05.06.2018 Neue Buchpublikation: Exploring the Selfie

Vor kurzem ist ein von Julia Eckel, Jens Ruchatz und Sabine Wirth herausgegebener Sammelband zum Thema Selfies und digitale Fotografie erschienen, der auf eine am Institut für Medienwissenschaft veranstaltete, internationale Tagung zurückgeht:
- Exploring the Selfie. Historical, Theoretical, and Analytical Approaches to Digital Self-Photography
Editors: Eckel, Julia, Ruchatz, Jens, Wirth, Sabine (Eds.)
Palgrave McMillan, 2018

Abstract: This volume explores the selfie not only as a specific photographic practice that is deeply rooted in digital culture, but also how it is understood in relation to other media of self-portrayal. Unlike the public debate about the dangers of 'selfie-narcissism', this anthology discusses what the practice of taking and sharing selfies can tell us about media culture today: can the selfie be critiqued as an image or rather as a social practice? What are the technological conditions of this form of vernacular photography? By gathering articles from the fields of media studies; art history; cultural studies; visual studies; philosophy; sociology and ethnography, this book provides a media archaeological perspective that highlights the relevance of the selfie as a stereotypical as well as creative practice of dealing with ourselves in relation to technology.