Prof. Dr. Sandra Götz-Lehmann
+49 6421 28-24735 sandra.goetzlehmann@ 1 Wilhelm-Röpke-Straße 635032 Marburg
W|02 Geisteswissenschaftliche Institute (Raum: 08D01A bzw. +8D01a)
Philipps-Universität Marburg Fremdsprachliche Philologien (Fb10) Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik (IAA)Publikationen
Zu den Publikationen im ForschungsinformationssystemThe Team
This is the Didactics and Linguistics of the English Language team.
currently not occupied
Work Experience
since 2020 Associate Professor Didactics and Linguistics of the English Language ("Sprachdidaktik und Sprachwissenschaft des Englischen"), Philipps University, Marburg 2016-2020 Akademische Oberrätin in English Linguistis, Justus Liebig University, Giessen 2014-2016 Tenured Senior Lecturer (Akademische Rätin) in English Linguistics, Justus Liebig University, Giessen 2012-2014 Senior Lecturer (Akademische Rätin a.Z.) in English Linguistics, Justus Liebig University, Giessen Spring 2009 Teaching Assistant, Macquarie University, Sydney 2006-2012 Research Assistant in English Linguistics, Justus Liebig University, Giessen International Short-Term Research/Teaching Stays
09/2019 Visiting Scholar at the English Department, University of Turku, Finland (by invitation) 03/2019 Visiting Scholar at Macquarie University, Sydney
(DAAD PPP mobility)04/2017 Visiting Scholar at the English Department, Charles University, Prague
(ERASMUS+ staff mobility)08/2013 Visiting Scholar at the English Department, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
(DAAD ISAP mobility)03/2013 Visiting Scholar at the Institute of Language and Communication (Centre for English Corpus Linguistics), Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium (ERASMUS+ staff mobility) 03/2012 Visiting Scholar at the English Department, University of Ghana, Legon
(DAAD ISAP mobility)2009 Visiting scholar and fieldwork at Macquarie University, Sydney (spring term February-May)
(MQ-RES & DAAD scholarships)2008 Visiting scholar and fieldwork at Macquarie University, Sydney (spring term February-May)
(MQ-RES scholarship)2002-2003 Exchange student at the University of California, Los Angeles
(EAP scholarship)Academic Education
2011 PhD in English Linguistics / European Languages with a dissertation on "Fluency in Native and Nonnative English Speech" (Cotutelle-PhD of Justus Liebig University, Giessen & Macquarie University, Sydney) 2006 M.A. "Language Technology and Foreign Language Teaching and Learning" at Justus Liebig University, Giessen 2004 B.A. "English and American Language, Literature, and Culture" (minors: applied informatics, Spanish) at University of Bayreuth & University of California, Los Angeles Memberships and Activities
since 2021 Co-Editor of the International Journal of Learner Corpus Research (IJLCR) since 2014 Member of the Scientific Committee of the Teaching and Language Corpora Conference (TaLC) since 2011 Member of the International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME) 2014-2022 Board Member of the Learner Corpus Association (LCA) 2013-2020 Book Review Editor of the International Journal of Learner Corpus Research (IJLCR) 2009-2011 Member of the International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC) 2007-2020 Member of the Center for Media and Interactivity (ZMI), Section 3: Educational Linguistics 2006-2013 Coordination of the Research Network Educational Linguistics Publications
Monographs, Edited Volumes and Special Issues
- Götz, Sandra & Granger, Sylvaine (eds) (2024): International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 10(1): Special issue on "Learner Corpus Research for language-pedagogical purposes".
- Leńko-Szymańska, Agnieszka & Sandra Götz (eds) (2022): Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency in Learner Corpus Research. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Götz, Sandra & Joybrato Mukherjee (eds) (2019): Learner Corpora and Language Teaching. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Deshors, Sandra C., Sandra Götz & Samantha Laporte (eds) (2018): Corpus-Linguistic Perspectives on Linguistic Innovations in Non-Native Englishes. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins. [reprint of Deshors, Götz & Laporte (eds) (2016)]
- Deshors, Sandra C., Sandra Götz & Samantha Laporte (eds) (2016): International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 2(2): Special issue on "Corpus-Linguistic Perspectives on Linguistic Innovations in Non-Native Englishes".
- Callies, Marcus & Sandra Götz (eds) (2015): Learner Corpora in Language Testing and Assessment. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Götz, Sandra (2013): Fluency in Native and Nonnative English Speech. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Dose, Stefanie, Sandra Götz, Thorsten Brato & Christiane Brand (eds) (2010): Norms in Educational Linguistics: Linguistic, didactic and cultural perspectives - Normen in Educational Linguistics: Sprachwissenschaftliche, didaktische und kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
Articles and Book Chapters
To Appear
- Gerlach, David, Sandra Götz & Tino Schreiber (to appear): "Anne was 7 years old and lived in a pretty liddle house - Assessing narrative competencies in written narrative texts from English language classrooms". In: Nora Bennitt, Daniel Becker & Katharina Delius (eds), Lerner*innentexte im Fremdsprachenunterricht : Theorie, Konzepte, Praxis.
- Götz, Sandra (to appear): "Learner Corpora and Data-Driven Learning". In: Lee McCallum & Dara Tafazoli (eds), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Computer Assisted Language Learning. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Götz, Sandra & Kathrin Kircili (to appear): "Non-Canonical Syntax in South Asian Varieties of English: A Corpus-based Study on the introductory it Pattern". In: Teresa Pham & Sven Leuckert (eds), Non-Canonical English Syntax. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Götz, Sandra & Franziska Wallner (to appear): "Korpusrevolution in der Fremdsprachendidaktik? Ja, bitte!" In: Johanna Lea Korell, Sebastian Kilsbach, Luisa Knechtel & Lisa Middelanis (eds) Didaktische Utopien. Gießen: GiF:on (Giessener Fremdsprachendidaktik:online).
- Schmidt, Karola, Sandra Götz, Katja Jäschke & Stefan Th. Gries (to appear): "Same same, but erm sort of different? Investigating three types of fluencememes in Australian-, British-, Canadian-, and New Zealand English, Research in Corpus Linguistics 13(2).
- Pham, Teresa, Sven Leuckert, Gea Dreschler, Sandra Götz, Christine Günther, Kathrin Kircilii, Claudia Lange, Louise MyCock, Theresa Neumaier & Sofia Rüdiger (to appear): "Defining Non-Canonicity: An integrated approach to modelling syntactic variation". Anglistik: International Journal for English Studies.
