


Zarski, A.-C., Baumeister, H., Kählke, F. (accepted, International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology). DSM-5 Genito-Pelvic Pain/Penetration Disorder: Prevalence, Comorbidities, and Associated Factors in University Students. 

Sextl-Plötz, T., Steinhoff, M., Baumeister, H., Cuijpers, P., Ebert, D. D., & Zarski, A.-C. (2024). A systematic review of predictors and moderators of treatment outcomes in internet- and mobile-based interventions for depression. Internet Interventions, 37, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.invent.2024.100760

Freund, J., Smit, F., Lehr, D., Zarski, A.-C., Berking, M., Riper, H., Funk, B., Ebert, D. D., & Buntrock, C. (2024). A universal digital stress management intervention for employees: Health-economic evaluation alongside a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 26(e48481), 113. https://doi.org/10.2196/48481

Zarski, A.-C., Weisel, K. K., Berger, T., Krieger, T., Schaub, M. P., Berking, M., Görlich, D., Jacobi, C., & Ebert, D. D. (2024). Efficacy of an Internet- and Mobile-Based Intervention for Subclinical Anxiety and Depression (ICare Prevent) with Two Guidance Formats: Results from a Three-Armed Randomized Controlled Trial. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1159/000536149

Schulte, C., Harrer, M., Sachser, C., Weiss, J., & Zarski, A.-C. (2024). Internet- and mobile-based psychological interventions for post-traumatic stress symptoms in youth: a systematic review and meta-analysis. In npj Digital Medicine (Vol. 7, Issue 1). Nature Research. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41746-024-01042-7. 

Schulte, C., Sextl-Plötz, T., Baumeister, H., Titzler, I., Sander, L. B., Sachser, C., Steubl, L., & Zarski, A.-C. (2024). What to do when the unwanted happens? Negative event management in studies on internet- and mobile-based interventions for youths and adults with two case reports. Internet Interventions, 35, 100710. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.invent.2024.100710.

Schulte, C., Sachser, C., Rosner, R., Ebert, D. D., & Zarski, A.-C. (2024). Feasibility of a trauma-focused internet- and mobile-based intervention for youth with posttraumatic stress symptoms. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 15(1), 2364469. https://doi.org/10.1080/20008066.2024.2364469

Zarski, A.-C., Weisel, K.K., Berger, T., Krieger, T., Schaub, M.P., Moser, C.T., Berking, M., Görlich, D., Jacobi, C., Ebert, D.D. (Psychotherapy & Psychosomatics, in Druck). Efficacy of an internet- and mobile-based intervention for subclinical anxiety and depression (ICare Prevent) with two guidance formats: Results from a three-armed randomized controlled trial.

Schulte, C., Harrer, M., Sachser, C., Weiss, J., & Zarski, A. C. (2024). Internet- and mobile-based psychological interventions for post-traumatic stress symptoms in youth: a systematic review and meta-analysis. In npj Digital Medicine (Vol. 7, Issue 1). Nature Research. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41746-024-01042-7.

Schulte, C., Sextl-Plötz, T., Baumeister, H., Titzler, I., Sander, L. B., Sachser, C., Steubl, L., & Zarski, A.-C. (2024). What to do when the unwanted happens? Negative event management in studies on internet- and mobile-based interventions for youths and adults with two case reports. Internet Interventions, 35, 100710. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.invent.2024.100710

Bernstein, K., Schaub, M. P., Baumeister, H., Berking, M., Ebert, D. D., & Zarski, A.-C. shared last authorship (2023). Treating internet use disorders via the internet? Results of a two-armed randomized controlled trial. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 12(3), 803–816. https://doi.org/10.1556/2006.2023.00049

Bernstein, K., Zarski, A.-C., Pekarek, E., Schaub, M. P., Berking, M., Baumeister, H., & Ebert, D. D. (2023). Case report for an internet- and mobile-based intervention for internet use disorder. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2023.700520

Freund, J., Smit, F., Lehr, D., Zarski, A.-C., Berking, M., Riper, H., Funk, B., Ebert, D. D., & Buntrock, C. (2023). Health-economic Evaluation of a Universal Digital Stress Management Intervention for Employees Alongside a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR. https://doi.org/10.2196/preprints.48481

