009, pp. 41-54.

     “Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) as an approach” (with G. De Meur, B. Rihoux and Ch, Ragin), in: B. Rihoux/Ch. Ragin (eds.), Configurational Comparative Methods, SAGE, London, 2009, pp. 1 – 18.

     “Comparative research design: case and variable selection” (with G. De Meur), in: B.Rihoux/Ch. Ragin (eds.), Configurational Comparative Methods, SAGE, London, 2009, pp. 19 – 32.

     “Multi-value QCA (mvQCA)” (with Lasse Cronqvist), in: B.Rihoux/Ch. Ragin (eds.), Configurational Comparative Methods, SAGE, London, 2009, pp. 69 – 86.

     “Political Culture” in: Mitra Subrata (ed.), Political Sociology, The World of Political Science Series, Opladen, Verlag Barbara Budrich ,2010, pp31-49.

     “Empirische Demokratietheorie” in: V. Mittendorf/ Th. v. Winter (eds.), Perspektiven der politischen Soziologie im Wandel von Gesellschaft und Staatlichkeit - Festschrift für Theo Schiller, VS Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2008, pp. 87 – 101.

     “European Political Science – the Role of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR)” in: Klingemann, Hans-Dieter (ed.), The State of Political Science in Western Europe,

    Barbara Budrich Publishers, Opladen, 2007, pp. 409-415.

     “Concepts, Measurements and Sub-Types in Democratization Research”, in: Berg-Schlosser, Democratization – The State of the Art, Barbara Budrich Publishers, Opladen & Farmington Hills, 2007, pp. 31-43.

     “Introduction”, in: Berg-Schlosser (ed.), Democratization – The State of the Art, Barbara Budrich Publishers, Opladen & Farmington Hills, 2007, pp. 15-30.

    „Successes and Failures of the New Democracies“, (with Axel Hadenius), in: Berg-Schlosser, Dirk (ed.), Democratization – The State of the Art, loc.cit., pp. 97-110.

     “Direct-democratic procedures as corrective mechanisms in consociational systems of for clientelistic structures – some brief remarks”, in: Pállinger, Zoltán Tibor, Kaufmann, Bruno, Marxer, Wilfried and Schiller, Theo (eds.), Direct Democracy in Europe, VS-Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2007, pp. 30-34.

     “The Quality of Post-Communist Democracy”, in: Stephen White, Judy Batt and Paul G. Lewis (eds.), Developments in Central and East European Politics 4, Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, New York, 2007, pp. 264-275.

      “Vergleich von Aggregatdaten” (mit Lasse Cronqvist) in: Sven-Uwe Schmitz und Klaus Schubert (eds.), Einführung in die Politische Theorie und Methodenlehre, Verlag Barbara Budrich, Opladen, 2006, pp. 191-208.

     “Chapter 12: Conclusions – Successful Democratization across Cultures?” in: van Beek Ursula (ed.), Democracies under Construction, van Schaik Publishers, Bloomfield Hills & Opladen, 2006, pp. 409-429.

     “Determining the Conditions of HIV/AIDS Prevalence in Sub-Saharan Africa. Employing New Tools of Macro-Qualitative Analysis” (mit Lasse Cronqvist), in: Benoît Rihoux and Heike Grimm (ed.), Innovative Comparative Methods for Policy Analysis, Springer Verlag, New York, 2006, pp. 145-166.

     „Korruption und Entwicklungsforschung“, in: U. von Alemann (Hrsg.), Dimensionen politischer Korruption, PVS-Sonderheft, VS-Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2005, pp. 311-327.

     “Makro-qualitative vergleichende Methoden“ in:S. Kropp/M. Minkenberg (eds.), Vergleichen in der Politikwissenschaft, VS-Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2005, pp.170-179.

     „Gabriel A. Almond“, in : W. Bleek/H. J. Lietzmann (eds.), Klassiker der Politikwissenschaft, Verlag C. H. Beck, München, 2004, pp. 223-236.

     „Evaluation critique des indicateurs de la démocratisation et de la bonne gouvernance“, in: Thiriot, Céline et al. (eds.), Penser la politique comparée, Paris: Karthala, 2004, pp. 249-278.

     „Erforschung der Politischen Kultur – Begriffe, Kontroversen, Forschungsstand“, in: Gotthard Breit (ed.), Politische Kultur in Deutschland, Wochenschau-Verlag Schwalbach, 3. Aufl., 2004, pp. 8-29.

      „Perspektiven der vergleichenden Politikwissenschaft (mit Ferdinand Müller-Rommel)“, in: Berg-Schlosser und Ferdinand Müller-Rommel, Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, Leske-Verlag, Opladen, 4th ed.., 2003, pp. 331-342.

     „Makro-Qualitative vergleichende Methoden“, in: Berg-Schlosser und Ferdinand Müller-Rommel, Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, Leske-Verlag, Opladen, 4th ed.., 2003, pp. 103-125.

     „Entwicklung und Stellenwert der vergleichenden Politikwissenschaft (mit Ferdinand Müller-Rommel)“, in: Berg-Schlosser und Ferdinand Müller-Rommel, Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, Leske-Verlag, Opladen, 4th ed., 2003, pp.13-28.

     “Conclusions and Perspectives”, in: Berg-Schlosser, Dirk und Norbert Kersting, (eds.), Poverty and Democracy, ZED Books, London, New York, 2003, pp. 217-222.

     “Multi-Level Analyses”, in: Berg-Schlosser, Dirk und Norbert Kersting (eds.), Poverty and Democracy, ZED Books, London, New York, 2003, pp. 181-195.

     “Kenya”, in: Berg-Schlosser, Dirk und Norbert Kersting (eds.), Poverty and Democracy, ZED Books, London, New York, 2003, pp. 50-56.

     “Poverty and Democracy. A Contradiction?”, in: Berg-Schlosser, Dirk und Norbert Kersting (eds.), Poverty and Democracy, ZED Books, London, New York, 2003, pp. 1-16.

     „Politische Kultur“, in: Eckhard Jesse and Roland Sturm (Hrsg.), Demokratien des 21. Jahrhunderts im Vergleich, Leske-Verlag, Opladen, 2003, pp. 175-202.

     "Vergleichende Politkwissenschaft im Vergleich", in: H. Kaelble and J. Schriewer ( eds.), Der

    Vergleich in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften, Campus, Frankfurt, 2003, pp. 117-140.

