Migrants and Membership Regimes in the Ancient Greek World

Projekt Website: www.migrantsandmembership.org

Förderung: Independent Research Fund Denmark
Projektleiter: Prof. Dr. Christian Ammitzbøll Thomsen (University of Copenhagen)
Teilprojekt Foreign Cults and Female Agency: Dr. Sabine Neumann (Philipps-Universität Marburg)
Weitere Projektbeteiligte:
Maja Rechendorff Møller M.A. (PHD Candidate, University of Copenhagen)
Dr. Paul Vădan (Postdoc, University of Copenhagen)

Migration was an important feature of the ancient Greek world and practically every Greek city was home to people who had migrated (including involuntarily) from elsewhere in the Greek world and beyond—or were the descendants of immigrants. Migrants and Membership Regimes in the Ancient Greek World (400 BCE - 100 CE) joins researchers from Marburg and Copenhagen Universities in investigating how rules, regulations, values and attitudes shaped the immigrant experience and how such 'membership regimes' were themselves affected by migration.
Thomsen, C. A. 2018. ’The ”Thirteenth” Deme of Lindos’ in Nowak, M. (ed.), Tell Me Who You
Are: Labeling Status in the Graeco-Roman World. Studia źrółoznawcze. U schyłku starożytności 16. 283-306
Neumann, S. 2021. 'The agency of migrant women in cults of the Graeco-Egyptian deities in Hellenistic and Roman Athens' in A. Lätzer-Lasar, S. Neumann, J. Steinhauer (ed.), Beneath the surface: Re-negotiating gendered agency (in preparation)