
Ausschreibungen unserer Partnerunis

Hier finden Sie aktuelle Ausschreibungen unserer Partneruniversitäten für Praktika, Workshops, Summer Schools u.v.m. 

Winter und Summer Schools

  • University of Antwerp (Belgien)

    Antwerp Summer and Winter University (Ab Februar und Juli 2024)
    For the past 14 years, Antwerp Summer and Winter University has offered specialised education to an international audience within the areas of excellence of the University of Antwerp and its partners. In 2023, Antwerp Summer and Winter University offered 28 programmes to 660 participants from 75 nationalities!
    Bewerbungsfristen variieren je nach Programm.

  • Tilburg University (Niederlande)

    Thousands of men, women and children are forced into sexual slavery or raped during conflict-situations, and/or, when fleeing conflict, are forced by human traffickers into exploitative practices en route and in the country of destination. What is done to address these crimes and are these approaches contributing to realizing justice?

    This Summer School on Justice to Victims of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence and Human Trafficking is organized by Tilburg University. It is posssible to attend in person (24 June - 5 July 2024) or online (3-17 July 2024). Students can receive 6 ECTS for this course. You can find further information about the course and registration on the Universitys' website.

    Application deadline: May 13 2024 (Summer School Tilburg University), June 05, 2023 (Summer School Online)

    Als Studierende der Uni Marburg können sie einen Discount von 10% erhalten. Es ist aber leider keine Förderung mit Erasmus+ möglich.

  • University of Ljubljana (Slowenien)

    This year there are more than 40 summer school courses from a variety of different disciplines, which offer a perfect opportunity to experience the university itself as well as the city of Ljubljana and Slovenia.  You can choose several courses at once and some are free of charge.

    For more information visit https://study.uni-lj.si/study/summerschools/