Links & Literatur
1. Hilfreiche American Studies Links
a) Recherche
b) Terminologie und Verfassen von wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten
- Free Dictionaries and Reference Sources online
- Manfred Jahn's Website (Project Page)
- William Strunk, Jr.: The Elements of Style
- MLA - Style
- Dartmouth College Composition Center
- Advice on Academic Writing (University of Toronto)
- Writer's Handbook (Writing Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Basics of English Studies (Englisches Seminar, Uni Freiburg)
c) Tipps zur kritischen Beurteilung von Internetresourcen:
d) Wissenschaftliche Vereinigungen im Bereich der American Studies:
- American Studies Association
- European Association for American Studies
- Modern Language Association
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien
- Collegium for African American Research
- MESEA (Society for Multi-Ethnic Studies: Europe and the Americas)
- MELUS (Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the U.S.)
2. Literatur online
a) Allgemeine Literatur
- Project Gutenberg
- The Library of Congress
- University of Virginia Library - Electronic Text Center
- The Heath Antology of American Literature Online
- Noam Chomsky Website
- Bibliomania
b) Spezielle Literatur
c) Büchererwerb
3. Kultur
a) Universitäten:
- Harvard University
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Yale University
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of California, Los Angeles
- Stanford University
b) Zeitungen / Zeitschriften:
- The New York Times
- The Los Angeles Times
- The San Francisco Chronicle
- The Washington Post
- The USA Today
- The Boston Globe
- Newsweek
- The Nation
- Foreign Affairs
- Move On
- New Republic
- Monthly Review
- The Socialist Register
- American Journalism Review - Links zu fast allen Nachrichtenquellen
c) Film / Theater:
d) Fernsehen:
e) Radio:
f) Satire
4. Geschichte
- The Library of Congress: American Memory - Beträchliche Sammlung von Orginal-Dokumenten und Fotos.
- Smithonian Institute Washington
- Digital History - Aufwändig gestaltete Site der University of Houston, gedacht für Lehre und Forschung.
5. Politik
a) Politische Parteien:
- US Government Web Portal
- The Republican Party
- The Democratic Party
- The Green Party
- The Libertarian Party
- The Socialist Party USA
- The Communist Party USA
b) Interessengruppen / Regierungseinrichtungen:
- The President
- The Senate
- House of Representatives
- US Departement of Defense
- US Departement of the Treasury
- National Archives and Records Administration
- Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
- The Library of Congress
- New American Century
- The Christian Coalition
- Noam Chomsky Website
- Headquarters of the American Labor Union