     „Gegenstand und Anwendungsgebiete der Politikwissenschaft“, in: Herfried Münkler (ed.),

    Grundkurs Politikwissenschaft, Hamburg, Rowohlt, 2003, pp. 55-76.

     „Konstituierungs- und Konsolidierungsbedingungen von Demokratien“, in: W. Hecker et al. (Hrsg.), Politik und Wissenschaft, Bd. 2, Münster: LIT, 2003, pp. 244-266.

     "Uganda - neokoloniale Abhängigkeit oder endogene Machtpolitik?", in: A. M. Brandstetter/D. Neubert ( eds.), Festschrift für Gerhard Grohs, Münster, 2002.

     „Introduction“, in Berg-Schlosser/Mitchell 2002, op.cit., pp. 1-4.

     „Systematic Matching and Contrasting of Cases“ (with Gisèle De Meur), in Berg-Schlosser/Mitchell 2002, op.cit., pp. 235-269.

     „Reduction of Complexity“ (with Gisèle De Meur), in Berg-Schlosser/Mitchell 2002, op.cit., pp. 270-284.

     „Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Analysis“, in Berg-Schlosser/Mitchell 2002, op.cit., pp. 285-315.

     „Implications for Theories of Democracy“, in Berg-Schlosser/Mitchell 2002, op.cit., pp. 319-323.

     „Globale Perspektiven Politischer Kulturen“, in: W. Rossade (ed.), Bedeutung des Politischen, Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen, 2002, pp. 300-314.

     „Round Table zur Geschichte des Instituts für Wissenschaftliche Politik“, chaired by Dirk Berg-Schlosser, „Autobiographische Ergänzung“, in: W. Hecker, J. Klein, H.-K. Rupp (eds.), Politik und Wissenschaft – 50 Jahre Politikwissenschaft in Marburg, vol. 1, LIT-Verlag, Münster, 2001, pp. 171-207 and. pp. 212-215.

     „Europäisierung und Internationalisierung der Politikwissenschaft“, in: Hecker/Klein/Rupp, op.cit., pp. 293-300, 2001.

     „Introduction“ in Berg-Schlosser/Vetik, 2001, op.cit., pp. 6-11.

     „Entwicklungen der Politischen Kultur in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland seit der Vereinigung“, in: A. Gourd/Th. Noetzel (eds.), Zukunft der Demokratie in Deutschland, Leske und Budrich, Opladen, 2001, pp. 264-276.

     "Belgium: Crisis and Compromise" (with G. De Meur), in: Berg-Schlosser/Mitchell, eds., 2000 op-cit., pp. 59-84.

     "Neuere Ansätze der Komparatistik in der Politikwissenschaft" in: Zima, Peter (eds.) Vergleichende Wissenschaften, Verlag Gunter Narr, Tübingen, 2000, S. 95 - 117.

     "Messungen von Demokratie: Leistungsfähigkeit, Kritikpunkte, Probleme", in: Lauth, H.-J. et al. ( eds.), Empirische Demokratiemessung, Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 2000, pp. 298-311.

     "Zur Universalität von Menschenrechten - Probleme und Grenzen", in: K. P. Fritzsche and G. Lohmann ( eds.), Menschenrechte zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit, Würzburg: Ergeen, 2000, S. 25 - 37.

     "Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft" in: Berg-Schlosser/Quenter (eds.), Literaturführer Politikwissenschaft, W. Kohlhammer Verlag, Stuttgart, 1999, pp. 133.156.

     "Politische Kultur-Forschung - Rückblick und Ausblick" in: Haberl/Kopenke Politische Deutungskulturen, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Baden-Baden, 1999, pp. 77-92.

     "Zur Universalität von Menschenrechten - interkulturelle Vergleiche" in: Sommer G., et al. (eds.), Menschenrechte und Frieden, IAFA, Marburg, 1999, pp. 26-38.

     "Empirische Voraussetzungen und allgemeine Konstituierungsbedingungen von Demokratie" und "Schlußfolgerungen und Perspektiven" in: Berg-Schlosser/Giegel Perspektiven der Demokratie, Campus Verlag, Frankfurt a.M., 1999, pp. 57-81, pp. 341-353.

     "Voraussetzungen von Demokratie" in: Berg-Schlosser/Riescher/Waschkuhn (eds.), Politikwissenschaftliche Spiegelungen, Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen, 1998, pp. 119-131.

     „Makro-qualitative vergleichende Methoden“ in Berg-Schlosser/Müller-Rommel (eds.), Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, Leske Verlag, Opladen, 4th ed., 2003, pp. 103-125.

     „Reduction of Complexity for Small-N Analysis - A systematic example from Inter-War Europe“ in: Comparative Social Research, Yearbook, Vol. 16, JAI Press, Greenwich, Conn. 1997, pp. 133-162.

     “Menschenrechte und Demokratie – universelle Kategorien oder eurozentrische Betrachtungsweise?” in: Manfred Brocker, Heino Nau (eds.), Ethnozentrismus – Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des interkulturellen Dialogs, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt 1997, pp. 289-306.

     „Why World-Wide Democratisation? A Performance Account of Democratic and Authoritarian Regimes“, in: Verma et al (ed.), Problems of Democratisation in Asia, Chandigarh, 1997.

     "Verfassungspatriotismus und Bürgergesellschaft", in B. Heidenreich and K. Böhme ( eds.), Hessen - Verfassung und Politik, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1997, pp. 414 - 426.

     „Demokratie und Entwicklung in Afrika“, in: T. Jäger/W. von Bredow (eds., Demokratie und Entwicklung. Theorie und Praxis der Demokratisierung in der Dritten Welt, Opladen, 1997, pp.77-95.

     "Warum weltweit Demokratisierung? Zur Leistungsbilanz demokratischer und autoritärer Regime" in: R. Hanisch (ed.): Demokratieexport in die Länder des Südens? Deutsches Übersee-Institut, Hamburg, 1996, pp. 93-144 (with Norbert Kersting).

     "Rudolf Wildenmann: Herrschaftsnotwendigkeit und Herrschaftskontrolle", in: Hans Karl Rupp and Thomas Noetzel (eds.), Macht, Freiheit, Demokratie, Vol. 2, Die zweite Generation der westdeutschen Politikwissenschaft, Schüren Verlag, Marburg, 1994, pp. 55-63.

    Statement for the opening ceremony of the international conference on „Problems of Democratisation in Africa“, Abuja/Nigeria, August 1992, printed in: Berg-Schlosser et al. (ed.), Democratisation in Africa, Benin City, 1994, Vol. 1, pp. 286-288.

