Rocio Bueno-Roldan M. A.

Rocio Bueno-Roldan
Bueno Roldan, Rocio

Forschungsinteressen/Research Interests

  • Migration
  • Expatriates and their accompanying spouses
  • Latinxs
  • Race, critical race theory and the social construction of whiteness.
  • Qualitative Methods


  • Enterprise Consulting and Assessment - 01/2010 – 03/2010, UNIVERSIDAD REALISTICA DE MEXICO- Puebla, México; Substitute Professor


2019       PhD visitor scholar program, Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona                          
until today
PhD candidate in Sociology (migration), Philipps-Universität Marburg, Deutschland
MA of Arts in SociologyUniversity of Cincinnati, USA
MA Project Management, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
International Business, Universidad Iberoamericana, México.
Award: Merit to Work (for an outstanding thesis job)
2004 Business Administration Asheville Tech, Non-degree study and working program


2016 On-line Teaching Strategies, University of Cincinnati
2010 Entrepreneurship, La Salle, Barcelona
2005 Latin-American affaires and poverty, Universidad AUSJAL Venezuela


2016 Casanova, Erynn Masi, Leila Rodríguez Soto, and Rocío Bueno Roldan. 2016. “Informadas pero Inseguras: Resultados de una Encuesta a las Trabajadoras del Hogar en Guayaquil sobre Condiciones de Empleo y Protección Social.” Latin American Perspectives. Published.


02/2021 "Losing the MAID" an Analysis of Status Loss in the Migratory Experiences of Middle and Upper-Middle Class Mexican Expat Wives, International Sociological Association (ISA)
09/2020 The Use of WhatsApp as a Qualitative Research Tool for Geographically Dispersed Samples, N-Vivo Congress (on-line)
09/2019 “I miss my country and the woman that used to do all that”. Status loss and domestic help in the imaginary of middle and upper-middle class Mexican expat wives.Congreso Migraciones. Barcelona.
10/2015 Rusia e Iberoamérica en el mundo globalizante: historia y perspectivas, Presenting MA Thesis: Estimates of the Effects of Terrorism and the Financial Crisis on Attitudes toward Immigrants in Spain, 2000, 2007 and 2011
San Petersburg, Russia.
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