- Götz, Sandra (2025): "Corpora in Teaching English as an International Language". In: Nicola Galloway & Ali Fuad Selvi (eds), The Routledge Handbook of Teaching English as an International Language. London/New York: Routledge, 282-296.
- Kircilii, Kathrin, Degenhardt, Julia, Bernaisch, Tobias & Sandra Götz (2025): "Grammatical Nativization in Spoken Sri Lankan English: The case of the existential there- construction. Asian Englishes 27(1), 105-122. [open access].
- Schmidt, Karola, Sandra Götz, Katja Jäschke & Stefan Th. Gries (2025): "Same same, but erm sort of different? Investigating three types of fluencememes in Australian-, British-, Canadian-, and New Zealand English, Research in Corpus Linguistics 13(2), 94-123. [open access].
- Götz, Sandra & Sylvaine Granger (2024): "Learner corpora and language pedagogy: An overview and some research perspectives", International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 10(1), 1-38. [open access].
- Götz, Sandra & Magali Paqout (2024): "Ten Years of International Journal of Learner Corpus Research", International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 10(2), 241-246.
- McClellan, Karin, Kathrin Kircili & Sandra Götz (2024): Syntactic segmentation of spoken corpus data: What prosody can contribute". In: Sarah Buschfeld, Theresa Neumaier, Patricia Ronan, Andreas Weilinghoff & Lisa Westermayer (eds), Crossing Boundaries through Corpora: Innovative approaches to corpus-linguistics. Amsterdam/Philadelphia. John Benjamins, 154-191.
- Pham, Teresa, Sven Leuckert, Gea Dreschler, Sandra Götz, Christine Günther, Kathrin Kircili, Claudia Lange, Louise MyCock, Theresa Neumaier & Sofia Rüdiger (2024): "Defining Non-Canonicity: An integrated approach to modelling syntactic variation". Sciety. [open access].
- Götz, Sandra (2023): "Learner corpora to inform testing and assessment". In: Reka R. Jablonkai & Eniko Csomay (Hrsg.) Routledge Handbook of Corpora and Language Teaching and Learning. London/New York: Routledge, 311-325.
- Peltonen, Pauliina, Loulou Kosmala, Sandra Götz & Pekka Lintunen (2023): „The interplay between speech fluency and gesture in L1 Finnish and L2 English task-based interactions“. Proceedings of Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech 2023. University of Bielefeld.
- Götz, Sandra (2022): "Epicentral influences of Indian English on Nepali English“, World Englishes 41(3), 347-360.
- Götz, Sandra, Christoph Wolk & Katja Jäschke (2022): "Contextualizing fluency in advanced spoken learner language: A contrastive interlanguage analysis across L1s, task types and learning context variables“. In: Agnieszka Leńko-Szymańska & Sandra Götz (eds), Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency in Learner Corpus Research. Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 273-297.
- Leńko-Szymańska, Agnieszka & Sandra Götz (2022): "Complexity, accuracy and fluency in learner corpus research: Setting the Scene". In: Agnieszka Leńko-Szymańska & Sandra Götz (eds): Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency in Learner Corpora. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1-19.
- Bernaisch, Tobias & Sandra Götz (2021): "Tracing stylistic variation in ENL, ESL and EFL: A corpus-based study on nominal and verbal styles of first-, second- and foreign-language users". In Pamela Peters & Kate Burridge (eds), Exploring the Ecology of World Englishes: Language, Society and Culture. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 215-237.
- Gerlach, David & Sandra Götz (2021a): "Kreatives Schreiben im Englischunterricht Eine korpuslinguistische und genreanalytische Betrachtung von Schreibprodukten der Sekundarstufe I", ZFF – Zeitschrift für Fremdsprachenforschung 32(2), 203-228.
- Gerlach, David & Sandra Götz (2021b): "The Creative Writing in English Teaching (CWiLT) Corpus: Handbook and Corpus Files“. Department of English and American Studies, Philipps University Marburg. Available at <>.
- Götz, Sandra (2021): "Analyzing a learner corpus with a concordancer". In: Nicole Tracy-Ventura & Magali Paquot (eds), Routledge Handbook of SLA and Corpora. London/New York: Routledge, 68-89.
- Werner, Valentin, Robert Fuchs & Sandra Götz (2021): "L1 influence vs. universal learning mechanisms: A case study on the acquisition of the English Present Perfect". In Bert Le Bruyn & Magali Paquot (eds), Second Language Acquisition and Learner Corpora. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 39-66.
- Wolk, Christoph, Sandra Götz & Katja Jäschke (2021): "Possibilities and drawbacks of using an online application for semi-automatic corpus analysis to investigate discourse markers and alternative fluency variables", Corpus Pragmatics 5(1), 7-36. (available here)
- Deshors, Sandra C. & Sandra Götz (2020): "Common ground across globalized English varieties: A multivariate exploration of mental predicates in World Englishes", Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 16(1), 1-28.
- Götz, Sandra (2019): "Filled pauses across proficiency levels, L1s and learning context variables: A multivariate exploration of the Trinity Lancaster Corpus Sample", International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 5(2), 159-180.
- Götz, Sandra (2019): "Do learning context variables have an effect on learners' (dis)fluency? Language-specific vs. universal patterns in advanced learners' use of filled pauses". In Liesbeth Degand, Gaëtanelle Gilquin, Laurence Meurant, Anne Catherine Simon (eds), Fluency and Disfluency across Languages and Language Varieties. Louvain-la-neuve: Presses Universitaires de Louvain, 177-196.
- Götz, Sandra & Joybrato Mukherjee (2019): "Introduction: Learner Corpora and Language Teaching". In Sandra Götz & Joybrato Mukherjee (eds), Learner Corpora and Language Teaching. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1-4.
- Götz, Sandra, Valentin Werner & Robert Fuchs (2019): "Temporal adverbials in the acquisition of past-time reference: A cross-sectional study of L1 German and Cantonese learners of English". In Andrea Abel, Aivars Glaznieks, Verena Lyding & Lionel Nicolas (eds), Widening the Scope of Learner Corpus Research. Selected Papers from the Fourth Learner Corpus Research Conference. Louvain-la-Neuve: Presses Universitaires de Louvain, 43-70.
