Dr. Zohreh Zehbari

Wiss. Mitarbeiterin


zohreh.zehbari@ 1 Biegenstraße 11
35032 Marburg
B|11 Kunstgebäude


Philipps-Universität Marburg Geschichte und Kulturwissenschaften (Fb06) Klassische Archäologie

Wissenschaftliche Schwerpunkte:

Archäologie Vorderasiens von achämenidischer bis sasanidischen Zeit

Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang:

  • 2019: PhD: University of Tehran, Iran
    PhD’s dissertation subject: Study on the Specialization of the Non-Persian Artists in the Art of the Achaemenid Empire Based on Archaeological and Written Evidence
  • 2017-2020: Gastwissenschaftler an der Freien Universität Berlin
  • 2012: Master of Art: University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Iran
    Master’s Thesis subject: Study on pottery samples of Achaemenid site, Dahan-E Gholaman

Laufende Forschungen:

  • Achaemenidische Kunst und Archäologie
  • Die Persepolis-Archive 
  • Sassanidische Kunst und Archäologie
  • Archäologie des Persischen Golfs
  • Keramikforschung von der Eisenzeit bis zur Sassanidenzeit


1) Buchkapitel:

  • Zohreh Zehbari, 2024. “The Goldsmiths, Who Wrought the Gold, Those Were Medes and Egyptians: An Investigation of the Goldsmiths in the Achaemenid Period.” In: Kār-nāmag ī Pārsa (Studies from the Persepolis World Heritage Site), edited by Hamid Fadaei, Soheil Delshad, Mehrnaz Bordbar, and Mohammad Jawad Owladhussein, 161-192. Tehran: Parthava Publications (in Persian).
  • Zohreh Zehbari, 2021. “On the Participation of Egyptian Artists in Achaemenid Art.” In: Bridging the Gap: Disciplines, Times, and spaces in Dialogue, Sessions 1, 2, and 5 from the Conference Broadening Horizons 6 Held at the Freie Universität Berlin, 24–28 June 2019, 59-79. https://www.archaeopress.com/Archaeopress/Products/9781803270944.
  • Zohreh Zehbari, 2019. “neshanehaye ensanrikht(?) bar mohr va sofalhaye Dahan-e Gholaman: arzyabi chand farziyeh.” In: Dahan-e Gholaman shahri hakhamaneshi dar jonube sharghi Iran (Dahan-e Gholaman Achaemenid City in Southern Iran), edited by S.M.S. Sajjadi, 187-222. Aryaramna Press. (In Persian).
  • Dehpahlavan, M. Zohreh Zehbari, I. Mostafapour, and H. Zifar, 2017. “kavosh-e Qareh Teppe-ye Segzabad ba tamarkoz bar laye-ha-ye asr ahan III va hakhamaneshi? (fasl-e dovvom).” In: Gozaresh’haye panzdahomin gerdehamaee salaneh bastanshenasi Iran (the 15th report of annual symposium of Iran archaeology), edited by : Hamideh Chowbak, 210-217. (In Persian).
  • Alizadeh, F., R. Mehr Afarin, R. Shirazi, and Zohreh Zehbari, 2014. “tabaghebandi, gunehshenasi va moghayese-ye gunehshenakhti-ye sofalha-ye ashkani-ye Makran jonubi.” In: Proceeding of the international congress of young archaeologist, edited by M.H. Azizi Kharaneghi, M. Khani poor, and R. Naseri, 419-436. University of Tehran. (In Persian).
  • Zohreh Zehbari, R. Mehr Afarin, S. R. Moosavi Haji, and F. Alizadeh, 2014. “A comparison with Pottery of Dahan-e Gholam and Pottery of the western of Iran.” In: Proceeding of the international congress of young archaeologist, edited by M.H. Azizi Kharaneghi, M. Khani poor, and R. Naseri, 367-378. University of Tehran. (In Persian).

2) Zeitschriftenartikel:

  • Zohreh Zehbari, 2022. “Les cités royales Au centre de L’empire Perse.” égypte afrique & orient 107: 37-48.
  • Zohreh Zehbari, 2020. “The Borazjan Monuments: A Synthesis of Past and Recent Works.” Arta 2020.002. http://www.achemenet.com/pdf/arta/ARTA_2020_002_Zehbari.pdf.
  • Sajjadi S.M.S. and Zohreh Zehbari, 2018. “Dahaneh-ye Qolaman: building number 15.” Acta Iranica 58 (L'Orient est son jardin: Hommage à Rémy Boucharlat): 403-414.
  • Zohreh Zehbari, 2017. “Zarfe sangi ba a’araye morghabi az Dahane Gholaman, Sistan.” Bastan Pazhui 18-19: 142-144. (In Persian).
  • Zohreh Zehbari, R. Mehr Afarin, and S. R. Moosavi Haji, 2015. “Studies on the structural characteristics of Achaemenid pottery from Dahan-e Gholaman.” Ancient Near Eastern Studies 52: 217-259.
  • Zohreh Zehbari, R. Mehr Afarin, and S. R. Moosavi Haji, 2015. “moarefi-ye livan-ha-ye boomi-ye mohavate-ye Dahaneh-ye Gholaman.” Payam Bastan shenas 22: 57-77. (In Persian).
  • Zohreh Zehbari, K. Alamdari, 2014. “Mo’arefi asare sakhre’ee ba karbari tadfini az Boyer Ahmad.” Jelve Honar 11: 53-64. (In Persian).
  • Zohreh Zehbari and R. Mehr Afarin, 2013. “motale’ey-e tatbighi san’at-e sofalgari-ye shargh-e Iran ba howze-ye Fars dar dore-ye hakhamanehi, nemune-ye moredi: Dahan-e Gholam.” Honar va fan 1: 21-34. (In Persian).
  • Ehsan (Esmaeel) Yaghmaee with contribution by Zohreh Zehbari, 2013. “Gouyom va Beiza; neshane’haye parakandeh az chand sazeh Hakhamaneshi dar Fars.” Bastan pazhuhi 7, nos. 14-15: 82-87. (In Persian with English abstract).
  • Zohreh Zehbari and R. Shirazi, 2011. “Study on archaeobotany in archaeology.” Iran e-Bastan 2: 3-10. (In Persian).

3) Buchrezension:

  • Zohreh Zehbari, 2021. Review of ‘CHAVERDI, A.A., and P. CALLIERI — Persepolis West (Fars, Iran). Report on the field work carried out by the Iranian-Italian Joint Archaeological Mission in 2008- 2009. (S2870). Hadrian Books Ltd., Oxford, 2017. Bibliotheca Orientalis 78, no. 3-4: 515-518.

4) Online-Enzyklopädieeintrag:

  • Zohreh Zehbari, 2023. “Charkhāb, Borāzjān.” In: The Archaeological Gazetteer of Iran: An Online Encyclopedia of Iranian Archaeological Sites, edited by UCLA. Available from https://irangazetteer.humspace.ucla.edu/catalogue/charkhab-%DA%86%D8%B1%D8%AE%D8%A7%D8%A8/.
  • Zohreh Zehbari, 2023. “Bardak Siāh, Borāzjān.” In: The Archaeological Gazetteer of Iran: An Online Encyclopedia of Iranian Archaeological Sites, edited by UCLA. Available from https://irangazetteer.humspace.ucla.edu/catalogue/bardak-siah-%D8%A8%D8%B1%D8%AF%DA%A9-%D8%B3%DB%8C%D8%A7%D9%87/.

Herausgeberschaft im Druck:

  • Zohreh Zehbari, Alexander Nagel, and Judith Thomalsky, eds. Proceedings of the Symposium “Working on Stones in the Achaemenid Empire: Methods, Theories and Techniques (AMIT 52), in press. Berlin.

Artikel im Druck:

  • Zehbari, Zohreh. “Achaemenid Quarrymen and Stone Quarries.” In: Proceedings of the Symposium Working on Stones in the Achaemenid Empire: Methods, Theories and Techniques (AMIT 52), edited by Zohreh Zehbari, Alexander Nagel, and Judith Thomalsky. In press. Berlin.
  • Zehbari, Zohreh, and Sahrokh Razmjou. “Investigating Achaemenid Stoneworking in the Palatial Structures of Borāzjān.” In: Proceedings of the Symposium Working on Stones in the Achaemenid Empire: Methods, Theories and Techniques (AMIT 52), edited by Zohreh Zehbari, Alexander Nagel, and Judith Thomalsky. In press. Berlin.

Angenommene Artikel:

  • Zehbari, Zohreh. Forthcoming. “The Men, Who Wrought the Metals: On Achaemenid-era Metalworkers Based on Persepolis Tablets.” Iran: Journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies.
  • Zehbari, Zohreh. Forthcoming. “On the Ceramics from Dāhāneh-ye Gholāmān: Form and Function.” In: Proceedings of the Achaemenid Pottery Workshop, edited by Kai Kaniuth and Wouter Henkelman.
  • Zehbari, Zohreh, Nasrolla Ebrahimi, and Mehrdad Parsaei Borazjani. Forthcoming. “Dehqaed, a Lesser-Known Sasanian Centre in the Borazjan Plain, Southern Iran.” In: NEA Volume on Iranian Archaeology, edited by Megan Cifarelli and Karim Alizadeh. Oxbow.
  • Zehbari, Zohreh, Nasrolla Ebrahimi, and Mehrdad Parsaei Borazjani. Forthcoming. “The Sasanian Institutional Landscape in Borazjan as Seen Through Water Management.” In: Institutional Landscape of Empire in Ancient Iran, edited by Stefan Hauser, Wouter Henkelman, and Giuseppe Labisi. The Iranian Highlands Series.


  • Kashan University, Iran, Department of archaeology, course: Archaeological drawing and documentation (winter 2014).
  • Kashan University, Iran, Department of archaeology, course: Archaeological drawing and documentation (winter 2015).
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