30.04.2021 Digitaler Vortrag des "Marburg Celtic Seminar" 10.05.2021 Aisling Byrne - English and Irish in the Late Middle Ages: The Politics of Translation

Im Rahmen der digitalen Vortragsreihe "Marburg Celtic Seminar: Textual Transfers in Medieval and Early Modern Ireland and Wales" findet am 10. Mai um 18 Uhr der Vortrag von Dr. Aisling Byrne (University of Reading) statt.
English and Irish in the Late Middle Ages: The Politics of Translation

A significant number of texts were translated from Middle English into Irish in the late medieval period. This paper offers an overview of these works and outlines the contexts in which such translation took place. It considers the role played by colonial, dynastic and ecclesiastical networks in the movement of texts between languages. The relationship of Irish and English is particularly complex in this period and characterisations that might apply in later centuries do not fit so neatly at this point. For instance, there is little evidence that English was considered a 'prestige vernacular' in medieval Ireland. Additionally, translation from English in Ireland in this period seems to be a matter of literary appropriation, rather than of cultural subordination to an encroaching colonial power.
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Dr. Luciana Cordo Russo luciana.cordorusso@staff.uni-marburg.de
Dr. Elena Parina elena.parina@staff.uni-marburg.de