Bolinski, F., Kleiboer, A., Karyotaki, E., Bosmans, J. E., Zarski, A.-C., Weisel, K. K., Ebert, D. D., Jacobi, C., Cuijpers, P., & Riper, H. (2022). Challenges in Recruiting University Students for Web-Based Indicated Prevention of Depression and Anxiety: Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial (ICare Prevent). J Med Internet Res, 4(12), 1–21. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13063-018-2477-y [IF: 5.43]

Schulte, C., Zarski, A.-C.*shared first authorship, Sachser, C., Rosner, R., & Ebert, D. D. (2022). Internet- and mobile-based trauma-focused intervention for adolescents and young adults with posttraumatic stress disorder: a study protocol of a proof-of-concept feasibility study. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 13(2). https://doi.org/10.1080/20008198.2022.2101345

Zarski, A.-C., Velten, J., Knauer, J., Berking, M., & Ebert, D. D. (2022). Internet- and mobile-based psychological interventions for sexual dysfunctions: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Npj Digital Medicine, 5(1), 139. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41746-022-00670-1 [IF: 15.357]

Zarski, A.-C., Berking, M., & Ebert, D. D. (2021). Efficacy of internet-based treatment for genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder: Results of a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1037/ccp0000665 [IF: 7.396]

Irish, M., Kuso, S., Simek, M., Zeiler, M., Potterton, R., Musiat, P., …, Zarski, A.-C., ... Schmidt, U. (2021). Online prevention programmes for university students: stakeholder perspectives from six European countries. European Journal Of Public Health, 31, 64–70. https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckab040 [IF: 3.37]

Baumeister, H., Bauereiss, N., Zarski, A.-C., Braun, L., Buntrock, C., Hoherz, C., Idrees, A. R., Kraft, R., Meyer, P., Nguyen, T. B. D., Pryss, R., Reichert, M., Sextl, T., Steinhoff, M., Stenzel, L., Steubl, L., Terhorst, Y., Titzler, I., & Ebert, D. D. (2021). Clinical and Cost-Effectiveness of PSYCHOnlineTHERAPY: Study Protocol of a Multicenter Blended Outpatient Psychotherapy Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial for Patients with Depressive and Anxiety Disorders. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12(May), 1–18. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2021.660534 [IF: 4.16]

Ebert, D., Franke, M., Zarski, A.-C., Berking, M., Riper, H., Cuijpers, P., Lehr, D. (2021). Internet-based and mobile-supported stress management as a universal prevention approach - Effectiveness and moderators from a large pragmatic randomized-controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research. https://doi.org/10.2196/22107 [IF: 5.43]

Harrer, M., Apolinario-Hagen, J., Fritsche, L., Salewski, C., Zarski, A.-C., Lehr, D., … Ebert, D. D. (2021). Effect of an internet- and app-based stress intervention compared to online psychoeducation in university students with depressive symptoms - Results of a randomized controlled trial. Internet Interventions. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.invent.2021.100374 [IF: 4.33]

Furukawa, T.A., Suganuma, A., Ostinelli, E., Andersson, G., Beevers, C.G., Shumake, J., Berger, T., Boele, F., Buntrock, C., Carlbring, P., Choi, I. … Zarski, A.-C., … Miguel, C., Efthimiou, O., Karyotaki, E., Cuijpers, P. (2021). Dismantling, optimising and personalising internet cognitive-behavioural therapy for depression: A systematic review and component network meta-analysis using individual participant data. The Lancet Psychiatry, 8(6), 500-511. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S2215-0366(21)00077-8 [IF: 27.04]

Saruhanjan, K., Zarski, A. C., Bauer, T., Baumeister, H., Cuijpers, P., Spiegelhalder, K., … Ebert, D. D. (2020). Psychological interventions to improve sleep in college students: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Journal of Sleep Research, (May), 1–22. https://doi.org/10.1111/jsr.13097 [IF: 3.98]

Saruhanjan, K., Zarski, A.-C., Schaub, M. P., & Ebert, D. D. (2020). Design of a Guided Internet- and Mobile-Based Intervention for Internet Use Disorder—Study Protocol for a Two-Armed Randomized Controlled Trial. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11(March), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2020.00190 [IF: 4.16]