- Deshors, Sandra C., Sandra Götz & Samantha Laporte (2018): "Linguistic innovations in EFL and ESL: Rethinking the linguistic creativity of non-native English speakers". In: Sandra C. Deshors, Sandra Götz & Samantha Laporte (eds), Corpus-Linguistic Perspectives on Linguistic Innovations in Non-Native Englishes. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1-20. [reprint of Deshors, Götz & Laporte (2016)]
- Götz, Sandra & Joybrato Mukherjee (2018): "The effect of the study abroad variable in spoken learner language: A pseudo-longitudinal study on spoken German learner English". In: Vaclav Brezina & Lynne Flowerdew (eds), Learner Corpus Research: New perspectives and applications. London and New York: Bloomsbury, 47-65.
- Götz, Sandra (2017): "Non-canonical syntax in south-Asian varieties of English: A corpus-based pilot study on fronting", ZAA - Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 65(3), 265-281.
- Puga, Karin & Sandra Götz (2017): "Keep out of reach of children! Introducing the Corpus of Product Information (CoPI) and its potential for corpus-based genre teaching", Corpora 12(3), 393-423.
- Deshors, Sandra C., Sandra Götz & Samantha Laporte (2016): "Linguistic innovations in EFL and ESL: Rethinking the linguistic creativity of non-native English speakers", International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 2(2), 131-150.
- Dose-Heidelmayer, Stefanie & Sandra Götz (2016): "The progressive in advanced spoken learner language: A corpus-based analysis of use and misuse", International Review of Applied Linguistics 54(3), 229-256.
- Falk, Simon & Sandra Götz (2016): "Interactivity in Mobile Learning Applications: A case study based on Duolingo". In: Tamara Zeyer, Sebastian Stuhlmann & Roger D. Jones (eds), Interaktivität beim Fremdsprachenlehren und -lernen mit digitalen Medien. Hit oder Hype? Tübingen: Narr, 237-258.
- Fuchs, Robert, Sandra Götz & Valentin Werner (2016): "The present perfect in learner Englishes: A corpus-based case study on L1 German intermediate and advanced speech and writing". In: Valentin Werner, Elena Seoane & Cristina Suárez-Gómez (eds), Re-Assessing the Present Perfect. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 297-337.
- Pérez-Paredes, Pascual, Grainne Conole, Fanny Meunier, Sandra Götz, Dogan Bulut, Carlos Ordoñana, Karin Puga, Julie van de Vyver, Pilar Aguado, Gregorio Martínez, Purificación Sánchez, Ibrahim Ercan & Stefanie Hehner (2016): "Technical Report: Adult language learning in informal settings. The role of mobile learning".
<> - Pérez-Paredes, Pascual, Sandra Götz, Fanny Meunier, Dogan Bulut, Grainne Conole, Carlos Ordoñana, Karin Puga, Julie Van de Vyver, Pilar Aguado, Gregorio Martínez, Purificación Sánchez, Ibrahim Ercan & Stefanie Hehner (2016): "Language learning in Higher education institutions. The role of mobile learning and the possibilities of Data-driven language learning". <>
- Callies, Marcus & Sandra Götz (2015): "Learner corpora in language testing and assessment: Prospects and challenges". In: Marcus Callies & Sandra Götz (eds), Learner Corpora in Language Testing and Assessment. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1-9.
- Götz, Sandra (2015): "Tense and aspect errors in spoken learner language: Implications for language testing and assessment". In: Marcus Callies & Sandra Götz (eds), Learner Corpora in Language Testing and Assessment. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 191-215.
- Götz, Sandra (2015): "Fluency in ENL, ESL and EFL: A corpus-based pilot study". In: Robin Lickley (ed.), Proceedings of Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech 2015. An ICPhS Satellite Meeting. University of Edinburgh.
- Götz, Sandra & Karin Puga (2015). "Technical Report: A survey of existing OER resources in the field of language processing and their uptake: Germany".
- Mukherjee, Joybrato & Sandra Götz (2015): "Learner corpora and learning context". In: Sylviane Granger, Gaëtanelle Gilquin & Fanny Meunier (eds), Cambridge Handbook of Learner Corpus Research. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 423-442.
- Brand, Christiane & Sandra Götz (2013): "Fluency versus accuracy in advanced spoken learner language: A multi-method approach". In: Gaëtanelle Gilquin & Sylvie de Cock (eds), Errors and Dysfluencies in Spoken Corpora. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 117-137. [reprint of Brand & Götz (2011)]
- Götz, Sandra (2013): "How fluent are advanced German learners of English (perceived to be)? Corpus findings versus native-speaker perception". In: Magnus Huber & Joybrato Mukherjee (eds), Corpus Linguistics and Variation in English: Focus on non-native Englishes. University of Helsinki: Varieng Electronic Series.
- Dose, Stefanie & Sandra Götz (2012): "'and erm . he's having a young woman there who he wants to paint'; The progressive in spoken vs. written learner language". In: Agnieszka Leńko-Szymańska (ed.), Electronic Proceedings of the 10th Teaching and Language Corpora (TaLC 10). Warsaw: University of Warsaw.
- Götz, Sandra (2012): "Testing task types in data-driven learning: Benefits and limitations". In: Katrin Biebighäuser, Marja Zibelius & Torben Schmidt (eds), Aufgaben 2.0 - Konzepte, Materialien und Methoden für das Fremdsprachenlehren und -lernen mit digitalen Medien. Tübingen: Narr, 249-276.
- Götz, Sandra (2012): "Temporal fluency variables in native and non-native English speech: Corpus findings and language-pedagogical implications". In: James Thomas & Alex Boulton (eds), Input, Process and Product: Developments in Teaching and Language Corpora. Brno: Masaryk University Press, 229-243.
- Brand, Christiane & Sandra Götz (2011): "Fluency versus accuracy in advanced spoken learner language: A multi-method approach", International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 16(2), 255-275.
- Götz, Sandra & Marco Schilk (2011): "Formulaic sequences in spoken ENL, ESL and EFL: Focus on British English, Indian English and Learner English of advanced German learners". In: Joybrato Mukherjee & Marianne Hundt (eds), Exploring Second-language Varieties of English and Learner Englishes: Bridging a paradigm gap. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 79-100.
- Brand, Christiane, Thorsten Brato, Stefanie Dose & Sandra Götz (2010): "Norms in educational linguistics: An introduction". In: Stefanie Dose, Sandra Götz, Thorsten Brato & Christiane Brand (eds), Norms in Educational Linguistics - Normen in Educational Linguistics: Linguistic, didactic and cultural perspectives - Sprachwissenschaftliche, didaktische und kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1-7.
