
Choosing Courses

Courses from the English department

Almost all of the courses of the English department are available for international students. To participate, you need to provide us with a language certificate of at least B2 in English (CEFR), because the courses will be taught entirely in English.

We offer courses in the main areas of linguistics, literature, cultural studies, language practice and language teaching. The current schedule is available from the 1st of August (for the winter term) and from the 1st of March (for the summer term) and changes every semester.

You can change the language to English when scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking on "Deutsch" on the bottom right.

If you are pursuing a teaching degree, please navigate to:

  • Department 10 Foreign Languages and Cultures > Teacher Training Programs > LAaG Englisch (Studienbeginn ab WiSe 23/24)

If you are an undergraduate, please navigate to:

  • Department 10 Foreign Languages and Cultures > Undergraduate Programs > B.A. American, British, and Canadian Studies (Studienbeginn ab WiSe 20/21)


  • Department 10 Foreign Languages and Cultures > Undergraduate Programs > Hauptfachteilstudiengang B.A. North American Studies (Studienbeginn ab WiSe 22/23)

If you are a graduate student, please navigate to:

  • Department 10 Foreign Languages and Cultures > Graduate Programs > M.A. North American Studies (Studienbeginn ab WiSe 20/21) 

Course List for Summer Term 2024

International students can also download the current course list including all relevant information. Note that some courses that are listed on Marvin are not open to exchange students, so check out this list to see whether the course you are interested in is available. The course lists will be updated on August 1st (for the winter term) and March 1st (for the summer term).

Courses from the Language Center

Apart from courses at the English department, you can opt to study another language, be it German, French, Chinese, or many more. Those are offered by the language center.