03.12.2021 Digitaler Vortrag des "Marburg Celtic Seminar" 13.12.2021 Iwan Wyn Rees (Prifysgol Caerdydd / Cardiff University): Patagonian Welsh: Some insights on language contact, dialect contact and heritage language promotion

Im Rahmen der digitalen Vortragsreihe "Marburg Celtic Seminar" findet am 13. Dezember 2021 um 18 Uhr der Vortrag von Dr. Iwan Wyn Rees (Prifysgol Caerdydd / Cardiff University) statt.
Patagonian Welsh: Some insights on language contact, dialect contact and heritage language promotion

Patagonian Welsh provides a fascinating case study for examining different outcomes of language contact as well as dialect contact. However, to date, very few previous studies have attempted to provide a systematic analysis of the linguistic characteristics of this colonial variety of Welsh, and the linguistic repercussions of the revival of Welsh in Chubut since the 1990s have been largely overlooked. This paper will therefore attempt to analyse several phonological and lexical features of the variety of Welsh currently spoken in Chubut. The results will establish several differences (as well as similarities) between various speaker types, namely heritage speakers, heritage learners and L2 learners. Consequently, the implications of the data for pedagogical practices in Chubut and for heritage language promotion generally will be explored.
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Dr. Luciana Cordo Russo luciana.cordorusso@staff.uni-marburg.de
Dr. Elena Parina elena.parina@staff.uni-marburg.de