Weisel, K. K., Zarski, A. C., Berger, T., Krieger, T., Moser, C. T., Schaub, M. P., … Ebert, D. D. (2020). User experience and effects of an individually tailored transdiagnostic internet-based and mobile-supported intervention for anxiety disorders: Mixed-methods study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(9). https://doi.org/10.2196/16450 [IF: 5.43]

Rosner, R., Barke, A., Albrecht, B., Christiansen, H., Ebert, D. D., Lechner-Meichsner, F., Muche, R., Zarski, A.-C., Steil, R. (2020). BEST FOR CAN–bringing empirically supported treatments to children and adolescents after child abuse and neglect: study protocol. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.1080/20008198.2020.1837531 [IF: 4.07]

Hannig, W., Etzelmüller, A., Zarski, A.-C., & Ebert, D. D. (2019). Vorstellung einer internet- und videobasierten Nachsorge zur Stabilisierung stationärer Therapieerfolge in der Routineversorgung von depressiv Erkrankten. Zeitschrift Für Klinische Psychologie Und Psychotherapie, 48(1), 51–60. [IF: 0.90]

Beintner, I., Vollert, B., Zarski, A.-C., Bolinski, F., Musiat, P., Görlich, D., … Jacobi, C. (2019). Adherence Reporting in Randomized Controlled Trials Examining Manualized Multisession Online Interventions: Systematic Review of Practices and Proposal for Reporting Standards. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21(8), e14181. https://www.jmir.org/2019/8/e14181/ [IF: 5.43]

Harrer, M., Apolinário-Hagen, J., Fritsche, L., Drüge, M., Krings, L., Beck, K., Salewski, C., Zarski, A.-C. … Ebert, D. D. (2019). Internet- and app-based stress intervention for distance-learning students with depressive symptoms: Protocol of a randomized controlled trial. Frontiers Clinical Study Protocol, 10, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00361 eCollection 2019. [IF: 4.16]

Weisel, K. K., Zarski, A.-C., Berger, T., Krieger, T., Schaub, M. P., Moser, C. T., … Ebert, D. D. (2019). Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of guided and unguided internet- and mobile-based indicated transdiagnostic prevention of depression and anxiety (ICare Prevent): A three-armed randomized controlled trial in four European countries. Internet Interventions, 16, 52–64. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.invent.2018.04.002 [IF: 4.33]

Zarski, A.-C., Berking, M., Hannig, W., & Ebert, D. D. (2018). Wenn Geschlechtsverkehr nicht möglich ist: Vorstellung eines internetbasierten Behandlungsprogramms für Genito-Pelvine Schmerz-Penetrationsstörung mit Falldarstellung. Verhaltenstherapie, 28(3); 177-184. https://doi.org/10.1159/000485041 [IF: 0.74]

Zarski, A.-C., Berking, M., & Ebert, D. D. (2018). Efficacy of internet-based guided treatment for genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder: Rationale, treatment protocol, and design of a randomized controlled trial. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 22(8), 260. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2017.00260 [IF: 4.16]

Zarski, A.-C., Berking, M., Reis, D., Lehr, D., Buntrock, C., Schwarzer, R., & Ebert, D. D. (2018). Turning good intentions into actions by using the health action process approach to predict adherence to internet-based depression prevention: Secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 20(1), e9. https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.8814 [IF: 5.43]

Beecham, J., Bonin, E.-M., Görlich, D., Baños, R., Beintner, I., Buntrock, C., …, Zarski, A.-C., Zeiler, M., Jacobi, C. (2018). Assessing the costs and cost-effectiveness of ICare internet-based interventions (protocol). Internet Interventions, 16, 0–1. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.invent.2018.02.009 [IF: 4.33]

Weisel, K. K., Zarski, A.-C., Berger, T., Schaub, M. P., Krieger, T., Moser, C. T., … Ebert, D. D. (2018). Transdiagnostic tailored internet- and mobile based guided treatment for major depressive disorder and comorbid anxiety: Study protocol of a randomized controlled trial. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 4(9), 274. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2018.00274 [IF: 4.16]

