Promotionen & Habilitationen
Laufende (Arbeitstitel)
Al-Shatnawi, Baker: Double Consciousness and the Matter of Split Identity in Leila Ahmed’s A Border Passage and Toufic El Rassi’s Arab in America (Betr.: Birkle)
Bendiola, Marie Jude: Understanding Digital Immigration in the Age of the Internet: A U.S.-American Global Perspective (Betr.: Birkle)
Bolanca-Lowman, Elvira: American Immigrant Literature (Betr.: Birkle)
Fackiner, Wulf Gero: Boxing in American Literature (Betr.: Birkle)
Farid, Aziza Abdelsalam: Arab and Muslim Americans in the Detroit Metropolitan Area and Segmented Assimilation (Betr.: Birkle)
Fels, Carmen: Narratives of Identity and Metamorphosis in Jeffrey Eugenides’s Middlesex: A Transgenerational Study of Twenty-First-Century American Experience
Garlepow, Linnea: "Regional Boudaries in Cyberspace" (Betr.: Kreyer)
Ge, Yuwei: Leaning in and Moving Forward: Female Leadership in Legal and Political Professions in the United States (Betr.: Birkle)
Hamlaoui, Sihem: Information and Communication Technology in Higher Education in the MENA Region
Hanneder, Helena: Writing Revisions and the Progress of German Learners of English: A Corpus-Based Study (Betr.: Kreyer)
Hartmann, Laura: Sisterhood Beyond Borders (AT) (Betr.: Birkle)
Heinsch, Patrick: Synergieeffekte beim Einsatz humanoider Roboter im Geschäftsalltag (Betr.: Handke)
Hoeck, Sandra: Selling Beauty: A Linguistic-Communicational Investigation of the Female Beauty Ideal of Advertising Campaigns in an International Comparison (Betr.: Birkle)
Hoffmann, Tim: Error Annotation for Learner Corpora (Betr.: Kreyer)
Holmes-Rein, Aoife: Data-Driven Learning in (Learner) Corpus and Non-Corpus-Informed Grammar Instruction (Betr.: Götz-Lehmann)
Kashefolhagh, Maryam: Indentity Construction and Transformation through Immigration in the Literature of Female Iranian American Authors in the Diaspora (Betr.: Birkle)
Kimpel, Imke: Dramaturgical Concepts in the Early Modern Period: Shakespeare and Beyond
Kircili, Kathrin: "Non-Canonical Syntax in Learner Languages: A Contrastive Interlanguage Analysis" (Betr.: Götz-Lehmann)
Koch, Christina Maria: Patient Lines: Understanding Illness Experience in and through Graphic Narratives (Betr.: Birkle)
Kraft, Carmen: "Sociolinguistic variation in Third Language Acquisition: the effects of multilingualism and migration background in the German EFL classroom" (Betr.: Götz-Lehmann)
Liu, Xiayu: "Cognitive Processes in L2 fluency: An experimental approach" (Betr.: Götz-Lehmann)
Meimei, Jia: Detecting a Quantum Shift: On American Memetic Television and Cultural Evolution (Betr.: Birkle)
Müller, Julia: The Monster Next Door: American Serial Killers from the 1950s until Today (Betr.: Birkle)
Nafisy, Firoozeh: A Culturalist Approach towards Linguistics and Curriculum Design in the Process of Teaching and Learning English as Foreign Language and Culture (Betr.: Birkle)
Raeisian, Mona: The Rumpelstiltskin Effect: Identity and Ideology in Contemporary American Police Procedural. (Betr.: Birkle)
Rejitha, Parrvathee: “Stories of Lost Self: Looking at Dehumanization, Identity Crisis, and Racism through Cancer Performance Narratives” (Betr.: Birkle)
Rueß-Stoll, Rita: Males and Quilting in Selected North American Prose (Betr.: Birkle)
Said, Walaa' AbdelAziz: Empowering a Dystopian Subaltern: A Comparative Study
Salman, Mehtap: Fantasy Literature (Betr.: Birkle)
Schaub, Steffen: The Development of Syntactic Complexity in Intermediate Learners of English (Betr.: Kreyer)
Tschirner, Philine: "Complexity Development of Intermediate German Learners of English: A Longitudinal Corpus Analysis" (Betr. Götz-Lehmann)
Wang, Ying (Jasmine): Amid a Polarized America: Searching for the Cultural Roots of Polarization among Chinese Americans (Betr.: Birkle)
Weber, Katharina: Assistenzrobotik in der Hochschullehre (Betr.: Handke)
Weinreich, Johannes: The Literary Democracy of Mark Twain and William Dean Howells: Fiction and Fact at the Intersection of Popular Literature, Culture, and Political Theory during the Gilded Age in the United States of America (Betr.: Birkle)
Zeaiter, Sabrina: Das Robotikum – MINT-Förderung für Schülerinnen und Schüler (Betr.: Handke)
Zhou, Miaoxi: Motherhood in U.S.-American Women’s Writing from the 1960s to the 1990s (Betr.: Birkle)
Zürz-Bösherz, Christina: Categories of Hunger in Suzanne Collins’s Hunger Games Trilogy (Betr.: Birkle)
Abgeschlossene (seit 2000)