- Götz, Sandra (2007): "Performanzphänomene in gesprochenem Lernerenglisch: eine korpusbasierte Pilotstudie", Zeitschrift für Fremdsprachenforschung 18(1), 67-84.
- Götz, Sandra & Joybrato Mukherjee (2006): "Evaluation of data-driven learning in university teaching: A project report". In: Sabine Braun, Kurt Kohn & Joybrato Mukherjee (eds), Corpus Technology and Language Pedagogy: New resources, new tools, new methods. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 49-67.
- Götz, Sandra (2013). rev. "Claudia Meindl: Methodik für Linguisten. Eine Einführung in Statistik und Versuchsplanung. Tübingen: Narr, 2011", Anglistik 24(1), 228-230.
- Götz, Sandra (2012): rev. "Using corpora in language teaching: Resources, methods and evaluations. Review of Natalie Kübler (ed.): Corpora, Language, Teaching and Resources: From Theory to Practice. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2011", Kult_online 32.
Affiliation: Philipps University, Marburg
Summer semester 2025
PS/HS Intercultural Communication
Ü History of Linguistic Theories and Linguistic Ideas
PS Anglophone Studies and the Teaching Profession
Ü/VL Introduction to Teaching English as a Foreign Language
Ü Colloquium for BA CandidatesWinter Semester 2024/2025
sabbaticalSummer Semester 2024
Ü/VL Introduction to Teaching English as a Foreign Language
PS Linguistic Theory and History of Linguistic Ideas
PS Anglophone Studies and the Teaching Profession/PS ProfiPraxis
HS/PS Pragmatics
Ü Colloquium for BA ThesisWinter Semester 2023/2024
VL Introduction to Teaching English as a Foreign Language
PS Language Structure: Morphology and Syntax
PS/HS Varieties of English
PS Anglophone Studies and the Teaching Profession/PS ProfiPraxisSummer Semester 2023
PS Linguistic Theory and History of Linguistic Ideas
HS/PS Sociolinguistics
HS English as a foreign language
PS Anglophone Studies and the Teaching Profession/PS ProfiPraxis
Ü Colloquium for BA ThesisWinter Semester 2022/2023
VL Introduction to Teaching English as a Foreign Language
VL/UE Introduction to English Linguistics
PS/HS Varieties of English
PS Anglophone Studies and the Teaching Profession/PS ProfiPraxisSummer Semester 2022
PS Linguistic Theory and History of Linguistic Ideas
HS/PS Varieties of English
HS English as a foreign language
PS Anglophone Studies and the Teaching Profession/PS ProfiPraxis
Ü Colloquium for BA ThesisWinter Semester 2021/2022
Maternity leaveSummer Semester 2021
Ü Introduction to Linguistics II
HS/PS Varieties of English
PS Anglophone Studies and the Teaching Profession/PS ProfiPraxis
PS ProfiPraxis/ProfiWerk EnglischWinter Semester 2020/2021
PS Anglophone Studies and the Teaching Profession
VL/Ü Introduction to Linguistics (BA)
VL Introduction to Teaching English as a Foreign Language
PS Language Structure
Ü Linguistics (Introduction) - TutorialsSummer Semester 2020
HS English as a Foreign Language
PS ProfiPraxis/ProfiWerk Englisch
HS Psycholinguistics (Language and the Mind)
PS Varieties of EnglishAffiliation: Justus Liebig University, Giessen Winter Semester 2019/2020
GK A Introduction to English Linguistics
HS I Varieties of English: South Asia
HS I Language Acquisition
HS II Corpus-based SociolinguisticsSummer Semester 2019
PS I Syntax I
PS I Syntax II
PS II Varieties of English around the World
HS II Analyzing Learner LanguageWinter Semester 2018/2019
Maternity LeaveSummer Semester 2018
PS I Syntax I
PS I Syntax II
PS II Varieties of English around the World
PS II SociolinguisticsWinter Semester 2017/2018
GK A Introduction to English Linguistics
PS II Varieties of English around the World
PS II Pragmatics
HS II Corpus Linguistics: Analyzing South Asian Varieties of EnglishSummer Semester 2017
PS I Lexicology I
PS I Lexicology II
HS I Spoken English
HS I PhraseologyWinter Semester 2016/2017
GK A Introduction to English Linguistics
PS II Varieties of English around the World
HS I Varieties of English: New Englishes
HS II Corpus Linguistics: Analyzing Spoken EnglishSummer Semester 2016
PS II Applied Linguistics I
PS II Applied Linguistics II
HS I Varieties of English: Asia
HS I PhraseologyWinter Semester 2015/2016
GK A Introduction to English Linguistics
PS II Corpora in/for English Language Teaching
HS I Varieties of English around the World
HS I Spoken EnglishSummer Semester 2015
PS I Lexicology I
PS I Lexicology II
PS II English in Australia
HS I PhraseologyWinter Semester 2014/2015
GK A Introduction to English Linguistics
PS I Introduction to Corpus Linguistics
HS I South-Asian Varieties of English
HS II Corpus-based SociolinguisticsSummer Semester 2014
PS II Spoken English
HS I History of Englishes around the World
HS I Phraseology
HS II Analyzing Learner LanguageWinter Semester 2013/2014
HS I Stylistics of Present-Day English
HS II Analyzing Spoken English
Grundkurs Promotion Basismodul (GCSC)Summer Semester 2013
PS Pragmatics
PS Sociolinguistics
Grundkurs Promotion Basismodul (GCSC)Winter Semester 2012/2013
PS Semantics
PS English around the World
Grundkurs Promotion Basismodul (GCSC)Summer Semester 2012
PS Phraseology
Grundkurs Promotion Basismodul (GCSC)Winter Semester 2011/2012
PS English Syntax
PS Non-Native Varieties of EnglishSummer Semester 2011
PS StylisticsWinter Semester 2010/2011
Introduction to English Linguistics
PS Corpus LinguisticsSummer Semester 2010
PS Language Acquisition
PS PragmaticsWinter Semester 2009/2010
PS Text LinguisticsSummer Semester 2009
Intermediate German (TA at Macquarie)
PS Spoken EnglishWinter Semester 2008/2009
Introduction to English Linguistics
PS Australian EnglishSummer Semester 2008
PS Corpora in English Language TeachingWinter Semester 2007/2008
Introduction to English Linguistics I (with Marco Schilk)
Introduction to English Linguistics IISummer Semester 2007
PS PragmaticsWinter Semester 2006/2007
Introduction to English LinguisticsResearch
General Research Interests
- (Learner) Corpus Linguistics
- Teaching English as a Foreign Language
- Applied/Educational Linguistics
- Fluency and Spoken English
- Second Language Acquisition
- Syntax
- Varieties of English
Major On-Going Projects
Complexity Development of Intermediate Learners of English: A longitudinal corpus-based study on MILE
funded by the University of Marburg, 2023-2024
