ADHD in the Classroom
The major goal of this project is to assess and violate teachers’ generalized expectations about children with ADHD that influence their behavior towards these children which in turn impacts children’s academic achievement. Based on the ViolEx model and our research results of the first three years of the project, we identified teachers’ expectations as the most influential factor of using effective Classroom Management Strategies (CMS), and those in turn were influenced by knowledge on ADHD (Strelow et al., 2020 & 2021). We were thus able to confirm our hypothesis that teachers’ expectations about children with ADHD influence their behavior (use of CMS) according to self-report. In the second phase of the project, we now want to test those findings in an experimental paradigm to test the overarching hypothesis whether the magnitude of the expectation violation influences the probability of accommodation vs immunization. We will use the developed ADHD School Expectation Questionnaire (ASE; Dort et al., 2020; Strelow et al., 2020) to assess teachers’ expectations, their experiences and extent of contact with children with ADHD. Teachers will then participate in a virtual reality (VR) experiment where their self-reported expectations and behaviors towards children with ADHD are tested. The present study thus focuses on (1) prior experiences with children with ADHD (“conditioning trials”); (2) effects of expectation violation (i.e., children classified as having ADHD behaving self-controlled) on expectation change; (3) potential personal influences that have been shown to influence teachers’ expectations (i.e. social dominance orientation, knowledge, stress reactivity; Strelow et al., 2020 & 2021); (4) effects of teachers’ accommodation vs. immunization after expectation violation on children’s academic performance; (5) whether teachers’ who are highly certain regarding their expectations of how children with ADHD behave, tend to a biased search for information (i.e. assimilation) that confirms their ADHD expectations.
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