16.11.2021 Digitaler Vortrag des "Marburg Celtic Seminar" 22.11.2021 Blanca María Prósper (Universidad de Salamanca) - Two new inscriptions from ancient Hispania: Novelties in Celtiberian and Lusitanian studies.

Im Rahmen der digitalen Vortragsreihe "Marburg Celtic Seminar" findet am 22. November 2021 um 18 Uhr der Vortrag von Prof. Blanca María Prósper (Universidad de Salamanca) statt.
Two new inscriptions from ancient Hispania: Novelties in Celtiberian and Lusitanian studies.

As is universally known, epigraphic texts written in the indigenous languages of Ancient Europe are thin on the ground. Therefore, the discovery of an inscription, however short or apparently uninformative, is most welcome. In this presentation, I will analyse two new documents from Ancient Hispania. One is Celtic and in my view, in spite of its brevity, contributes a great deal to settling some questions about Celtiberian morphology and morphosyntax. The other one is Lusitanian, and, besides clarifying some old morphological questions, adds its little grain of sand to the classification of this language as non-Celtic.
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Dr. Luciana Cordo Russo luciana.cordorusso@staff.uni-marburg.de
Dr. Elena Parina elena.parina@staff.uni-marburg.de