Invitation to Marburg, 20.–24.08.2025

International Conference of the European Society of Women in Theological Research (ESWTR)
How to achieve sustainable justice?
¿Cómo lograr una justicia sostenible? (en español)
Wie kann nachhaltige Gerechtigkeit erreicht werden? (auf deutsch)
The core message of many religions and social movements is justice as work of love, space of salvation and message of justification. Justice is a task towards the neighbor and a vision of a divine space of shalom, which stimulates spiritual activists in equal measure. But what is just has to be discussed, adjusted and determined again and again. Around gender justice and LGBTIQ*, around racism and colonialist heritage as well as around the redefinition of the relationship between humans, fellow creatures and nature, intense debates about justice and its sustainable establishment are taking place. What can be a religious, what a feminist-theological and what a feminist-spiritual answer to these challenges from the perspective of different religions and denominations? What are the key tasks for the future?