Principal Investigator: Sandra Götz
Syntax beyond the Canon: Cutting-edge studies of non-canonical syntax in English
Scientific network of young researchers in collaboration with University of Vechta, University of Dresden, University of Bayreuth, University of Düsseldorf, University of Regensburg, Oxford University and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
funded by the German Research Foundation/Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, 2019-2024
Fluency in ENL, ESL and EFL: A Contrastive Corpus-based Study of English as a First, Second, and Foreign Language
funded by the University of Giessen, 2014-2015, and by the German Research Foundation/Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, 2017-2019
Principal Investigators: Sandra Götz & Christoph Wolk
Non-Canonical Syntax in South Asian Varieties of English
Principal Investigator: Sandra Götz
Compiling and Analyzing the Creative Writing in Language Teaching (CWiLT) Corpus: A corpus linguistic- and text-type analytical description of foreign language narrative writing competence at German secondary schools
Principal Investigarors: David Gerlach & Sandra Götz
Grammatical Nativisation in Spoken Sri Lankan English
funded by the Forschungscampus Mittelhessen (FlexiFund), 2021-2022
Principal Investigators: Sandra Götz & Tobias BernaischMajor Completed Projects
Linguistic Epicenters: Empirical Perspectives on Regional and International Influences in World Englishes
funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (PPP, Programm Projektbezogener Personenaustausch Australien), 2018-2019
In collaboration with Macquarie University Sydney
Principal Investigators Giessen: Sandra Götz, Tobias Bernaisch & Joybrato Mukherjee
Principal Investigator Sydney: Pamela Peters
Transforming European Learner Language into Learning Opportunities (TELL-OP)
In collaboration with University of Murcia, Université catholique de Louvain, Meliksah University Kayseri & Bath Spa University
funded by the European Union, 2014-2017
Principal Investigators
Giessen: Sandra Götz
Murcia: Pascual Pérez-Paredes/Pilar Aguado
Louvain-la-Neuve: Fanny Meunier
Kayseri: Dogan Bulut
Bath: Grainne Conole/Danna Ruggiero
The Louvain International Database of Spoken English Interlanguage (LINDSEI): Analyzing the German ComponentConferences and Workshops
Co-Organized Conferences and Workshops
- 2nd Official Research Meeting of the Scientific Network Syntax Beyond the Canon Cutting-Edge Studies of Non-Canonical Syntax in English, Justus Liebig University Giessen, 26-29 February 2020 (with Kathrin Kircili).
- Pre-conference workshop for young researchers on "Learner corpora: from compilation to analysis" at the 34th congress of the German Society for Foreign Language Research (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung, DGFF), Justus Liebig University Giessen, 12-13 March 2019.
- Workshop on "Corpus data: from compilation to statistical modelling" at the ISLE Summer School 2017 on the theme of "Variation in World Englishes: advanced issues in theory and methodology", University of Regensburg, 4-7 October 2017 (with Tobias Bernaisch).
- 12th Teaching and Language Corpora Conference (TaLC 12), Justus Liebig University Giessen, 20-23 July 2016 (with Joybrato Mukherjee).
- Pre-conference workshop "Learner Language, Corpus Linguistics and Mobile Learning" at the 12th Teaching and Language Corpora Conference (TaLC 12), Justus Liebig University Giessen, 20 July 2016 (co-chair).
- Pre-conference workshop "Corpus linguistics and linguistic innovations in non-native Englishes" at the 35th Annual Conference of the International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME 35), University of Trier, 27 May 2015 (with Sandra C. Deshors and Samantha Laporte).
- Pre-conference workshop "(Learner) Corpora and their application in language testing and assessment" at the 34th Annual Conference of the International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME 34), University of Santiago de Compostela, 22 May 2013 (with Marcus Callies).
- 31st Annual Conference of the International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME 31), "Corpus Linguistics and Variation in English", Justus Liebig University Giessen, 26-30 May 2010 (member of the organizing committee).
- Workshop "The International Corpus of English: Compiling the spoken components of ICE Ghana and ICE Sri Lanka", Justus Liebig University Giessen, 5-9 April 2010 (member of the organizing committee).
- 1st Symposium for young researchers "Norms in Educational Linguistics: Linguistic, Didactic and Cultural perspectives", Justus Liebig University Giessen, 1-2 September 2008 (co-chair).
- 22nd Congress for Foreign Language Teaching of the German Society for Foreign Language Research (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung , DGFF), "Learning languages – educating people", Justus Liebig University Giessen, 3-6 October 2007 (member of the organizing committee).
- 7th Creolistics Workshop: "Simplicity and complexity in pidgins and creoles", Justus Liebig University Giessen, 6-8 April 2006 (as student assistant).
Presentations, Posters, Guest- and Keynote Lectures
- "One-norm-fits-all? On changing perspectives on norms in Global Englishes Language Teaching". Keynote lecture at the Linguistics and Didactics (LiDi) conference 2025 on the theme of "Norm issues in the language classroom: Linguistic and Didactic perspectives, University of Salzburg, Austria, 23-25 April 2025.
- „Same, same but, erm, sort of different? Investigating three types of fluencemes in four types of Englishes“, 45th annual conference of the International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME 45), University of Vilnius, Lithuania, 17‐21. June 2025 (with Karola Schmidt, Katja Jäschke & Stefan Th. Gries).
- „Fluency in interaction: Project “L2 Interactional Fluency across Contexts” (ILFACT)”. Poster at the 34th annual conference of the European Second Language Association (EuroSLA 34), University of Tromsø, Norway, 26-29 June 2025 (with Pauliina Peltonen, Elina Lehtilä, Saara Naapila, Pekka Lintunen, Maarit Mutta, Outi Veivo, Loulou Kosmala, Tanskanen, Sanna-Kaisa & Clare Wright).
