Hintz, F., Dijkhuis, M., van ’t Hoff, V., Huijsmans, M., Kievit, R.A., McQueen, J.M., & Meyer, A.S. (in Revision). Evaluating the factor structure of the Dutch Individual Differences in Language Skills (IDLaS-NL) test battery. Brain Research. [Preprint]
Hintz, F. & Momenian, M. (in Revision). Domain-general processing speed is involved in structural assembly but not lexical access during spoken language production. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.
Hintz, F., Huijsmans, M., & Huettig, F. (eingereicht). Literacy enhances spoken word recognition: Evidence for online recruitment of orthographic knowledge in a strongly interactive mind?. Cognition.
Registered Reports
Hintz, F., Strauß, A., Khoe, Y.H., Holler, J. (Stage 1, in principle acceptance). Language prediction in multimodal contexts: The contribution of iconic gestures to anticipatory sentence comprehension. Cortex. [Preprint]
Funk, J., Huettig, F., & Hintz, F. (Stage 1, in principle acceptance). The role of presentational timing in acquiring novel written and spoken word forms. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. [Preprint]
Bethke, S., Meyer, A.S., & Hintz, F. (im Druck) The German Auditory & Image Vocabulary test (GAudI): A new German receptive vocabulary test and its relationship to other tests of linguistic experience. PLoS One.
Bethke, S., Monen, J., Rinsma, T., Trilsbeek, P., Meyer, A.S., & Hintz, F. (2024). IDLaS‐DE – A Web-based Platform for Running Customized Studies on Individual Differences in German Language Skills. OSF.