Fleischmann, R., Harrer, M., Zarski, A.-C., Baumeister, H., Lehr, D., & Ebert, D. (2018). Patients’ experiences in a guided internet- and app-based stress intervention for college students: A qualitative study. Internet Interventions, 12, 130-140. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.invent.2017.12.001 [IF: 4.33]

Weisel, K. K., Lehr, D., Heber, E., Zarski, A. C., Berking, M., Riper, H., & Ebert, D. D. (2018). Severely burdened individuals do not need to be excluded from internet-based and mobile-based stress management: Effect modifiers of treatment outcomes from three randomized controlled trials. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 20(6), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.9387 [IF: 5.43]

Bolinski, F., Kleiboer, A., Karyotaki, E., Bosmans, J. E., Zarski, A.-C., Weisel, K. K., … Riper, H. (2018). Effectiveness of a transdiagnostic individually tailored internet-based and mobile-supported intervention for the indicated prevention of depression and anxiety (ICare Prevent) in Dutch college students: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials, 19(118), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13063-018-2477-y [IF: 2.28]

Karyotaki, E., Ebert, D.D., Donkin, L., Riper, H., Twisk, J., Burger, S., Rozental, A., Lange, A., Williams, A., Zarski, A.-C., … Cuijpers, P. (2018). Do guided internet-based interventions result in clinically relevant changes for patients with depression? An individual participant data meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review, 63, 80–92. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpr.2018.06.007

Zarski, A.-C., Berking, M., Fackiner, C., Rosenau, C., & Ebert, D. D. (2017). Internet-based guided self-help for vaginal penetration difficulties: Results of a randomized controlled pilot trial. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 14(2), 238–254. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsxm.2016.12.232 [IF: 3.80]

Zarski, A.-C., Lehr, D., Berking, M., Riper, H., Cuijpers, P., & Ebert, D. D. (2016). Adherence to internet-based mobile-supported stress management: A pooled analysis of individual participant data from three randomized controlled trials. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 18(6), e146. https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.4493 [IF: 5.43]

Ebert, D. D., Zarski, A.-C., Christensen, H., Stikkelbroek, Y., Cuijpers, P., Berking, M., & Riper, H. (2015). Internet and computer-based cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety and depression in youth: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled outcome trials. PLOS ONE, 10(3), e0119895 https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0119895 [IF: 2.74]

Ebert, D. D., Lehr, D., Smit, F., Zarski, A.-C., Riper, H., Heber, E., … Berking, M. (2014). Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of minimal guided and unguided internet-based mobile supported stress-management in employees with occupational stress: A three-armed randomised controlled trial. BMC Public Health, 14(807), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2458-14-807 [IF: 3.30]


Zarski, A.-C., Baumeister, H., & Ebert, D. D. (2023). Technische Umsetzung, inhaltliche Gestaltung und Implementierungsmöglichkeiten. In H. Baumeister & D. D. Ebert (Eds.), Digitale Gesundheitsinterventionen: Anwendungen in Therapie und Prävention (pp. 3–12). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-65816-1_1

Zarski, A.-C., & Velten, J. (2023). Sexuelle Funktionsstörungen. In H. Baumeister & D. D. Ebert (Eds.), Digitale Gesundheitsinterventionen: Anwendungen in Therapie und Prävention (pp. 149– 171). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-65816-1_10

Velten, J., & Zarski, A.-C. (2022). Therapie-Tools Sexuelle Funktionsstörungen. Weinheim: Beltz.

Zarski, A.-C. & Velten, J. (2021). Vaginaltraining. In M. Hautzinger & M. Linden (Eds.), Verhaltenstherapiemanual (Psychotherapie: Praxis). 9. Auflage. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer

Zarski, A.-C., Ebert, D., & Röhrle, B. (2019). Transdiagnostische Ansätze zur Prävention psychischer Störungen. In B. Röhrle, D.D. Ebert, & H. Christiansen (Eds.), Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung. Bd. VI. Entwicklungen und Perspektiven. Tübingen: DGVT-Verlag.