- „Non-canonical syntax in South Asian Varieties of English: The introductory it-construction“, 26th annual conference of the International Association of World Englishes (IAWE26), Justus Liebig University Giessen, 25‐27 July 2025 (with Kathrin Kircili).
- "The integrative role of speech fluency and gesture for building interactional competence: A qualitative study of L1 and L2 task-based interactions" 5th annual conference on "Thinking, Doing, Learning: Usage-based perspectives on second language learning" (TDL5), University of Southern Denmark's Kolding Campus, 3-5 June 2024 (with Pauliina Peltonen, Loulou Kosmala, Pekka Lintunen).
- "Syntactic Complexity Development of Intermediate L2 English: A longitudinal, corpus-based pilot study", 44th annual conference of the International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME 44), Universidad de Vigo, Spain, 18-22 June 2024 (with Philine Tschirner & Fabian Kettenhofen).
- "Complexity Development of intermediate Learners of English: A longitudinal study", invited guest lecture at the University of Bamberg, 2 July 2024.
- "Data-driven delight: Surprising grammar gains for corpus-informed class", Poster at the 16th Teaching and Language Corpora Conference (TaLC16), Manchester Metropolitan University, 7-10 July 2024 (with Aoife Holmes-Rein).
- "Syntactic Complexity Development of Intermediate L2 English: A longitudinal corpus-based pilot study", 7th Learner Corpus Research Conference (LCR 7), University of Tartu, Estonia, 25-28 September 2024 (with Philine Tschirner & Fabian Kettenhofen).
- "Complexity Development of intermediate Learners of English: A longitudinal study", invited guest lecture in the linguistic colloquium at the University of Zurich, 9 October 2024.
- "Anne was 7 years old and lived in a pretty little house - Modellierung narrativer Kompetenzen
in schriftlichen Erzähltexten aus dem Englischunterricht", Symposium on Lerner*innentexte im
Fremdsprachenunterricht: Theorie, Konzepte, Praxis", Leuphana University Lüneburg, 24
February 2023 (with David Gerlach). - "Non-canonical Syntax in South Asian Varieties of English: A corpus-based study on the
introductory-it pattern", 5th Official Research Meeting of the Scientific Network Syntax Beyond
the Canon - Cutting-Edge Studies of Non-Canonical Syntax in English (NoCaSynE 5),
University of Oxford, 20-25 March 2023 (with Kathrin Kircili). - "Syntactic Complexity Development of Intermediate L2 English: A longitudinal, corpus-based
study“, 44th annual conference of the International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval
English (ICAME 44), North-West University, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa, 17-21 May 2023
(with Philine Tschirner & Fabian Kettenhofen). - "It would take a lot for them to take to the streets – The introductory-it pattern in the news-
paper language of South Asian Varieties of English“, 44th annual conference of the Interna-
tional Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME 44), North-West University,
Vanderbijlpark, South Africa, 17-21 May 2023 (with Kathrin Kircili). - "The interplay between speech fluency and gesture in L1 Finnish and L2 English task-based
interactions “, Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech Workshop 2023, University of Bielefeld,
28-30 August 2023 (with Pauliina Peltonen, Loulou Kosmala & Pekka Lintunen).
- "Grammatical Nativization in Spoken South Asian Englishes: The Case of the Existential-there
Construction", 43rd annual conference of the International Computer Archive of Modern and
Medieval English (ICAME 43), Anglia Ruskin University Cambridge, 27-30 July 2022 (with Tobias
Bernaisch,Julia Degenhardt & Kathrin Kircili). - “Learner Corpora and DDL: A Promising Synergy?”, Special Interest Group on CorpusCALL in
the context of the EuroCALL Conference, University of Iceland, 16-19 August 2022. - "Non-canonical Syntax in South Asian Varieties of English: The Case of the Existential-there
Construction",4th Official Research Meeting of the Scientific Network Syntax Beyond the Canon Cutting-Edge Studies of Non-Canonical Syntax in English (NoCaSynE 4), University of Vechta, 21-24 September 2022 (with Kathrin Kircili, Tobias Bernaisch & Julia Degenhardt).
- "Learner corpus research in/for ELT", invited guest lecture in the ELT seminars at the English Department of Hatay Mustafa Kemal University, 7 May 2021.
- "Sociolinguistic Aspects of Fillers and Filled Pauses in Learner Language: A Learner Corpus-based Perspective“,invited plenary speaker at the 1st workshop on "Discourse-Pragmatic Markers, Fillers and Filled Pauses: Pragmatic, multimodal, socio- and psycholinguistic perspectives“, UWE, Bristol, 14-15 July 2021.
- "Fluency in ENL, ESL, and EFL: an interdisciplinary approach to English as a foreign language", invited featured Speaker at the symposium on "Interdisciplinary approaches to L2 fluency" in the context of the AILA-Conference, 15-20 August 2021, University of Groningen.
- "Syntactic segmentation of spoken corpus data: What prosody can contribute", 42nd annual conference of the International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME 42), Technical University Dortmund, 18-21 August 2021 (with Karin Puga & Kathrin Kircili).
- "Tracing epicentral influences of Indian English on Nepali English: A short-term diachronic study on focus marking", Pre-conference Workshop on "Rescoping the theory and methodology of linguistic Epicenters in Word Englishes" at the 42nd annual conference of the International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME 42), Technical University Dortmund, 18 August 2021.
- "Genreorientiertes Schreiben im Englischunterricht: Ergebnisse einer Korpusanalyse", 29th Congress of the German Association of Foreign Language Research (DGFF), University of Duisburg-Essen, 22-24 September 2021 (with David Gerlach).
- "Non-Canonical Syntax in SAVE: The Case of the Introductory-It Pattern", 2nd Official Research Meeting of the Scientific Network Syntax Beyond the Canon - Cutting-Edge Studies of Non-Canonical Syntax in English, Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen, 26-29 February 2020 (with Kathrin Kircili).
- "Fluency in advanced spoken learner language: Findings across L1s and learning context variables", 14th Teaching and Language Corpora Conference (TaLC2020), University of Perpignan, 13-17 July 2020 (online, with Christoph Wolk & Katja Jäschke).
- "Non-canonical Syntax in South Asian Varieties of English: A corpus-based pilot study on fronting", 6th workshop on Varieties of English in the Indo-Pacific (VEIP 6), Macquarie University Sydney, 17 March 2019.
