04.05.2023 Digitaler Vortrag des „Bonn+Marburg Celtic Seminar“ 8. Mai: Rebecca Thomas (Cardiff University) – Hostages in Medieval Wales

Im Rahmen der digitalen Vortragsreihe "Bonn+Marburg Celtic Seminar" findet am 8. Mai um 18 Uhr der Vortrag von Dr. Rebecca Thomas (Cardiff University) statt.
Hostages in Medieval Wales

Hostageship was a key part of Wales’s political entanglement with its neighbours in the Middle Ages. Chronicle entries for the twelfth and thirteenth centuries are littered with references to Welsh rulers giving hostages to English kings in particular. This paper examines the literary representation of the practice, focusing especially on Geoffrey of Monmouth’s De gestis Britonum and its Welsh adaptations, Brut y Brenhinedd. It will investigate how hostages are described in Latin and Welsh, and will explore what these texts can reveal about contemporary attitudes towards hostageship.
Die Vorträge finden digital immer um 18 Uhr s.t. statt.
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Prof. Dr. Elena Parina (Bonn)
Prof. Dr. Alderik Blom (Marburg)