     "Zukunft der Demokratie in Afrika und Europa", in: Demokratisierung und Entwicklung in Westafrika, Evangelische Akademie, Bad Boll, Protokolldienst 31/93, pp. 45-58.

     "Soziale und politische Dynamik", in: G. Baumhögger et al. (eds.), Reisehandbuch Ostafrika, Verlag Otto Lembeck, Frankfurt, 4. ed. 1993, pp. 769-777.

     "Les systèmes politiques en Afrique Noire: classification et évaluation", in: Pluralisme Social, Pluralisme Politique et Démocratie, Université de Tunis, Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Economiques et Sociales, Tunis 1991, pp. 137-142.

     "Ethnicity, Social Classes, and the Political Process in Kenya", in W. Oyugi, (ed.), Leading Issues in East African Politics and Administration, Nairobi 1991, pp. 244-293.

      "Sozialkulturelle Bedingungen der Interessenvertretung und der politischen Partizipation marginalisierter Bevölkerungsgruppen"(with Norbert Kersting)., in: Habitat-Projekt Abschlußbericht, Vol. 2, Marburg 1991, pp. 23-46

     "Local Government and Decentralization", in: University of Taejon (ed.), Policy Agendas of the 21st Century: Internationalization and Localization, Taejon/Korea, 1990, pp. 65-79.

     "Third World Political Systems - Classification and Evaluation 1960-1980", in: Anton Bebler and Jim Seroka (eds), Contemporary Political Systems, Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder/Col., 1990, pp. 173-201.

     "Democracy and the One-Party-State in Kenya", in: Peter Meyns and Dani Wadada Nabudere (ed.), Democracy and the One-Party-State in Africa, Hamburg, Institut für Afrikakunde, 1989, pp. 111-129.

     "Abschied von globalen theoretischen Entwürfen", in: Klaus-Peter Weiner (ed.), Weltpolitik im Umbruch, Interdisziplinäre Arbeitsgruppe Friedens- und Abrüstungsforschung, No.14, Marburg 1989, pp. 81-88.

     "Typen politischer Systeme als Determinanten wirtschaftlicher und sozialer Entwicklung in Afrika - Vergleichende Fallstudien", in: Hans-Hermann Hartwich (ed.), Macht und Ohnmacht politischer Institutionen, Opladen, 1989, pp. 252-267.

     "Conditions of Democracy in Third World Countries", in: Jukka Paastela (ed.), Democracy in the modern world- Essays for Tatu Vanhanen, Tampere, Acta Universitatis Tamperensis, 1989, pp. 131-160.

     "Three paths to Democracy in Third World countries", in: Guy Hermet und Helgio Trindade (ed.), The Paradoxes of Democracy, Delhi, Gian Publishing House, 1988, pp. 140-183.

     "Politische Systemtypen als Determinanten wirtschaftlicher und sozialer Entwicklung in Afrika - vergleichende Fallstudien", in: Manfred G. Schmidt (ed.), Staatstätigkeit - International und historisch vergleichende Analysen, Sonderheft 19, Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 1988, pp. 330-359.

     "Consecuencias macro-sociales y politicas de la hiper-inflación - algunas lecciones de la Republica de Weimar, in: Natalio Botana and Peter Waldmann (ed.), Consequencias sociales y Politicas de Alta Inflacion en Perspectiva Comparada, Buenos Aires, Editorial Sudamericana, 1988, pp. 51-73.

     "Die Konstituierung des Wirtschaftssystems", in: Becker, Josef; Stammen, Theo und Waldmann, Peter (ed.), Vorgeschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Verlag W. Fink, München, 1987, pp. 95-123.

     "Wirtschaftsordnung und Wirtschaftsentwicklung", in: Stammen, Theo (ed.), Die Weimarer Republik, Vol. I (1918-1923), Landeszentrale für Politische Bildung, München, 1987, pp. 323-343.

     "Les systèmes politiques du Tiers Monde, Classification et évaluation (1960-1980)", in: Droits, institutions et systèmes politiques - Mélanges en Hommage à Maurice Duverger, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 1987, pp. 515-531.

     "Aktuelle Aspekte der Politischen Kultur in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland", in: Otto-Benecke-Stiftung (ed.), Kulturelle Konfrontation oder interkulturelles Lernen, Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden, 1987, pp. 154-173.

       "Vormarsch der Demokratie in der Dritten Welt?", in: Betz, Joachim and Matthies, Volker (eds.), Jahrbuch Dritte Welt, 1986, München, pp. 63-74.

     "Die politikwissenschaftliche Behandlung der Dritten Welt" and "Zur Typologie afrikanischer politischer Systeme im post-kolonialen Zeitalter", in: Nuscheler, Franz (ed.), Politikwissenschaftliche Entwicklungsländerforschung, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft Darmstadt, 1986, pp. 64-73 and 184-203.

     "Zu den Bedingungen von Demokratie in der Dritten Welt" in: Nuscheler, Franz (ed.), Dritte-Welt-Forschung - Entwicklungstheorie und Entwicklungspolitik, PVS-Sonderheft 16, Opladen, 1985, pp. 233-266.

     "Kriterien und empirische Befunde zur Leistungsfähgikeit afrikanischer Staaten nach der Demokratisierung", in: Illy, Hans F. (ed.), Staat, Verwaltung und Recht in Afrika 1960-1985, Duncker und Humblot, Berlin, 1987, pp. 213-227.

     "Zur Formation endogener Bourgeoisiefraktionen in Afrika - Der Fall der 'nationalen Bourgeoisie' Kenias", in: Bruchhaus, Eva-Maria (ed.), Afrikanische Eliten zwanzig Jahre nach Erlangung der Unabhängigkeit, Schriften der Vereinigung von Afrikanisten in Deutschland, Vol. 9, Buske-Verlag, Hamburg, 1983, pp. 113-128.

     "Ludwig Erhard", in: Bernecker, Walther L. und Dotterweich, Volker (ed.), Persönlichkeit und Politik in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland - 40 politische Profile, Vandenhoeck und Rupprecht, Göttingen, 1982, pp. 113-122.

     "Afrika zwischen Despotie und Demokratie - Politische und soziale Strukturen der Gegenwart", Protokolle der Ev. Akademie Loccum, May 1982, pp. 56-74.

     "Zur Typologie afrikanischer politischer Systeme", in: Fürnrohr, Walter (ed.), Afrika im Geschichtsunterricht europäischer Länder, Minerva Publikation, München, 1982, pp. 69-90.