Ebert, D. D., Zarski, A.-C., Berking, M., & Baumeister, H. (2016). Internet- und mobilbasierte Interventionen zur Prävention und Behandlung psychischer Störungen. In F. Fischer & A. Krämer (Eds.), eHealth in Deutschland (pp. 363–381). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Vieweg.

Ebert, D.D., Tarnowski, T, Sieland, B., Zarski, A.-C., Götzky, B., Berking, M. (2014). Web-basierte Rehabilitation: Nur was für junge und hoch gebildete Rehabilitanden? In R. Deck & N. Glaser-Möller (Eds.). Reha-Nachsorge: Aktuelle Entwicklungen. Lage: Jacobs Verlag.


Zarski, A.-C., Harrer, M., Kuper, P., Sprenger, A., Berking, M., Ebert, D.D. Predicting Individualized Effects of Internet-Based Treatment for Genito-Pelvic Pain/Penetration Disorder: Development and Internal Validation of a Multivariable Decision Tree Model. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2303.08732.pdf

Velten, J., Schettgen, L., Zarski, A.-C. Exploring women's perspectives on treating hypoactive sexual desire in the context of depressive disorders: A mixed qualitative methods study using online survey and focus group methodology. https://osf.io/6f3r5

Sextl-Plötz, T., Steinhoff, M., Baumeister, H., Cuijpers, P., Ebert, D. D., & Zarski, A.-C. (submitted). A systematic review of predictors and moderators of treatment outcomes in internet- and mobile-based interventions for depression.

Zarski, A.-C., Franke, M., Berking, M., Ebert, D.D. Who benefits from an internet-based treatment approach for genito-pelvic pain-penetration disorder? Moderators of treatment outcome.

Bernstein, K., Baumeister, H., Lehr, D., Wernicke, S., Küchler, A.-M., Kählke, F., Ebert, D.D., Zarski, A.-C. Efficacy of an internet intervention versus psychoeducation for university students suffering from insomnia: A randomized controlled trial.

Zarski, A.-C., Weisel, K.K., Berger, T., Krieger, T., Schaub, M.P., Moser, C.T., Berking, M., Görlich, D., Jacobi, C., Ebert, D.D. Internet-based Indicated Prevention of Anxiety and Depression Disorder Onset: Three-Arm Randomized Clinical Trial. 


Zarski, A.-C. & Wiemer, L. E. (11/2022). Digitale Gesundheitsanwendungen in der Sexualtherapie. Vortrag auf der Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sexualmedizin, Sexualtherapie und Sexualwissenschaft (DGSMTW) e.V., Dresden, Deutschland.

Zarski, A.-C. & Weisel, K. (02/2017). Internet-based and mobile-supported interventions for mental health disorders: Online trainings for the prevention of anxiety and depression and treatment of female sexual dysfunctions in adults. Gastvortrag an der Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences der Universität Auckland, Auckland, Neuseeland.



Zarski, A.-C. & Steubl, L.S. (05/2023). How to blend? Verzahnungsmöglichkeiten digitaler Interventionen mit ambulanter Psychotherapie. 2. Deutscher Psychotherapiekongress, Berlin.

Zarski, A.-C. (05/2023). Digitalität, Intervention, Prävention. Flash Light Symposium. 2. Deutscher Psychotherapiekongress, Berlin.

Zarski, A.-C. (10/2017). Blending digital and face-to-face psychotherapy, 9. Kongress der International Society for Research on Internet Interventions (ISRII), Berlin.

Zarski, A.-C. (08/2017). M-health education and support, 31. Konferenz der European Health Psychology Society (EHPS), Padua, Italien.


Zarski, A.-C., Harrer, M., Franke, M., Kuper, P., Sprenger, A. A., Berking, M., Ebert, D.D. Wer profitiert von Online-Sexualtherapie für Genito-Pelvine Schmerz-Penetrationsstörung? 2. Deutscher Psychotherapiekongress, Berlin.

Zarski, A.-C., Weisel, K., Berger, T., Krieger, T., Moser, C., Schaub, M, Görlich, D., Berking, M, Ebert, D.D. (06/2022). Transdiagnostische Prävention von Depression und Angststörungen mit einer modularen internetbasierten Intervention - Ergebnisse einer dreiarmigen randomisiert-kontrollierten Studie. 1. Deutscher Psychotherapiekongress, Berlin.

