Forschungsstand zum Rückwärtssprechen
Die Literatur über das Rückwärtssprechen ist relativ übersichtlich. Die wichtigsten Publikationen können Sie hier finden.
- Black, J. W. (1973). The “Phonemic” Content of Backward-Reproduced Speech. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 16(2), 165-174.
- Brown, E. C., Muzik, O., Rothermel, R., Matsuzaki, N., Juhász, C., Shah, A. K., et al. (2012). Evaluating reverse speech as a control task with language-related gamma activity on electrocorticography. NeuroImage, 60(4), 2335-2345.
- Cocchi, R., Pola, M., Sellerini, M., Tosaca, P., & Zerbi, F. (1986). Mirror speaking after neurosurgery. A case history. Acta neurologica Belgica, 86(4), 224-232.
- Cowan, N., Braine, M. D. S., & Leavitt, L. A. (1985). The phonological and metaphonological representation of speech: Evidence from fluent backward talkers. Journal of Memory and Language, 24(6), 679-698.
- Cowan, N., & Leavitt, L. A. (1982). Talking backward: exceptional speech play in late childhood*. Journal of Child Language, 9(2), 481-495.
- Cowan, N., Leavitt, L. A., Massaro, D. W., & Kent, R. D. (1982). A Fluent Backward Talker. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 25(1), 48-53.
- Jokel, R., & Conn, D. (1999). Case Study: Mirror reading, writing and backward speech in a woman with a head injury: a case of conversion disorder. Aphasiology, 13(6), 495-509.
- Jungclaus, A. (2002). Rückwärtssprechen. Norderstedt: Diplom.DE.
- Kellogg, E. W. (1939). Reversed Speech. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 10(4), 324-326.
- Kreiner, D. S., Altis, N. A., & Voss, C. W. (2003). A Test of the Effect of Reverse Speech on Priming. The Journal of Psychology, 137(3), 224-232.
- Prekovic, S., Đurđević, D. F., Csifcsák, G., Šveljo, O., Stojković, O., Janković, M., et al. (2016). Multidisciplinary investigation links backward-speech trait and working memory through genetic mutation. Scientific Reports, 6(1), 20369.
- Rami, M. K., & Diederich, E. (2005). Effect of reading with reversed speech on frequency of stuttering in adults. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 100(2), 387-393.
- Roverud, E., Bradlow, A. R., & Kidd, G. (2020). Examining the sentence superiority effect for sentences presented and reported in forwards or backwards order. Applied Psycholinguistics, 41(2), 381-400.
- Saberi, K., & Perrott, D. R. (1999). Cognitive restoration of reversed speech. Nature, 398(6730), 760-760.
- Segawa, J., Masapollo, M., Tong, M., Smith, D. J., & Guenther, F. H. (2019). Chunking of phonological units in speech sequencing. Brain and Language, 195, 104636.
- Torres-Prioris, M. J., López-Barroso, D., Càmara, E., Fittipaldi, S., Sedeño, L., Ibáñez, A., et al. (2020). Neurocognitive signatures of phonemic sequencing in expert backward speakers. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 10621.