     "Zur Funktion von Wahlen im politischen System Kenias" in: Hanisch, Rolf und Teztlaff, Rainer (eds), Staat und Entwicklung - Studien zum Verhältnis von Herrschaft und Gesellschaft in Entwicklungsländern, Campus Verlag, Frankfurt, 1981, pp. 199-217.

     "Großbritannien", "Irland" in Stammen, Theo, Parteien in Europa, Verlag C.H. Beck, München 19782, pp. 141-160.

     "Wirtschaft und Entwicklung" in: Leifer, Walter (ed.), Handbuch Kenia, Erdmann-Verlag, Tübingen, 1977, pp. 359-376 and pp. 501-506.

     Contributions to Encyclopedias:

     “Comparative Studies: Method and Design”, in: James D. Wright (ed.), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edit., Oxford: Elsevier, 2015, vol. 4, pp. 439 – 444.

     “Great Depression”, in: J. Ciment (ed.), World Democracy Encyclopedia, Armonk/N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe Publ., 2013.

     “Political Science” (with Bertrand Badie and Leonardo Morlino), Introduction to International Encyclopedia of Political Science, SAGE, Los Angeles, 2010 .

     „Politische Kultur“, in: D. Nohlen (ed.), Kleines Lexikon der Politik, Verlag C.-H. Beck, München, 4. Aufl., 2007, pp. 428-429.

     “Authoritarianism” in: Maryanne Cline Horowitz (ed.), New Dictionary of the History of Ideas, New York, 2004, pp. 172-175.

     „Politikwissenschaft international“, in: Dieter Nohlen und Rainer-Olaf Schultze (eds.), Lexikon der Politikwissenschaft, Vol. 2, München, C.H. Beck, 4th edit., 2010, pp.771-777.

     „Demokratische Persönlichkeit“, in: Martin und Sylvia Greiffenhagen (eds.), Handwörterbuch zur Politischen Kultur der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 2nd revised edition, Opladen, Westdeutscher Verlag, 2002, pp. 85-91.

     „Politische Kultur/Kulturforschung“, in: Dieter Nohlen und Rainer-Olaf Schultze (eds.), Lexikon der Politikwissenschaft, Vol. 2, München, C.H. Beck,4th edit., 2010, pp.793-798.

    „Politische Kultur“, in: D. Nohlen (ed.), Kleines Lexikon der Politik, Verlag C.-H. Beck, München, 2001, pp. 389/90.

     "Comparative Studies - method and design" in: International Encyclopedia for the Social and Behavioral Sciences, eds. N.J. Smelser and P.B. Baltes, section No. 2.3, Elsevier, London, 2001, vol. 4, pp. 2427-2433;  Entries: "Affektiv", "Akkulturation", "Attitudes", "Civic culture", "Parochial culture", "Participant culture", "Political efficacy", "Politische Kultur", "Subject culture" in: Lexikon der Politik (ed. Dieter Nohlen), C.H. Beck Verlag, München, 1998.

     "Political Methodology: Qualitative Methods in Macropolitical Inquiry" (with Charles Ragin and Gisèle De Meur) in:Robert Goodin/Hans-Dieter Klingemann (eds.): A New Handbook of Political Science, Oxford, Oxford UP,1996, pp. 749-768).

     "Politikwissenschaft und nationale Stile" in: Dieter Nohlen und Rainer-Olaf Schultze (eds.), Lexikon der Politik, Vol. 1, Politische Theorien, Verlag C.H. Beck, München, 1995, pp. 458-467.

     "Politische Kulturforschung", in: Jürgen Kriz, Dieter Nohlen und Rainer-Olaf Schultze, (ed.), Lexikon der Politik, Vol. 2, Politikwissenschaftliche Methoden, Verlag C.H. Beck, München, 1994a, pp. 345-352. 2nd edit.

     "Die politischen Systeme der Dritten Welt in: Christliches ABC, Bad Homburg, Heft 2/90, pp. 385-398.

     "Diktatur", "Dritte Welt", und "Politischer Klientelismus", in: Görlitz, Axel and Rainer Prätorius (eds.), Handbuch Politikwissenschaft, Rowohlts Enzyklopädie, Reinbek, 1987, pp. 50-60, 60-66, 207-213.

     "Politische Kulturen", in: Nohlen, Dieter and Waldmann, Peter (ed.), Dritte Welt, Pipers Wörterbücher zur Politik, Vol. 6, München 1987, pp. 398-409.

     "Politische Kultur" in: Nohlen, Dieter (ed.), Pipers Wörterbücher zur Politik, Vol. 1, München, 1985, pp. 746-751.

     "Politische Kultur", in: Mickel, Wolfgang und Zitzlaff, Dietrich (ed.), Handlexikon zur Politikwissenschaft, Ehrenwirth Verlag, München, 1983, pp. 385-388.

     "Uganda", in: Nohlen, Dieter and Nuscheler, Franz (ed.), Handwörterbuch der Dritten Welt, Vol. 2 Afrika, Hoffmann & Campe, Hamburg, 2. ed., 1982, pp. 186-204.

     Länderbericht "Uganda", in: Munzinger Archiv, Internationales Handbuch, Vol. 34, 198

    Book Reviews:

     G.L. Munck/R.Snyder, Passion, Craft, and Method in Comparative Politics, Johns Hopkins UP. Baltimore, 2007, in: Politische Vierteljahresschrift, vol.50, no.3, 2009 pp. 666-667.

     G. de Meur/B. Rihoux, L’Analyse Quali-Quantitative Comparée (AQQC-QCA), Louvain-La-Neuve: Academia Bruylant, 2002, in: European Sociological Review, vol. 20, no. 2, April 2004, Oxford University Press.

     Doorenspleet, Renske, The Fourth Wave of Democratization – Identification and Explanation, Ph.D. dissertation, University of Leiden, 2001, in: Acta Politica, Vol. 37, 2002, pp. 428-431.

     Wolfgang Merkel, Systemtransformation, Leske und Budrich, Opladen, 1999, in: Politische Vierteljahrsschrift, No. 3, 2001.

     Ian Shapiro/ C. Hacker-Cordón ( eds.), Democracy's Edges, Cambridge, 1999, in: Democratization, 2000.

     Flora, P. ( ed.), State-Formation, Nation-Building and Mass Politics in Europe - The theory of Stein Rokkan, Oxford: OUP, 1999, in: Politische Vierteljahresschrift, no. 4, 2000, pp. 765-770.

