Welcome to the Tonight Show Xmas Special 2024!

Dear speech scientist, linguist, colleague, student or friend,
You are cordially invited to the Christmas Special of the Tonight Show on Wednesday 18th December 2024.
It is a great honour to have as our special guest: Professor Ruth Bahr, University of South Florida.
In this Christmas Special, host Gea de Jong-Lendle is going to ask questions she has always wanted to ask and Ruth Bahr is going to provide details she has always wanted to share.
Time: 18:00h (Marburg time, UTC+1)
Link: https://webconf.hrz.uni-marburg.de/n/rooms/q7n-mdh-zix-cuu/join
No need to sign up, just join the session. We are using the open-source service BigBlueButton (BBB). You may want to familiarize yourself with the service, e.g., by looking at the tutorial linked here (LINK). If you want to ask question, you can open your camera. If you do not mind, please choose the "high definition" setting.
Afterwards we hope to meet you for a drink, any drink you like, in the good old Gathertown. Everyone in Marburg can join us later at the Christmas Market.
Link Gathertown: https://app.gather.town/invite?token=yNJVOovE
There is space for questions from the public. Any questions.
Please send your suggestions to: dejong@staff.uni-marburg.de
Looking forward to seeing you there!
The Marburg-Team