- "Non-canonical syntax in South Asian Varieties of English: A corpus-based study on fronting", 40th International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME 40), Université de Neuchâtel, 1-5 June 2019.
- "Fluency in advanced spoken learner language: Findings across L1s and learning context variables", 40th International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME 40), Université de Neuchâtel, 1-5 June 2019 (with Christoph Wolk & Katja Jäschke).
- "Fluency in spoken learner language: Findings across proficiency levels, L1s and learning context variables", Invited guest lecture at the English department of the University of Turku, Finland, 6 September 2019.
- "Fluency in advanced spoken learner language: A Contrastive Interlanguage Analysis across L1s, task types and learning context variables", 5th Learner Corpus Research Conference, University of Warsaw, 12-14 September 2019 (with Christoph Wolk & Katja Jäschke).
- "Fronting in South-Asian Varieties of English", 1st Official Research Meeting of the Scientific Network Syntax Beyond the Canon - Cutting-Edge Studies of Non-Canonical Syntax in English, Technical University of Dresden, 21-23 October 2019.
- "Fluency in ENL, ESL and EFL: Introducing a contrastive approach to English as a first, second, and foreign language", 39th International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME 39), Tampere University, 30 May-3. June 2018 (with Christoph Wolk & Katja Jäschke).
- "Cross-linguistic effects vs. universal learning mechanisms: A corpus-based case study on temporal expression", 39th International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME 39), Tampere University, 30 May-3. June 2018 (with Robert Fuchs & Valentin Werner).
- "Discourse markers in advanced English learner language: Possibilities and drawbacks using an automatic, corpus-based approach", invited speaker at the 1st workshop on "Methodological approaches to studying discourse markers in L2: the case of French, Spanish, Italian, English and German as foreign languages", University of Siegen, 25-26 June 2018 (with Christoph Wolk).
- "Cross-linguistic effects or universal learning mechanisms? A case study on temporal expression", 13th Teaching and Language Corpora Conference (TaLC 13), University of Cambridge, 18-21 July 2018 (with Valentin Werner and Robert Fuchs).
- "Do (non-linguistic) variables affect learners' (dis)fluency? A learner corpus-based perspective", invited keynote speaker at the 1st (Dis)fluency Conference, Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, 15-17 February 2017.
- "L1 influence vs. universal learning mechanisms: A case study on the acquisition of the English Present Perfect", Learner Corpus based approaches to Second Language Acquisition, University of Utrecht, 31 March-1 April 2017 (with Valentin Werner & Robert Fuchs).
- "India and Sri Lanka: attitudes towards Englishes", World Humanities Conference, Co-organized by UNESCO, the International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences (CIPSH) and the Liège Foundation for the World Humanities Conference Liege, Liège, 6-12 August 2017 (with Tobias Bernaisch).
- "A Corpus-Based Study on Fronting in South Asian Varieties of English", NoCaSynE – International Symposium New Perspectives on Non-Canonical Syntax in English, Technical University of Dresden, 2-3 September 2017.
- "Looking for common ground across globalized English varieties: A multivariate exploration of mental predicates", 4th Learner Corpus Research Conference, 5-7 October 2017 (with Sandra C. Deshors).
- "Error Analysis in Learner Corpus Research", invited guest lecture, University of Münster, 11 January 2016.
- "Learner Corpus Linguistics: Concepts, Analysis and Implications", invited guest lecture, University of Zurich, 11 May 2016.
- "Acquisition of the present perfect in L1 German learner English", pre-conference workshop on "Tense and Aspect in Learner Language: Issues and Advances in the Use of Language Corpora" at the 12th Teaching and Language Corpora Conference (TaLC 12), Justus Liebig University Giessen, 20th July 2016 (with Robert Fuchs & Valentin Werner).
- "Tracing stylistic variation in ENL, ESL and EFL: A corpus-based study on nominal and verbal styles of first-, second- and foreign-language users", 37th Annual Conference of the International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME 37), Chinese University of Hong Kong, 25-29 May 2016 (with Tobias Bernaisch).
- "The effect of non-linguistic variables on spoken learner performance", 37th Annual Conference of the International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME 37), Chinese University of Hong Kong, 25-29 May 2016.
- "Keep out of reach of children! Introducing the Corpus of Product Information (CoPI) and its potential for corpus-based genre teaching", American Association for Corpus Linguistics (AACL) and Technology for Second Language Learning (TSLL) conference, Iowa State University (Ames, IA), 16-18 September 2016 (with Karin Puga).
- "Non-canonical Syntax in South-Asian Varieties of English: A corpus-based pilot study", Anglistentag 2016, University of Hamburg, 21-24 September 2016.
- "Analyzing disfluencies in spoken English", invited guest lecture, University of Trier, 16 December 2016.
- "Corpora in/for English Language Teaching", invited guest lecture, University of Bamberg, 19 January 2015.
- "Fluency in postcolonial varieties of English", invited project presentation, University of Bamberg, 19 January 2015.
- "Corpus linguistics and linguistic innovations in non-native Englishes: A thematic introduction", pre-conference workshop "Corpus linguistics and Linguistic Innovations in Non-native Englishes" at the 36th Annual Conference of the International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME 36), University of Trier, 27 May 2015 (with Sandra C. Deshors & Samantha Laporte).
- "Fluency in ENL, ESL and EFL: A corpus-based pilot study", 16th Workshop on Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech (DISS 2015), University of Edinburgh, 8-9 August 2015.
- "(Learner-)corpus-based mobile learning in higher and adult education: Introducing the TELL-OP strategic partnership", 3rd Learner Corpus Research (LCR 3), Radbound University Nijmegen, 10-13 September 2015 (with Doğan Bulut, Grainne Conole, Belén Díez-Bedmar, Fanny Meunier & Pascual Pérez-Paredes).
- "Investigating learning context variables in spoken learner corpora: Making use of learner profiles", 3rd Learner Corpus Research (LCR 3), Radbound University Nijmegen, Netherlands, 10-13 September 2015 (with Joybrato Mukherjee).
- "Style across three Kachruvian circles: Empirical perspectives on nominal and verbal styles", Varieties of English in the Indo-Pacific (VEIP), Inaugural Meeting, Macquarie University Sydney, 29-30 November 2015 (with Tobias Bernaisch).