     Larry Diamond/ Marc F. Plattner, "Civil-Military Relations and Democracy", London: The John Hopkins University Press, 1996 in: Commonwealth and Comparative Politics, Vol. 36, No. 3, 1998, pp. 142-144.

     Jürgen Hartmann, "Wozu Politische Theorie?", Opladen, Westdeutscher Verlag, 1997 in: Soziologische Revue, 1998.

     Jochen Hippler, "The Democratisation of Disempowerment", London: Pluto Press, 1995 in: Commonwealth and Comparative Politics, Vol. 35, No. 3, 1997, pp. 135-137.

     Robert Pinkney, Democracy in the Third World, Buckingham: Open University Press, 1994, in: Commonwealth and Comparative Politics, Vol. 33, No. 1, 1995.

     Peter J. Opitz (ed.), Das Weltflüchtlingsproblem - Ursachen und Folgen, München, C.H. Beck, 1988, in: Politische Vierteljahresschrift, Vol. 1, 1991, pp. 201-202.

     Guk-Yung Yi, Staat und Kapitalakkumulation in ostasiatischen Ländern: Ein Vergleich zwischen Korea und Taiwan, Saarbrücken, Breitenbach Publishers, 1988, in: German Studies, Modern Law and Society, 1990.

     Hans-Hermann Hartwich (ed.), Politikwissenschaft - Lehre und Studium zwischen Professionalisierung und Wissenschaftsimmanenz, Opladen, Leske and Budrich, 1987, in: German Studies - Modern Law and Society, Vol. 22, No.1, 1989, pp. 65-67.

     Hans Maier et al. (ed.), Politik, Philosophie, Praxis - Festschrift für Wilhelm Hennis zum 65. Geburtstag, Stuttgart, Klett-Cotta, 1988, in: Das Parlament, Vol. 6, 1989, p. 12.

     Detlef Schwefel (ed.), Soziale Wirkungen von Projekten in der Dritten Welt, Baden Baden, Nomos, 1987, in: Politische Vierteljahresschrift Vol. 4, 1989

     Wolfgang S. Heinz, Menschenrechte in der Dritten Welt, München, C.H. Beck, 1986, in: Politische Vierteljahresschrift Vol. 4, 1988, pp. 723-724.

     Wolf Michael Iwand, Paradigma Politische Kultur, Opladen, Leske and Budrich, 1985, in: Soziologische Revue, Vol. 3, 1987, pp. 308-309.

     Deutsches Übersee-Institut (ed.), Jahrbuch Dritte Welt, München, C.H. Beck, 1985, in: PVS-Literatur Vol. 1, 1986, pp. 109-110.

     Johan Galtung, Self-Reliance - Beiträge zu einer alternativen Entwicklungsstrategie, München, Minerva, 1985, in: PVS-Literatur, No. 1, pp. 93-94.

    Ekkart Zimmermann, Massenmobilisierung - Protest als politische Gewalt, Zürich, Edition Interfrom, 1983, PVS-Literatur, Vol. 1, 1985, pp. 64-66.

    Kendall L. Baker et al., Germany Transformed - Political Culture and the New Politics, Cambridge/Mass., Harvard University Press, 1981 in: PVS-Literatur, Vol. 1, 1984, pp. 74-75.

    Hartmut Deckelmann et al., Leben in einem Entwicklungsland - Beispiel Kenia, Berlin, Colloquium Verlag, 1979, in: Politische Studien, 1983.

    Peter Häberle, Erziehungsziele und Orientierungswerte im Verfassungsstaat, Freiburg, Alber, 1981;
    Dieter Nohlen, Aufbruch zur neuen Kultur - von der Verweigerung zur Neugestaltung, München, Kösel, 1982;
    Peter Reichel, Politische Kultur der Bundesrepublik, Opladen, Leske, 1981;
    Martin Greiffenhagen et al. (ed.), Handwörterbuch zur politischen Kultur der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Opladen, Westdeutscher Verlag, 1981;
    Heinz Rausch, Politische Kultur in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Berlin, Colloquium, 1980;
    Heinrich Volkmann and Jürgen Bergmann (ed.), Sozialer Protest - Studien zu traditioneller Resistenz und kollektiver Gewalt in Deutschland vom Vormärz bis zur Reichsgründung, Opladen, Westdeutscher Verlag, 1984;
    Wilfried Röhrich, Die verspätete Demokratie - Zur politischen Kultur der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Köln, Diederichs, 1983;
    Lothar Bossle and Gerhard Goldberg (ed.), Der Neokonservatismus - die Leitidee der achtzigerJahre?, Würzburg, Naumann, 1981;

    all in: "Politische Kultur der Bundesrepublik: Ansprüche und Wirklichkeit", Soziologische Revue, Vol. 4, 1984, pp. 339-347.

    Dieter Nohlen and Franz Nuscheler (ed.), Handbuch der Dritten Welt - Unterentwicklung und Entwicklung in Afrika, Hamburg, Hoffmann and Campe, 1976;
    Franz Nuscheler and Klaus Ziemer (ed.), Politische Organisation und Repräsentation in Afrika, Berlin, de Gruyter, 1978;
    Jürgen M. Werobèl-La Rochelle et al. (ed.), Politisches Lexikon Schwarzafrika, München, C.H. Beck, 1978;

    all in: Politische Studien, special edition, Vol. 1, 1981, pp. 159-164.

    Kurt Sontheimer, Die verunsicherte Republik - Die Bundesrepublik nach 30 Jahren, München, R. Piper, 1979;
    Martin and Sylvia Greiffenhagen, Ein schwieriges Vaterland - Zur Politischen Kultur Deutschlands, München, List, 1979;
    Heinz Brüggeman et al., Über den Mangel an politischer Kultur in Deutschland, Berlin, Klaus Wagenbach, 1978;
    Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann, Werden wir alle Proletarier? - Wertewandel in unserer Gesellschaft, Zürich, Edition Interfrom, 1978;
    Manfred Koch-Hillebrecht, Der Stoff aus dem die Dummheit ist - Eine Sozialpsycholgie der Vorurteile, München, C.H. Beck, 1978;

    all in: "Politische Kultur der Bundesrepublik", PVS-Literatur, Vol. 1, 1980, pp. 36-42.