Grünschloß, Maya: Lost Doesn't Mean Alone - Small-Group Dynamics amongst Adolescents in 20th-Century Anglophone Novels (Betr.: Kuester)
Koch, Christopher: Collocational Sequences in World Englishes: A Corpus-driven Approach to Variationist Models (Betr.: Kreyer)
Chakroun, Sana: A Comparative Study of Conflict Management in United Nations Security Council Resolutions from a pragmatic perspective: The Palestinian Cause and the Arab Spring as case studies. (Betr.: Kreyer)
Wagner, Diana: Seeing and Perceiving: Embodied Intersubjectivity, Masks, and Gender Politics in Siri Hustvedt’s Work (Betr.: Birkle)
Güldenring, Barbara: Conceptual Metaphors in New Englishes: A Corpus-based Approach to Cognitive Contact Linguistics (Betr.: Kreyer)
Ullmann, Stefanie: Talking About a Revolution: A Corpus-Based Enquiry into the (Ab)Use of Linguistic Conceptualisations in Social and Political Discourse (Betr.: Kreyer)
Wang, Xiaohui: Culture in the Novels of Henry James. (Betr.: Birkle)
Fober, Magdalena:Vom (Über)schreiben imaginatorischer Grenzen: Darstellungen des Konzentrationslagers Auschwitz in der amerikanischen Literatur
Lenz, Katja: Lexical Appropriation in Australian Aboriginal Literature
Li, Qianqian: Settling down in a Foreign Country: A Comparison between U.S. and German Immigration Policies and Their Consequences
Rojek, Janina: Tracing Seriality: The Quality Debate and Late Nineteenth-Century Magazine Fiction
Bauer, Carolina:From tendency to feature: The development of anti-Catholicism in early modern English drama
Schäfer, Anna Maria: Erkennung und Korrektur von Aussprachefehlern
Kestermann, Nora: The American Pastoral and Its De-Idealization in Two Contemporary American Novels: Philip Roth's American Pastoral and Cormac McCarthy's The Road
Langwald, Sylvia: Diasporic Generationality: Identity, Generation Relationships and Diaspora in Selected Novels from Britain and Canada
Heil, Johanna:An Inquiry into Knowing: Narratives, Sciences, and Works of Art in Richard Powers’s Fiction
Lohöfer, Astrid: Ethics and Lyric Poetry: Language as World-Disclosure in French Symbolism and Canadian Modernism
Schmidt, Silke: (Re-)Framing the Arab/Muslim: Mediating Orientalism in Contemporary Arab American Life Writing
Ulm, Marco: Dialogizing the Monologic in First Nations Literature:Bakhtinian Reading of Thomas King and Joseph Boyden
Unger, Tobias: Ein Ansatz zur Erweiterung von linguistischen E-Learning Kursen durch dehypertextualisierte Lerninhalte
Radu, Anca Raluca:Intertextuality in English-Canadian Artist Novels
Franke, Peter: Designing Embodied Interactive Software Agents for E-Learning: Principles, Components, and Roles
Freiesleben, Sonja: Imperial Desire and the Canadian North: Constructing the Arctic in Nineteenth-Century British Exploration Writing and Twentieth-Century Canadian Literature
Neuhaus, Mareike: "That's Raven Talk": Holophrastic Readings of Contemporary Aboriginal Literature
Sandrock, Kirsten: Gender and Region in a Dialogical Age: Canadian Maritime Fiction in English by Contemporary Women
Schiffhauer, Mark: From Wilderness to Environment: The Role of 'Nature' in Western American Historiography from Frederick Jackson to Donald Worster and the New Western History
Callies, Marcus: Information Highlighting and the Use of Focusing Devices in Advanced German Learner English: A Study of the Syntax-Pragmatics Interface in Second Language Acquisition
Fenske, Claudia: Muggles, Monster, Magier: Eine Literaturwissenschaftliche Analyse der Romanserie 'Harry Potter'
Keller, Wolfram: Selves and Nations: The Troy Story from Sicily to England in the Middle Ages
Müller, Anette: London as a Literary Region: The Portrayal of the Metropolis in Contemporary Postcolonial British Fiction
Chen, Long: Lexical Strategies of Chinese Learners of English in L1-L2 Translation
Michaelis, Heike:Darwinismus und literarischer Diskurs in England am Beispiel von George Eliot und Thomas Hardy
Handwerker, Claudia: New Technologies and Higher Education in Germany: A Field Study and Comparison
Quennet, Fabienne: Where 'Indians' Fear to Tread: A Postmodern Reading of Louise Erdrich's North Dakota Quartet
Gries, Stefan Th: Towards a revision of most corpus-linguistics statistics: Rethinking frequency, dispersion, association, keyness, and more (Betr.: Götz-Lehmann)
Heil, Johanna: Becoming-Body: Technologies of the Self and Freedom in American Modern Dance. (Betr.: Birkle)
Schmidt, Silke: The (2+x) Cultures Conversation: A Pragmatic Reading of Management in Text. (Betr.: Birkle)