01.06.2023 Digitaler Vortrag des „Bonn+Marburg Celtic Seminar“ 5. Juni: Nicole Volmering (Trinity College Dublin) – Exploring Early Irish Scribal Culture: Case Studies from the Early Irish Hands Project

Im Rahmen der digitalen Vortragsreihe "Bonn+Marburg Celtic Seminar" findet am 5. Juni um 18 Uhr s.t. der Vortrag von Dr. Nicole Volmering (Trinity College Dublin) statt.
Exploring Early Irish Scribal Culture: Case Studies from the Early Irish Hands Project

In my talk I will give a brief introduction to the project followed by case studies that illustrate aspects of the research that require a corpus-wide approach and that involve single-item studies. Among the topics I will address are the study of parchment preparation for writing and analysis of script and materiality as part of structural analysis of a manuscript (or parts thereof).
Die Vorträge finden digital immer um 18 Uhr s.t. statt.
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Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme!
Prof. Dr. Elena Parina (Bonn)
Prof. Dr. Alderik Blom (Marburg)