07.04.2021 Digitaler Vortrag des "Marburg Celtic Seminar" 12.04.2021 Angharad Price - Wales in Italy: Textual Transfers and the Welsh Counter-Reformation Movement

Im Rahmen der digitalen Vortragsreihe "Marburg Celtic Seminar: Textual Transfers in Medieval and Early Modern Ireland and Wales" findet am 12. April 2021 um 18 Uhr der Vortrag von Prof. Angharad Price (Bangor University) statt.
Wales in Italy: Textual Transfers and the Welsh Counter-Reformation Movement

Leading Welsh Catholics fled to continental Europe following Queen Elizabeth I's accession to the throne and the passing of the Acts of Uniformity. Based in Rome and Milan, this small group of exiles set about creating and publishing a Counter-Reformation literature in Welsh. Imbued with the principles of Renaissance humanism and inspired by the ideals of the Council of Trent, their output includes not only pioneering translations of key doctrinal texts, but also works of great scholarly and literary significance in the history of Welsh letters. Equally significant is their use of medieval historiographical Welsh manuscripts as a basis for political and military intervention by the Vatican, and as a means of reasserting Welsh nationhood when Protestant Wales was rapidly being subsumed into Elizabeth's greater 'Anglia'. In so doing, the Welsh Catholics in Italy not only provide a fascinating counterpoint to the activities of their Protestant counterparts in Wales, but also play a similar key role in revivifying the Welsh language at a crucial point in its survival.
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