    Contributions to Important Conferences, Major Lectures:

     Round Table “Innovative Methods in Political Science” (with Gary King, Max Bergman, Derek Beach and Benoit Rihoux), IPSA World Congress, Lisbon (on-line), July 2021.

     “Comparative Methods - Foundations and Recent Advances”, University of Milano (on-line), June 2021.

     “Democratic Regression in a Multidimensional Perspective: Macro-level and Micro-level Developments” (with Ursula Hoffmann-Lange), ECPR General Conference, Hamburg, August 2018.

     “The development of global political science: where do we come from and where do we go?”, University of Stellenbosch, May 2018.

     “Critical junctures for the survival or breakdown of democracies in interwar Europe”, Taiwan Foundation for Democracy, Conference on Democratic Persistence, Taipei, November 2017.

     “The IPSA Summer Schools on Concepts and Methods in Political Science”, IPSA/APSA Round Table, IPSA World Congress, Poznan, July 2016.

     “Democracy‘s thrust – conflicts and prospects”, IPSA/FLACSO summer school, Mexico City, June 2016.

     „In search of Interdisciplinary Balance: Crisis and New Relevance of the Social Sciences…“, Conference „Education and Global Cities: Horizons for Contemporary University“, St. Petersburg, May 2016.

     “The IPSA Summer Schools on Concepts and Methods in Political Science”, IPSA/APSA Round Table, APSA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, September 2015.

      “Aggregating a multi-dimensional concept: the quality of democracy”, Conference on „Assessing the quality of democracy: challenges and perspectives“, Université Libre de Bruxelles , March 2015.

     „Bedingungen der Demokratie in der Zwischenkriegszeit (Zusammenfassung zentraler Befunde)“, Technische Universität Dresden, October 2014.

     “Preparation of (social science) research proposals”, IPSA summer school, Ankara, August 2014.        

    “In memoriam Juan Linz”, Round Table, IPSA World Congress, Montreal, July 2014.

     “Democracy and its Discontents”, Round Table, ECPR General Conference, Glasgow, September 2014.

     “The Emergence of Democracy: Forces and Counter-forces”, Government and Opposition workshop, Cambridge. April 2014.

     “The Impact of the Great Recession on Regime Change”, Transformation Research Unit (TRU) workshop, Stellenbosch, April 2014.

     “Mixed Methods in Political Science – Foundations and Applications”, University of Kent at Canterbury, March 2014.

     „Aktuelle Probleme und Perspektiven der empirischen Demokratieforschung“, Universität Bonn, Januar 2014.

     “The impact of the Great Depression on democracy”, Texas A & M University, College
    Station, October 2013.

      “Political Indicators: Macro-quantitative and macro-qualitative analyses across and within political system types”, Transformation Research Initiative (TRI) workshop, Warszaw, October 2013.

     “Preparation of (social science) research proposals”, National Center of Science and Technology Evaluation, Astana/Kazakhstan, March 2013.

     “Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft – Rückblick und Ausblick”, Congress of the German Political Science Association (DVPW), Tuebingen, September 2012.

      “Calibrating and aggregating multi-dimensional socio-economic and political indices with fuzzy set scores” (with Lasse Cronqvist), APSA Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Sept. 2012.

     “The impact of the Great Depression on democracy”, TRI workshop, Stellenbosch, April 2012.

     “EBRD‘s Criteria and Methodology: What can we learn?” Workshop on Criteria and Methodology for Implementing the Political Aspects of the Mandate of the EBRD, Session 3, London, April 2012.  

     „Wandel der Politischen Kultur in Deutschland“, Akademie für Politische Bildung Tutzing, November.2011.

     “The impact of the Great Depression on democracy”, IPSA summer school, National University of Singapore, June 2011.                                                     

     „Comparative Area Studies – goldener Mittelweg zwischen Regionalstudien und universalistischen Ansätzen?“, GIGA, Hamburg, June 2011.

    “The Quality of Governance and Socio-Economic Performance”, TRI workshop, Stellenbosch, April 2011.

    “Poverty and Democracy – Chances and Conflicts”, Council of Europe, Strasbourg, March 2011.

     “Quality of Democracy in Sub-Saharan Africa”, Stellenbosch, January 2011.                  

    “Democratic Institutions in Multiethnic Societies - Theoretical background and some personal remarks”, Global Policy Forum, Yaroslavl, September 2011, „The Modern State in the Age of Social Diversity“, Section 1.

     “Quality of Democracy in Post- Communist States - or rather: Qualities of Democracy (or the lack thereof) with some special reference to Russia”, Moscow, November 2010.

     “The Quality of Democracy in Post-Communist Countries – with special reference to the Czech Republic”, Brno, October 2010.

     “Politische Kulturforschung – Hintergründe und Entwicklungen”, Akademie für Politische Bildung, Tutzing, September 2010.

     “Determinants of Democratic Successes and Failures in Africa”, Keynote Address, South African Association of Political Studies, Stellenbosch, September 2010.

     „Politikwissenschaft zwischen Vision und   Wirklichkeit – Lehren in Zeiten der Krise“,

    Vortrag anlässlich der Abschiedsveranstaltung für Prof. Dr. Theo Stammen, Universität Augsburg, Juli 2010.

     “Quality of Democracy in Post- Communist States - with some special reference to Mongolia”, Ulan Baatar, June 2010.

    “Political Science between Vision and Reality – Lessons in Times of Crisis”, Stein Rokkan Lecture, ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Muenster, March 2010.

     “Political Science between Vision and Reality – Lessons in Times of Crises”, IPSA Summer School on Concepts and Methods, University of Sao Paulo, February 2010.

     “Conditions of contemporary democracies – national specificities or universal criteria?”, Global Policy Forum, Yaroslavl/Russia, September 2009.

     “German political science as seen from abroad”, Round Table, Congress of the German Political Science Association (DVPW), Kiel, September 2009.

     “Political Science between Vision and Reality – some personal remarks”, Farewell Lecture, Philipps University Marburg, July 2009.

     "Erfolg und Scheitern von Demokratien - Erfahrungen und Perspektiven", H.D. Klingemann Lecture, University of Lueneburg, June 2008.

     “Epistemological building blocks for a universal (?) political science” , IPSA conference, Montreal , April 2008.

     “Composition of Indices, Data Bases and Time Series in Comparative Research”, Workshop on “Quantitative Methods in Comparative Analysis of Modern States”, MGIMO University, Moscow, December 2007.

     “Determinants of Democratic Successes and Failures in Africa”, Lecture at the University of Stellenbosch, March 2007.