Zarski, A.-C., Berking, M., & Ebert, D.D. (05/2019). Digital Sexual Health: Online-Behandlung für Frauen zur Bewältigung von Schwierigkeiten und Schmerzen beim Geschlechtsverkehr. Kolloquium des Departments für Psychologie, Erlangen.

Zarski, A.-C., Berking, M., & Ebert, D.D. (02/2019). Treating female sexual dysfunction online: Results of a randomized controlled trial for genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder. 9. Konferenz der International Society for Research on Internet Interventions (ISRII), Auckland, Neuseeland.

Zarski, A.-C., Berking, M., & Ebert, D.D. (09/2018). Treating female sexual dysfunctions online: Results of a randomized controlled trial for Genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder. 48. Konferenz der European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Sofia, Bulgarien.

Zarski, A.-C., Berking, M., & Ebert, D.D. (03/2018). Internetbasierte begleitete Selbsthilfe für Frauen mit Genito-Pelviner Schmerz-Penetrationsstörung: Vorläufige Ergebnisse einer randomisiert kontrollierten Studie. 30. Kongress für Klinische Psychologie, Psychotherapie und Beratung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Verhaltenstherapie, Berlin.

Zarski, A.-C., Weisel, K., Berking, M., Ebert, D.D., & ICare Consortium (08/2017). Internet- and mobile-based interventions for mental health promotion. 31. Konferenz der European Health Psychology Society (EHPS), Padua, Italien.

Zarski, A.-C., Berking, M., & Ebert, D.D. (07/2017). Internet-based guided self-help for vaginal penetration difficulties. Results of a randomized controlled pilot trial and implementation of derived recommendations in a follow-up randomized controlled study. 43. Konferenz der International Academy of Sex Research (IASR), Charleston, USA.

Zarski, A.-C., Berking, M., & Ebert, D.D. (09/2016). Efficacy of a guided internet-based intervention for Genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder: Preliminary results. 4. Konferenz der European Society for Research on Internet Interventions (ESRII), Bergen, Norwegen.

Zarski, A.-C., Fackiner, C., Rosenau, C., Berking, M., & Ebert, D.D. (08/2016). An internet-based guided self-help intervention for vaginismus: Results of a pilot randomized controlled trial. 30. Konferenz der European Health Psychology Society (EHPS) and the British Psychological Societal Division of Health Psychology, Aberdeen, Schottland.

Zarski, A.-C., Lehr, D., Riper, H., Buntrock, C., Berking, M., & Ebert, D.D. (10/2015) Motivational and volitional predictors of adherence in internet interventions: An application of the health action process approach. 3. Konferenz der European Society for Research on Internet Interventions (ESRII), Warschau, Polen.

Zarski, A.-C., Ebert, D.D., Heber, E., Riper, H., Lehr, D., & Berking, M (09/2015). Wirksamkeit eines onlinebasierten Trainings zur Stressbewältigung mit Unterstützung eines eCoaches auf Anfrage. Eine randomisiert-kontrollierte Studie bei hoch beanspruchten Berufstätigen. 9. Konferenz der Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie (AOW), Mainz.

Zarski, A.-C., Berking, M., Lehr, D., Riper, H., & Ebert, D.D. (05/2015). Adhärenz bei internet- und smartphonebasiertem Stress-Management in Abhängigkeit der Intensität und Art des Coachings: Eine gepoolte Analyse individueller Teilnehmerdaten aus drei randomisiert-kontrollierten Studien. 9. Workshopkongress für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie und dem 33. Symposium der Fachgruppe für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie der DGPs, Chemnitz.

Zarski, A.-C., Lehr, D., Berking, M., Riper, H., Cuijpers, P., & Ebert, D.D. (11/2014). Predictors of adherence to a web-based stress-management intervention. Medicine 2.0 Konferenz: Social Media, Mobile Apps, and Internet/Web 2.0 in Health, Medicine, and Biomedical Research, Lahaina (HI), USA.