- "Investigating fluency in postcolonial varieties of English: A corpus-based feasibility study", 35th Annual Conference of the International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME 35), University of Nottingham, 30 April - 4 May 2014 (with Alicia Eckert & Amelie
Waldhauer). - "Error-tagging a spoken learner corpus: Methodology and application", invited guest lecture, University of Bremen, 8 July 2014.
- "Investigating learning context variables in spoken learner corpora: Making use of learner profiles", 11th Teaching and Langugage Corpora Conference (TaLC 11), Lancaster University, 20-23 July 2014 (with Joybrato Mukherjee).
- "Fluency across varieties of English: A pilot study on ENL vs. ESL varieties in the ICE-corpus", 20th International Conference on World Englishes (20th IAWE), Amity University, Noida, Delhi-NCR, 18-20 December 2014 (with Joybrato Mukherjee).
- "Advanced learners’ errors in spoken English: Detection, classification and remedy", 16th Annual Conference of the American Association for Corpus Linguistics (AACL), San Diego State University, 18-20 January 2013.
- "Fluency in native and nonnative English speech: An integrated approach", ARC workshop on "Fluency", Univerisé catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, 14 March 2013.
- "(Learner) corpora and their application in language testing and assessment: An Introduction", pre-conference Workshop "(Learner) Corpora and their application in language testing and assessment" at the 34th Annual Conference of the International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME 34), University of Santiago de Compostela, 22 May 2013 (with Marcus Callies).
- "Operationalizing fluency in (learner) corpora: Implications for language testing and assessment", pre-conference Workshop "(Learner) Corpora and their application in language testing and assessment" at the 34th Annual Conference of the International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME 34), University of Santiago de Compostela, 22 May 2013.
- "The Progressive in advanced spoken learner English: Frequency and Accuracy", 34th Annual Conference of the International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME 34), University of Santiago de Compostela, 22-26 May 2013 (with Stefanie Dose).
- "er, erm, uh and uhm: Filled pauses in ENL, ESL and EFL", 33rd Annual Conference of the International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME 33), University of Leuven, 30 May - 3 June 2012 (with Joybrato Mukherjee).
- "'and erm . he's having a young woman there who he wants to paint' – The progressive in spoken vs. written learner language", 10th Teaching and Langugage Corpora Conference (TaLC 10), University of Warsaw, 11-14 July 2012 (with Stefanie Dose).
- "Fluency in advanced spoken learner language: Corpus findings and native-speaker perception", invited guest lecture, Philipps University Marburg, 27 January 2011.
- "How nativelike is advanced spoken learner language? Corpus findings vs. native speaker perception", invited guest lecture in the Mainzer Linguistisches Colloquium, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, 31 January 2011.
- "Fluency in native and non-native English speech: Theory, description, implications", 32nd Annual Conference of the International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME 32), University of Oslo, 1-5 June 2011.
- "The role of second language acquisition in the genesis of pidgins and creoles: Typological parallels and disparities", Annual Summer Conference of the Society for Pidgins and Creoles (SPCL-Accra), University of Ghana, Legon, 2-6 August 2011 (with Magnus Huber & Viveka
- "How fluent are advanced German learners of English (perceived to be)? Corpus findings vs. native-speaker perception", 31st Annual Conference of the International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME 31), Justus Liebig University Giessen, 26-30 May 2010.
- "Temporal fluency variables in native and non-native English speech: Corpus findings and language pedagogical implications", 9th Teaching and Language Corpora Conference (TaLC 9), University of Brno, 30 June - 3 July 2010.
- "Error tagging the German component of LINDSEI: Methodology and application", Multilingual Individuals and Multilingual Societies (MIMS 2010), University of Hamburg, 6-8 October 2010 (with Susanne Kämmerer).
- "Corpus linguistics in/for English langauge teaching: Principles, tasks and applications", invited teacher training workshop at Weibelfeld High School, Dreieich, 24 November 2010.
- "Fluency and accuracy in advanced spoken learner language: A multi-method approach", 30th Annual Conference of the International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME 30), 27-31 May 2009 (with Christiane Brand).
- "Fluency in English speech: Methodological considerations", Workshop on "Empirical methods in Educational Linguistics", Justus Liebig University Giessen, 28 June 2008.
- "Formulaic sequences in spoken ENL, ESL and EFL: Focus on British English, Indian English and Learner English of advanced German learners", 1st Triennial Conference of the International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE 1), University of Freiburg, 8-11 October 2008 (with Marco Schilk).
- "Fluency in native and non-native English speech - Corpus findings and language-pedagogical implications", 4th Corpus Linguistics Conference (CLC 4), University of Birmingham, 27-30 July 2007 (with Joybrato Mukherjee).
- "How fluent are advanced German learners of English? A corpus-based pilot study on performance phenomena in native and non-native speech", 22nd Congress for Foreign Language Teaching of the German Society for Foreign Language Research (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung, DGFF), Justus Liebig University Giessen, 3-6 October 2007.
Conference/Workshop Participation
- Learner Corpus Research 1: "20 years of learner corpus research: Looking back, moving ahead",
Université catholique de Louvain, Centre for English Corpus Linguistics, Louvain-la-Neuve, 15-17 September 2011.
- Symposium "Web as Culture: Ethnographic, Linguistic and Didactic Perspectives", Justus Liebig University Giessen, 16-18 July 2009.
- 29th annual conference of the German Linguistic Society [Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung, DGfS] "System and Variation", University of Siegen, 28 February - 1 March 2007.
- Anglistentag 2007, University of Münster, 23-26 September 2007.
Anglistentag 2006, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, 17-20 September 2006.
Current PhD and Habilitation projects
PhD Projects
Holmes-Rein, Aoife: "Data-Driven Learning in (Learner) Corpus and Non-Corpus informed Grammar Instruction" (working title)
Kircili, Kathrin: "Non-Canonical Syntax in Learner Languages: A Contrastive Interlanguage Analysis"
Kraft, Carmen: "Sociolinguistic variation in Third Language Acquisition: the effects of multilingualism and migration background in the German EFL classroom" (working title)
Liu, Xiayu: "Cognitive Processes in L2 fluency: An experimental approach" (working title)
Tschirner, Philine: "Complexity Development of Intermediate German Learners of English: A Longitudinal Corpus Analysis" (working title)Habilitation Projects
Gries, Stefan Th.: Towards a revision of most corpus-linguistics statistics: Rethinking frequency, dispersion, association, keyness and more. (completed 12/2024)
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