Prof. Dr. Metin Üngör

Metin Üngör

Leiter, Universitätsprofessor


+49 6421 28-23670 +49 6421 28-26621 metin.uengoer@staff 1 Gutenbergstraße 18
35032 Marburg
G|01 Institutsgebäude (Raum: 01041 bzw. +1041)


Philipps-Universität Marburg Psychologie (Fb04) AG Allgemeine und Biologische Psychologie Assoziatives Lernen


Torrents-Rodas, D., Koenig, S., Uengoer, M., & Lachnit, H. (2023). The effect of prediction error on overt attention and learning in humans. Behavioural Processes, 206, 104843.

Willadsen, M., Uengoer, M., Sługocka, A., Schwarting, R. K. W., Homberg, J. R., & Wöhr, M. (2021). Fear Extinction and Predictive Trait-Like Inter-Individual Differences in Rats Lacking the Serotonin Transporter. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(13).

Torrents-Rodas, D., Koenig, S., Uengoer, M., & Lachnit, H. (2021). Evidence for two attentional mechanisms during learning. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 74(12), 2112–2123.

Donoso, J. R., Packheiser, J., Pusch, R., Lederer, Z., Walther, T., Uengoer, M., Lachnit, H., Güntürkün, O., & Cheng, S. (2021). Emergence of complex dynamics of choice due to repeated exposures to extinction learning. Animal Cognition, 24(6), 1279–1297. 

Bernal-Gamboa, R., Almaguer-Azpeitia, M., Carreón, D., Nieto, J., & Uengoer, M. (2021). Positive affective states can play the role of context to renew extinguished instrumental behavior in rats. Behavioural Processes, 187, 104376.

Torrents-Rodas, D., Koenig, S., Uengoer, M., & Lachnit, H. (2021). A rise in prediction error increases attention to irrelevant cues. Biological Psychology, 159, 108007.

Lipp, J., Draganova, R., Batsikadze, G., Ernst, T. M., Uengoer, M., & Timmann, D. (2020). Prefrontal but not cerebellar tDCS attenuates renewal of extinguished conditioned eyeblink responses. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 170, 107137.

Nieto, J., Mason, T. A., Bernal-Gamboa, R., & Uengoer, M. (2020). The impacts of acquisition and extinction cues on ABC renewal of voluntary behaviors. Learning & Memory, 27(3), 114–118.

Packheiser, J., Pusch, R., Stein, C. C., Güntürkün, O., Lachnit, H., & Uengoer, M. (2020). How competitive is cue competition? The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 73(1), 104–114.

Steiner, K. M., Jansen, S., Adeishvili, N., Hulst, T., Ernst, T. M., Müller, O., Wondzinski, E., Göricke, S. L., Siebler, M., Uengoer, M., & Timmann, D. (2020). Extinction of cognitive associations is preserved in patients with cerebellar disease. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 169, 107185. 

Uengoer, M., Klass, A., Tegenthoff, M., & Lissek, S. (2020). Test-retest reliability of response recovery after discrimination reversal learning. Behavioural Processes, 176, 104107.

Uengoer, M., Lachnit, H., & Pearce, J. M. (2020). The role of common elements in the redundancy effect. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition, 46(3), 286–296.

Uengoer, M., Lissek, S., Tegenthoff, M., Manahan-Vaughan, D., & Lachnit, H. (2020). Principles of extinction learning of nonaversive experience. Neuroforum, 0(0), 80.

Uengoer, M., Thorwart, A., Lucke, S., Wöhr, M., & Lachnit, H. (2020). Adding or removing context components equally disrupts extinction in human predictive learning. Behavioural Processes, 179, 104216.

Willadsen, M., Uengoer, M., Schwarting, R. K.W., Homberg, J. R., & Wöhr, M. (2020). Reduced emission of alarm 22-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations during fear conditioning in rats lacking the serotonin transporter. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 110072.

Livesey, E. J., Don, H. J., Uengoer, M., & Thorwart, A. (2019). Transfer of associability and relational structure in human associative learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Animal Learning and Cognition, 45(2), 125–142.

Uengoer, M., Dwyer, D. M., Koenig, S., & Pearce, J. M. (2019). A test for a difference in the associability of blocked and uninformative cues in human predictive learning. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 72(2), 222–237.

Uengoer, M., Lachnit, H., & Pearce, J. M. (2019). The fate of redundant cues in human predictive learning: The outcome ratio effect. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 72(8), 1945–1960.

Bernal-Gamboa, R., Nieto, J., & Uengoer, M. (2018). Removing but not adding elements of a context affects generalization of instrumental responses. Learning & Behavior, 46(3), 256–264.

Koenig, S., Uengoer, M., & Lachnit, H. (2018). Pupil dilation indicates the coding of past prediction errors: Evidence for attentional learning theory. Psychophysiology, 55(4), e13020.

Uengoer, M., Lucke, S., & Lachnit, H. (2018). Attention toward contexts modulates context-specificity of behavior in human predictive learning: Evidence from the n-back task. Learning & Behavior, 46(3), 320–326.

Uengoer, M., Pearce, J. M., Lachnit, H., & Koenig, S. (2018). Context modulation of learned attention deployment. Learning & Behavior, 46(1), 23–37.

Bernal-Gamboa, R., Nieto, J., & Uengoer, M. (2017). Effects of Extinction in Multiple Contexts on Renewal of Instrumental Responses. Behavioural Processes, 142, 64–69.

