Dr. Juliane Gamböck-Strätz

Wiss. Mitarbeiterin


+49 6421 28-24357 juliane.gamboeck-straetz@ 1 Wilhelm-Röpke-Straße 6
35032 Marburg
W|02 Geisteswissenschaftliche Institute (Raum: 01F01 bzw. +1F01)

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Erasmus Koordination
Als Austauschstudierende, die beim Institut für Amerikanistik und Anglisik ankommen, können Sie mich bei Fragen gern über kontaktieren.

  • Lebenslauf

    Seit 05/2023: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Philipps-Universität Marburg (Arbeitsgruppe Prof. Dr. Carmen Birkle, Lehrstuhl für Nordamerikanische Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft)

    03/2017-03/2023: Promotion im Fach Amerikanische Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft, Dissertation „Corporeal Battlegrounds. Laboring Bodies and Capitalist Realism“

    12/2022-04/2023: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Institut für Angewandte Informatik e.V., Leipzig 

    03/2017-06/2022: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Universität Mannheim, Lehrstuhl für Amerikanische Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft

    05/2016-0/2018: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Universität Potsdam, Lehrstuhl für Amerikanische Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft

    2016: Master of Arts (English), Clark University, Worcester, MA, USA 

    2015: Master of Education(Englisch/Lebensgestaltung-Ethik-Religionskunde), Universität Potsdam 

    2012: Bachelor of Education (Englisch/Lebensgestaltung-Ethik-Religionskunde), Universität Potsdam 

  • Publikationen

    Gamböck-Strätz, Juliane. Corporeal Battlegrounds. Laboring Bodies and Capitalist Realism. Universitätsverlag Winter, 2023. 

    Strätz, Juliane. “Revolt Through Passivity? Getting High and Staying in with Ottessa Moshfegh’s My Year of Rest and Relaxation.” SPELL. Work: The Labors of Language, Culture, and History in North America, edited by J. Jesse Ramírez and Sixta Quassdorf, Narr Francke Attempto Verlag, 2021, pp. 99-120, https://elibrary.narr.digital/book/10.24053/9783823395027. 

    Strätz, Juliane. “The Ordeal of Labor and the Birth of Robot Fiction.” Amerikastudien/American Studies, vol 62, no. 4, Universitätsverlag Winter, 2017, pp. 633-48, http://www.jstor.org/stable/45134297.
    Strätz, Juliane. „The Struggle of Being Alive: Laboring Bodies in Paolo Bacigalupi’s The Windup Girl.” COPAS, vol 18, no. 1, 2017, http://dx.doi.org/10.5283/copas.279.

    Chapters in Edited Collections 
    Strätz, Juliane. “Subverting Late Capitalist Comfort. Affective Connections in Deepak Unnikrishnan’s Temporary People.” Comfort in Contemporary Culture. The Challenges of a Concept, edited by Dorothee Birke and Stella Butter, Transcript Verlag, 2020, pp. 137-52, https://doi.org/10.14361/9783839449028-008. 

    Editorial Work 
    Since 2023: Associate editor of Amerikastudien/American Studies 

  • Konferenzbeiträge und Gastvorträge

    12/2023: “The Flows of Everyday Life and Forcefully Subtle Instances of Disruptions,” Myths of Disruption, TU Dresden

    10/2023: “Aesthetics of Disorientation,” Kolloqium American Studies, Universität Mannheim 

    07/2022: ““’Give (the) Body a Chance to Be the Smart One’ – Rediscovering Practical Knowledge with Madeline ffitch’s
    Stay and Fight,” Workshop: Embodiments of Truth? An Intersectional Approach, Universität Erfurt

    11/2021: “Revolt Qua Passivity in Ottessa Moshfegh’s novel My Year of Rest and Relaxation,” SANAS Konferenz: Work: The Labors of Language, Culture, and History, Universität St. Gallen

    06/2021: “The Making of Indebted Women,” Workshop: Embodied Knowledges & the Failures of Neoliberal Work Culture, Universität Mannheim

    03/2020: “Confronting Late Capitalist Ease: New Affective Communities in Deepak Unnikrishnan’s Temporary People,” 51st Annual NeMLA Convention, Boston, MA, USA

    06/2019: “Helping the Underutilized Workforce? Self-Help and the Integration of Neurodivergent People,” 66th Annual Meeting of the German Association for American Studies, Universität Hamburg

    04/2019: “Speed and the Fragility of the Worker – Cultures of Work and Ableism in Joshua Ferris’ The Unnamed,” Posthuman Economies. Literary and Cultural Imaginations of the Postindustrial Human, Universität Basel

    12/2018: “Ruptured Bodies, Fractured Lives – Migrant Labor in Unnikrishnan’s Temporary People,” Challenging Comfort as an Idea(l) in Contemporary Literature and Culture, Universität Koblenz/Landau

    11/2018: “Disabling Mobility – Cultures of Work in Joshua Ferris’ The Unnamed,” 45th Austrian Association for American Studies Conference, Wien, Österreich

    07/2018: “Inventing the Ideal Laborer? The Tragic Fate of the Female Android in Paolo Bacigalupi’s The Windup Girl,” Gastvortrag, Universität Potsdam

    01/2018: “Humans as Information-Processing Machines? Virtual Labor and the Rematerialization of Bodies” Internationaler Workshop: From Human to Posthuman? Ethical Inquiry, Zürich, Schweiz

    06/2017: “Virtual Labor and the Rematerialization of Bodies,” 64th Annual Conference of the German Association for American Studies, Leibniz Universität Hannover

    10/2016: “The Struggle of Being Alive: laboring Bodies in Paolo Bacigalupi’s The Windup Girl,” GAAS Postgraduate Forum, Universität Hamburg

    03/2016: “Instagram and the Human Body. Between Visual Pleasure and Visual Pressure,” 47th Annual NeMLA Convention, Hartford, CT, USA

    Workshop- und Konferenzorganisation: 
    06/2021: Workshop: Embodied Knowledges & the Failures of Neoliberal Work Culture, mit Roman Bischof, Universität Mannheim

    10/2018: Internationale Konferenz: Laboring Bodies and the Quantified Self, mit Ulfried Reichardt, Regina Schober, und Stefan Danter, Universität Mannheim

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