20.06.2023 „Bonn+Marburg Celtic Seminar“ am 3. Juli: Oisín Ó Muirthile (Harvard University) - Necessity knows no Sound Law: On the Inadequacy of the Comparative Method in tracing the Development of the Gaelic-based Argots

Im Rahmen der digitalen Vortragsreihe "Bonn+Marburg Celtic Seminar" findet am 3. Juli um 18 Uhr s.t. der Vortrag von Oisín Ó Muirthile (Harvard University) statt.
Necessity knows no Sound Law: On the Inadequacy of the Comparative Method in tracing the Development of the Gaelic-based Argots

Throughout the history of the Irish (Gaelic) language, numerous varieties of coded or argotic speech derived wholly or in part from Irish are known to have come into existence. These have often served as cryptolects or private languages for closed groups of speakers to the exclusion of larger surrounding populations. At least two of these, Gammon-Cant (“Shelta”) and Beurla Reagaird, continue to function today as the ethnolects of the Irish Traveller and Indigenous Highland Scottish Traveller ethnic communities, respectively. Much like the origin and history of these marginalised peoples, the historical development of their languages has largely remained undocumented, and early written sources are few. Thus, investigations of the genesis of these languages falls to an extent within the purview of historical linguistics via the application of internal reconstruction to the limited extant material. This paper addresses the methodological, ideological, and sociological challenges facing such historical linguistic research on these (partially) Gaelic-based languages, and their relationship to the known developmental trajectory of Irish and Scottish Gaelic.
Die Vorträge finden digital immer um 18 Uhr s.t. statt.
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Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme!
Prof. Dr. Elena Parina (Bonn)
Prof. Dr. Alderik Blom (Marburg)