04.07.2022 Digitaler Vortrag des "Marburg Celtic Seminar" 11. Juli: Patrick Sims-Williams (Aberystwyth University) – The Fourth Branch of the Mabinogi: Changing fashions in reading Medieval Welsh literature

Im Rahmen der digitalen Vortragsreihe "Marburg Celtic Seminar: History of Celtic Studies" findet am 11. Juli um 18 Uhr der Vortrag von Patrick Sims-Williams (Aberystwyth University) statt.
The Fourth Branch of the Mabinogi: Changing fashions in reading Medieval Welsh literature

Concentrating on the first part of "Math" (the Fourth Branch of the Mabinogi), I'll consider some of the progress in scholarship since the eighteenth century. Have older studies really been superseded or can we still glean valuable insights by re-reading them? I'll suggest that we can, and will draw attention to an unknown variant version of "Math".
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