S.H. der Dalai Lama ist Marburger Ehrendoktor
Auszeichnung mit Ehrenpromotion durch den Fachbereich Fremdsprachliche Philologien
Am 3. August 2009 nahm S.H. der Dalai Lama die Ehrendoktorwürde der Philipps-Universität Marburg in einem festlichen Akt entgegen. Die Verleihung fand im Fürstensaal des Marburger Landgrafenschlosses im Beisein von geladenen Gästen statt.

S.H. der Dalai Lama
"As a human being, my main commitment is in the promotion of human values; this is what I consider the key factor for a happy life at the individual, family and community level. As a religious practitioner, my second commitment is the promotion of inter-religious harmony. My third commitment is of course the issue of Tibet. This is firstly due to my being a Tibetan with the name of 'Dalai Lama'; more importantly, it is due to the trust that Tibetans both inside and outside Tibet have placed in me. These are the three important commitments, which I always keep in mind." (Aus: The Statement of His Holiness the Dalai Lama on the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising Day, 10. März 2009). |