Ass. Prof. Dr. Heidi Bayoumy

English Arts and Literature
Cairo University, Egypt
Education and work experience
Currently - Assistant Professor for Drama, Cultural Studies and Translation at the Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts, Cairo University.
Currently - Working at the Technical Offi ce of Cairo University’s President.
May 2018 - now Director of International Agreements Division at the International relations Office at Cairo University
Dec. 2018 - now Director of Humanities and Social Sciences at the International Relations Office, Cairo University
2017 - now DAAD GERSS reviewer
2016 Certified Professional International Trainer from Missouri State University, US, in 2016
2015 - now Coordinator of International Relations at the Faculty of Arts, Cairo University
June 2015 Doctor of Philosophy (Drama and Children’s Literature) Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts, Cairo University
October 2010 Master of Arts (Major: Drama/Comaprative Literature) Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts, Cairo University
June 2006 Preliminary year of Master’s degree (Major; English Literature) Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts, Cairo University
Bayoume, Heidi Mohamed, Mazhar, Amal Ali and Heba Hassan El- Abbadi. “The Genie of the Lamp“: A Study of the Role of the Genie in Samir Abdul Baqi‘s Play Aladdin‘s Dream.” Cairo Studies, (2013).
Bayoume, Heidi, Mazhar, Amal and Heba Hassan El- Abbadi “The Dragon Stole the Sun”: An Ecocritical Reading of the Role of the Dragon in Sandy Asher’s Thunder Mountain.” Hermes, 4/2 (April 2015).
Bayoumy, Heidi. “Viewing Apartheid and Black Suff ering through the Eyes of Children: A Critical Study of Beverley Naidoo’s Journey to Jo’burg.” Proceedings of Voices of/from Africa, 15-17, Cairo University, November, 2016.
Bayoumy, Heidi. “The Power of Eating/The Eating of Power: A Semiotic Analysis of Eating in Virgilio Piñera‘s Play The Thin Man and the Fat Man.” Proceedings of Visions of Change: New Perspectives in Linguistics, Literature and Translation, Helwan University. April 2016.
Bayoumy, Heidi. “Who Am I?”: A Study of the Effect of Memory on the Self in Krapp’s Last Tape and Death of the Clown.” The International Journal of Literary Humanities, Vol. 16, Issue 4. 2018.
Bayoumy, Heidi. A Study of the Role of Creatures in Plays and Films for Children. Saarbrucken, Germany: Noor Publishing, 2017.