Zarski, A.-C., Lehr, D., Berking, M., Riper, H., Cuijpers, P., & Ebert, D.D. (10/2014). Predictors of adherence to web-based stress-management. 7. Konferenz der International Society for Research on Internet Interventions (ISRII), Valencia, Spain

Zarski, A.-C., Lehr, D., Berking, M., Riper, H., Cuijpers, P., Ebert, D.D. (09/2014). Wie viel Coaching braucht es tatsächlich in internetbasierten Gesundheitsinterventionen für belastete Arbeitnehmer? Ergebnisse von 3 unabhängigen randomisiert-kontrollierten Studien mit unterschiedlicher Coaching-Intensität. 49. Konferenz der DGPs, Bochum.

Zarski, A.-C., Fackiner, C., Rosenau, C., Berking, M., & Ebert, D.D. (10/2013). Vaginismus-Free: Efficacy of an online-based, guided self-help program for vaginismus. 2. Konferenz der European Society for Research on Internet Interventions (ESRII), Linköping, Schweden.


Zarski, A.-C., Berking, M., & Ebert, D.D. (05/2019). Biopsychosoziales Störungsmodell für die Genito-Pelvine Schmerz-Penetrationsstörung- eine qualitative Analyse subjektiver Entstehungsfaktoren. 37th Symposium of the Section for Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), Erlangen, Germany.

Zarski, A.-C., Berking, M., & Ebert, D.D. (11/2017). CBT-based guided online self-help for female sexual pain/penetration disorder. Results of a randomized controlled pilot trial and preliminary results of a follow-up RCT. 51st Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT), San Diego (CA), USA.

Zarski, A.-C., Berking, M., & Ebert, D.D. (10/2017). Internet-based guided self-help for Genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder. Results of a randomized controlled pilot trial and preliminary results of a follow-up RCT. 9. Kongress der International Society for Research on Internet Interventions (ISRII), Berlin.

Zarski, A.-C., Berking, M., & Ebert, D.D. (08/2017). Internet-based guided self-help for Genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder. Results of a randomized controlled pilot trial and preliminary results of a follow-up randomized controlled trial. 31. Konferenz der European Health Psychology Society (EHPS), Padua, Italien.

Zarski, A.-C., Berking, M., & Ebert, D.D. (05/2017). Wenn Geschlechtsverkehr nicht möglich ist: Vorstellung eines internetbasierten Behandlungsprogramms für Genito-Pelvine Schmerz-Penetrationsstörung anhand eines Fallberichts. 35. Symposium der Fachgruppe für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Chemnitz.

Zarski, A.-C., Lehr, D., Riper, H., Buntrock, C., Berking, M., & Ebert, D.D. (10/2016). Is motivation the key? An application of the health action process approach to explain and predict adherence in internet interventions. 8. Kongress der International Society for Research on Internet Interventions (ISRII), Seattle, Washington, USA.

Zarski, A.-C., Rosenau, C., Fackiner, C., Berking, M., & Ebert, D.D. (05/2016). Eine internetbasierte begleitete Selbsthilfeintervention zur Bewältigung von Vaginismus: Ergebnisse einer randomisiert-kontrollierten Proof-of-Concept Studie. 34. Symposium der Fachgruppe für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Bielefeld.

Zarski, A.-C., Riper, H., Christensen, H., Berking, M., Cuijpers, P., Stikkelbroek, Y., & Ebert, D.D. (05/2014). Internet- und computerbasierte kognitive Verhaltenstherapie für depressive Symptomatik und Angstsymptome bei Kindern und Jugendlichen: Eine Meta-Analyse randomisiert-kontrollierter Studien. 32. Symposium der Fachgruppe für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Braunschweig.


Videointerview mit Multi-Gyn.de (05/2017) über internetbasierte Behandlung bei sexuellen Funktionsstörungen.

Interview Brigitte Online (02/2017): „Vaginismus - Wenn Sex zur Qual wird.“

Interview Edition F (09/2016): „Schmerzen beim Sex - Häufig treten Ängste auf, welche die Betroffenen sehr belasten.“

Interview Bild der Frau (04/2016): „Schmerzen beim Sex: Penetrationsstörung bei Frauen.“