     „Are there Universal Democratic Values across Cultures?” Round Table during the World Congress of the International Political Science Association, Fukuoka/Japan, July 2006

     “Zur Qualität von Demokratien und Governance im erweiterten Europa“, Symposium in honour of Rainer Eisfeld, Osnabrück, June 2006.

     “Quality of Democracy in Post-Communist States”, conference of the Russian Political Science Association, St. Petersburg, April 2006

     “Sustaining democracy – Experiences and Perspectives“, lecture given at the invitation of President Sampaio at the Seminar on “Pensar a Democracia”, Lisbon, November 2005.

     “Political Science in Europe – Diversity, Excellence, Relevance”, paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, September 2005

     “European Political Science- the Role of ECPR”, paper presented at the epsNet conference, Paris, June 2005

     ”Conditions of Authoritarianism, Fascism and Democracy in Inter-War Europe – A Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Analysis”, University of Essex Summer School, July 2004

    The Role of Civil Society concerning the Survival or Breakdown of Democracy in Interwar Europe, paper presented at the ODIS-Symposium on “Intermediary Structures and Democracy”, Brussels, November 29, 2003.

    Successful Democratization across Cultures – A Preliminary Synthesis of Project Findings, paper presented at the XIXth World Congress of the International Political Science Association, Research Committee 13 “Democratization in Comparative Perspective”, Durban/South Africa, July 2003.

    „Macro-quantitative versus macro-qualitative methods in the social sciences – testing empirical theories of democracy“, International Sociological Association XV World Congress, Brisbane, July 2002.

     Indicators of Democratization and Good Governance as Measures of the Quality of Democracy, paper presented in the Research Committee on Political Sociology, RC 18, Session 4: The Quality of Democracy in the 21st Century, International Sociological Association, Brisbane, July 2002.

     Globalization, Galton’s Problem and the Comparative Method – Some Notes from an Interdisciplinary Perspective, International Sociological Association XV World Congress, Brisbane, July 2002.

     "Session on 'Qualitative Comparative Analysis' ", lecture at the TMR Winter School, Louvain la Neuve/Belgium, January 2000.

     "Makro-qualitative Methoden in der Politikwissenschaft", lecture at Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, Cologne/ Germany, May 2000.

     "The Political Culture Approach - 40 Years After", lecture at an international conference at Frankfurt/ Oder, Germany, May 2000.

     "Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft im Vergleich", lecture at a conference on "Comparative Methods in the Humanities and Social Sciences", Humboldt-University, Berlin, June 2000.

     "Concepts, Measurements and Sub-Types in Democratization Research", World Congress of the International Political Science Association, Quebec/ Canada, August 2000.

     "Conditions of Authoritarianism, Fascism and Democracy in Inter-War Europe", Conference on "Dictatorship in the 20th Century" organized by the Vokswagen Foundation, Dresden/ Germany, January 1999.

     "Uganda - neokoloniale Abhängigkeit oder endogene Machtpolitik", lecture at Symposium in honour of Prof. Gerhard Grohs, University of Mainz/ Germany, June 1999.

     ”Poverty and Democracy – Contradiction or Remedy?”, lecture at the University of Stellenbosch/South Afrika, March 1998.

     "Political participation of the urban poor", lecture at the World Congress of the International Sociological Association, Montreal/Canada, August 1998.

     ”Conditions of Authoritarianism, Fascism and Democracy in Inter-War Europe – A Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Analysis”. World congress of the International Political Science Association in Seoul/Korea, August 1997.

     „Why World-Wide Democratization? A Performance Account of Democratic and Authoritarian Regimes“, Regional Conference of the Research Committee on „Democratization in Comparative Perspective“, Chandigarh/India, January 1996.

    „Krise, Kompromiß, Kollaps: Bedingungsfaktoren von Autoritarismus, Faschismus und Demokratie im Europa der Zwischenkriegszeit, Congress of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Dresden/Germany, October, 1996.

     „Crisis, Compromise, Collapse: Social and Political Reactions to the Great Depression in Europe“, Joint Workshops of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), Madrid, April 1995.

     „The Democratization of the Political Culture of Germany - A Paradigmatic Case“, Symposium „Education within Changing Patterns of Democracy”, Ljubljana, October 1995.

     "Modern Concepts of State and the Legitimation of its Authority", Conference of the Friedrich-Naumann-Foundation on "Governmental, Electoral and Party Systems in Europe: Conclusions for the Palestinian Political System", Brussels, March 1994.

     "Demokratisierung in Afrika - Bedingungen und Perspektiven", Herbert-Krüger-Memorial Lecture, Arbeitskreis für überseeische Verfassungsvergleichung, Köln, May 1994.

     "Thesen zur 'Förderung von Menschenrechten, Rechtssicherheit und Partizipation (Demokratie)'" Working Paper for the Scientific Advisory Council of the German Ministry for International Cooperation, July 1994.

     "Reduction of Complexity for Small-N Comparisons", World Congress of the International Sociological Association, Bielefeld, July 1994.

      "Crisis, Compromise, Collapse: Social and Political Reactions to the Great Depression in Europe", World Congress of the International Political Science Association, Berlin, August 1994.

     "Warum weltweit Demokratisierung? - Zur Leistungsbilanz demokratischer und autoritärer Regime", Congress of the Deutsche Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft, Potsdam, August 1994.

     "Democratization in Africa - Problems and Perspectives", University of South Africa, Pretoria, September 1994.

     "Democratization in Africa - Conditions and Prospects", ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, April 1993, Leyden/Netherlands.

     "Chancen der Demokratisierung in Afrika" lecture series on "Demokratien unter Legitimationsdruck" at the Fachbereich Gesellschaftswissenschaften und Philosophie of Philipps-Universität Marburg, 1993.

     "Conditions of Democracy in Inter-War Europe - A Data Set for Comparative Analysis", ECPR Workshops, Limerick/Irland, April 1992.

     "Opening Address" as chairman of the IPSA Study Group on "Democratization in Comparative Perspective" at the congress on "Democratization in Africa" at the Centre for Democratic Studies, Abuja/Nigeria, September 1992.

     "Regionale Politische Kultur", at the conference on "Politische Kultur und Parteienentwicklung in Nordhessen", Philipps-Universität, Marburg, November 1992.

     "Improvement of Governance" at the "German - Tanzanian Dialogue" of the foundation Wissenschaft und Politik, Ebenhausen, 1992.

