
Fachbereichskolloquium Psychologie

Dr. Daniel Quintana, University of Oslo, Norway „Transparent meta-analysis”


02. Februar 2022 16:15 – 02. Februar 2022 17:45
Termin herunterladen (.ics)


Dr. Daniel Quintana, University of Oslo, Norway

„Transparent meta-analysis”

Meta-analysis is considered by many to be the strongest form of scientific evidence, which is why it's so critical that they're performed transparently so that others can verify reported results and build on reported results in future research. In this talk, Daniel will cover the benefits of transparent meta-analysis, how to identify robust meta-analyses, and tools to conduct transparent meta-analyses. Daniel will also discuss recently developed tools for directly assessing the risk of publication bias and for effortlessly calculating the statistical power of studies included in a meta-analyses.

Die Veranstaltungen finden jeweils mittwochs, 16:15 – 17:45 Uhr online statt.
Die Vortragssprache entspricht der Sprache des jeweiligen Titels. Der Link für die Teilnahme ist: https://uni-marburg.webex.com/uni-marburg-de/j.php?MTID=me1367bd7fa4da0587672cba6b65c7024


Dr. Daniel Quintana, University of Oslo, Norway


FB 04 Psychologie
Prof. Dr. Daniel Heck