Koenig, S., Kadel, H., Uengoer, M., Schubö, A., & Lachnit, H. (2017). Reward Draws the Eye, Uncertainty Holds the Eye: Associative Learning Modulates Distractor Interference in Visual Search. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 11, 24.

Koenig, S., Nauroth, P., Lucke, S., Lachnit, H., Gollwitzer, M., & Uengoer, M. (2017). Fear acquisition and liking of out-group and in-group members: Learning bias or attention? Biological Psychology, 129, 195–206.

Koenig, S., Uengoer, M., & Lachnit, H. (2017). Attentional bias for uncertain cues of shock in human fear conditioning: Evidence for attentional learning theory. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11, 24.

Nieto, J., Uengoer, M., & Bernal-Gamboa, R. (2017). A reminder of extinction reduces relapse in an animal model of voluntary behavior. Learning & Memory, 24(2), 76–80.

Thorwart, A., Uengoer, M., Livesey, E. J., & Harris, J. A. (2017). Summation Effects in Human Learning: Evidence from Patterning Discriminations in Goal-Tracking. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70(7), 1366–1379.

Bustamante, J., Uengoer, M., & Lachnit, H. (2016). Reminder cues modulate the renewal effect in human predictive learning. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 80.

Bustamante, J., Uengoer, M., Thorwart, A., & Lachnit, H. (2016). Extinction in multiple contexts: Effects on the rate of extinction and the strength of response recovery. Learning & Behavior, 44(3), 283–294.

Starosta, S., Uengoer, M., Bartetzko, I., Lucke, S., Güntürkün, O., & Stüttgen, M. C. (2016). Context specificity of both acquisition and extinction of a Pavlovian conditioned response. Learning & Memory, 23(11), 639–643.

Chang, D.-I., Lissek, S., Ernst, T. M., Thürling, M., Uengoer, M., Tegenthoff, M., Ladd, M. E., & Timmann, D. (2015). Cerebellar contribution to context processing in extinction learning and recall. The Cerebellum, 14(6), 670–676.

Feldmann-Wüstefeld, T., Uengoer, M., & Schubö, A. (2015). You see what you have learned. Evidence for an interrelation of associative learning and visual selective attention. Psychophysiology, 52(11), 1483–1497.

Lengersdorf, D., Marks, D., Uengoer, M., Stüttgen, M. C., & Güntürkün, O. (2015). Blocking NMDA-receptors in the pigeon’s “prefrontal” caudal nidopallium impairs appetitive extinction learning in a sign-tracking paradigm. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 9.

Lengersdorf, D., Stüttgen, M. C., Uengoer, M., & Güntürkün, O. (2014). Transient inactivation of the pigeon hippocampus or the nidopallium caudolaterale during extinction learning impairs extinction retrieval in an appetitive conditioning paradigm. Behavioural Brain Research, 265, 93–100.

Lucke, S., Lachnit, H., Stüttgen, M. C., & Uengoer, M. (2014). The impact of context relevance during extinction learning. Learning & Behavior, 42(3), 256–269.

Hamacher-Dang, T. C., Uengoer, M., & Wolf, O. T. (2013). Stress impairs retrieval of extinguished and unextinguished associations in a predictive learning task. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 104, 1–8.

Lachnit, H., Thorwart, A., Schultheis, H., Lotz, A., Koenig, S., & Uengoer, M. (2013). Indicators of early and late processing reveal the importance of within-trial-time for theories of associative learning. PLoS ONE, 8(6), e66291.

Lissek, S., Glaubitz, B., Uengoer, M., & Tegenthoff, M. (2013). Hippocampal activation during extinction learning predicts occurrence of the renewal effect in extinction recall. NeuroImage, 81, 131–143.

Lucke, S., Lachnit, H., Koenig, S., & Uengoer, M. (2013). The informational value of contexts affects context-dependent learning. Learning & Behavior, 41(3), 285–297.

Uengoer, M., Lachnit, H., Lotz, A., Koenig, S., & Pearce, J. M. (2013). Contextual control of attentional allocation in human discrimination learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 39(1), 56–66.

Uengoer, M., Lotz, A., & Pearce, J. M. (2013). The fate of redundant cues in human predictive learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 39(4), 323–333. Featured in APA PeePs (Particularly Exciting Experiments in Psychology), Issue 9, November 14, 2013

Lotz, A., Uengoer, M., Koenig, S., Pearce, J. M., & Lachnit, H. (2012). An exploration of the feature-positive effect in adult humans. Learning & Behavior, 40(2), 222–230.

Uengoer, M., & Lachnit, H. (2012). Modulation of attention in discrimination learning: The roles of stimulus relevance and stimulus–outcome correlation. Learning & Behavior, 40(2), 117–127.

Lachnit, H., Schultheis, H., König, S., Üngör, M., & Melchers, K. (2008). Comparing elemental and configural associative theories in human causal learning: A case for attention. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 34(2), 303–313.

Üngör, M., & Lachnit, H. (2008). Dissociations among ABA, ABC, and AAB recovery effects. Learning and Motivation, 39(3), 181–195.

Üngör, M., & Lachnit, H. (2006). Contextual control in discrimination reversal learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 32(4), 441–453. 

Melchers, K. G., Lachnit, H., Üngör, M., & Shanks, D. R. (2005). Prior experience can influence whether the whole is different from the sum of its parts. Learning and Motivation, 36(1), 20–41.

Melchers, K. G., Üngör, M., & Lachnit, H. (2005). The experimental task influences cue competition in human causal learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 31(4), 477–483.

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