     "Comparing Political Systems - An Operationalized Approach", CCC-Symposium, Philipps-Universität, Marburg, December 1992 (with Gisèle De Meur).

     "Laudatio" at the occasion of the awarding of a honorary doctorate for Prof. Juan Linz, Philipps-Universität, Marburg, December 1992.

     "Conditions of Democracy in Inter-War Europe- A Boolean Test of Major Hypotheses" (with Giséle De Meur), World Congress, International Political Science Association, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 1991.

     "Conditions of Democracy in Inter-War Europe. A Boolean Test of Major Hypotheses", Discussion Paper No. 9203, Centre d'Economie Mathématique et d'Econométrie, Brüssel 1991 (with Gisèle De Meur).

     "Multi-Case Analysis - the 'missing link' between configurative and macro-quantiative approaches", Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco/USA, August 1990.

     "Ethnicity and Class in the Political Process of Kenya", Workshop on "Leading Issues in Politics and Administration in East Africa", Nakuru/Kenia, October 1990.

     "Local Government and Decentralization", International Symposium on "Some Policy Agendas in the 21st Century: Localization and Internationalization", University of Taejon/Korea, October 1990.

     "Recent Developments in the Political Culture of Germany", Institute of Social Sciences, University of Tokyo/Japan, November 1990.

     "Classification et Evaluation des Systèmes Politiques en Afrique Noire", Colloque International sur le Pluralisme au Proche Orient, Tunis, March 1990.

     "Capitalism vs. Socialism in East Africa", discussion paper for the Workshop on "Collapse of Socialism in the Third World", European Consortium for Political Research, Bochum, April 1990.

     "Conditions of Democracy in Inter-War Europe", Study Group on "Democratization in Comparative Perspective of the International Political Science Association, Tampere/Finland, May 1990.

    "Sozialkulturelle Bedingungen der Interessenvertretung und politischen Partizipation marginalisierter Bevölkerungsgruppen in Großstädten der Dritten Welt" (selected results of the case studies of the HABITAT Research Project), (with Norbert Kersting), Philipps-Universität Marburg, May 1990.

     "Conditions of Democracy in Inter-War Europe - An Overview of Major Hypotheses and Findings", at the meeting of the research group on "Crisis, Compromise, Collapse" at the world congress of the International Sociological Association, Madrid/Spain, July 1990.

     "Crisis and compromise in Belgium in the Inter-War period" (with Gisèle De Meur), European Consortium for Political Research, Rimini, April 1988.

     "Debt, stabilization efforts, social conflicts, and democracy", Simpósio Internacional, Instituto de Estudos Avancados, Sao Paulo, July 1988.

     "Patterns of democratization in Third World countries", International Political Science Association, Washington/D.C., August 1988.

     "Typen politischer Systeme als Determinanten wirtschaftlicher und sozialer Entwicklung in Afrika - Vergleichende Fallstudien", Congress, Deutsche Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft, Darmstadt, September 1988.

     "Politische Aktionsformen und Einwirkungsmöglichkeiten urbaner marginalisierter Gruppen auf politische Entscheidungsprozesse bezüglich des Habitat-Bereichs" (with Norbert Kersting), HABITAT-Workshop, Philipps-Universität, Marburg, November 1988.

     "Consecuencias macro-sociales y políticas de la hiper-inflación - algunas lecciones de la Republica de Weimar", Instituto Torcuato di Tella, Buenos Aires, March 1987.

     "Problems of democratization in Third World countries", European Consortium for Political Research, Amsterdam, April 1987.

     "How to analyze political culture", Christian-Michelsen-Institute, Bergen, September 1987.

     "Marx, Weber und die politikwissenschaftliche Erforschung der Dritten Welt - Ansatzpunkte einer Standortbestimmung", Inaugural lecture, Philipps-Universität, Marburg, January 1986.

     "Continuities and changes in the political culture of Germany. A paradigmatic case", World Congress, International Studies Association, Anaheim/Ca., March 1986.

    "Latin American political systems - Typology and performance", European Consortium forPolitical Research, Goeteborg, April 1986.

     "The political culture debate in the Federal Republic of Germany", Annual Meeting for the Study of German Politics, University of Warwick, April 1986.

     "Kontinuitäten und Wandel deutscher Politischer Kultur", lecture at the occasion of the 125th. anniversary of Albert-Schweitzer-Gymnasium, Alsfeld, August 1986.

    "Three paths to democracy in Third World countries?", World Congress, International Sociological Association, Delhi, August 1986.

     "Acutalité de la dualité public-privé dans la societé allemande", Colloque International de la Revue Politiques et Management Public, Lyon, December 1986.

     "Models in the comparative study of political systems", European Consortium for Political Research, Barcelona, March 1985.

     "African and World Financial and Economic Institutions", Round Table, African Association of Political Science, Addis Abeba, May 1985.

     "On the conditions of democracy in Third World countries", World Congress, International Political Science Association, Paris, July 1985.

     "Kriterien und empirische Befunde zur Leistungsfähigkeit afrikanischer Staaten nach der Dekolonisierung", Africa Workshop, Hochschule für Verwaltungswissenschaften, Speyer,

    September 1985.

     "Third World Political Systems - Classification and Evaluation", Annual Meeting, American Political Science Association, Washington/D.C., September 1984.

     "Problems of population growth and population policies", Kenya-Workshop, Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation, Bonn, October 1983.

     "Afrika zwischen Despotie und Demokratie - Politische und soziale Strukturen der Gegenwart", Ev. Akademie, Loccum, May 1982.

     "Elements of Consociational Democracy in Kenya", World Congress, International Political Science Association, Rio de Janeiro, August 1982.

     "Zur Formation endogener Bourgeoisiefraktionen in Afrika - Der Fall der 'nationalen Bourgeoisie' Kenias", Annual Meeting, Vereinigung der Afrikanisten in Deutschland, Mainz, January 1982.

     "Einheit oder Zerfall der Politikwissenschaft - Ansätze einer Rekonstruktion", Inaugural lecture, Universität Augsburg, May 1980.

     "Zur Werturteilsproblematik der Sozialwissenschaften - Versuch einer Synopse", Habilitation lecture, Universität Augsburg, January 1979.

     "Social differentiation and class formation in Kenya - Past development and future perspectives", World Congress, International Political Science Association, Moskau, August 1979.

     "Rural social structures in East Africa - possible intermediary target groups for the work with small media", Internationales Institut für Medien und Entwicklung, Berlin, October 1979

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