Themenbereiche für Abschlussarbeiten
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Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Neural Correlates of Aversification: Influence on Subsequent Choice Behavior and the Mediating Role of Neuroticism
Description of the project:
Our previous research demonstrated that fear-conditioned expectations cause objectively benign stimuli to be perceived as more aversive. Building on these findings, our upcoming study aims to explore the neural and behavioral effects of this expectation-induced ‘aversification effect.’ Specifically, we will investigate whether these aversive expectations influence the brain’s electrophysiological activity, subsequent decision-making behavior, and the mediating role of neuroticism and trait anxiety in these processes.
In this study, we will use white noise bursts of varying intensities, ranging from benign to aversive, as unconditioned stimuli (US). We will utilize EEG to investigate whether aversive expectations influence the amplitude of event-related potential (ERP) components N1 and P2, known to scale with increasing sound volume, when participants are exposed to specific US intensities, indicating aversification in brain activity. Additionally, we will explore the behavioral consequences of aversification by testing whether participants are less likely to accept a financial reward to hear the same stimulus again if it was preceded by an aversiveness-inducing cue.
We will collect comprehensive data on personality traits such as neuroticism and trait anxiety, aiming for a large enough sample to robustly assess how these traits mediate the relationship between aversive expectations and their neural and behavioral effects.
This project involves experimental work in the lab, where data collection will include EEG recordings, heart rate, startle responses, and personality questionnaires. The focus of the thesis can be tailored to the students' specific interests within the scope of the project.
The project is already in preparation and you would join two students that are already working on this project.
Thesis language: English
Supervisor: Marian Boor