Tagung "Glossing from a comparative Perspective" Ankündigung der Tagung "Glossing from a comparative Perspective"
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Eröffung der James-Joyce-Wanderausstellung
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Celtic Philology and Convivial Networks Bonn+Marburg Celtic Seminar Winter Term 2022/23: History of Celtic Studies
Encounters with the Welsh language in Romantic-period tours of Wales Bonn+Marburg Celtic Seminar Winter Term 2022/23: History of Celtic Studies
From Language Rule to Requiem: Music and Translation in the National Eisteddfod
Hostages in Medieval Wales
Exploring Early Irish Scribal Culture: Case Studies from the Early Irish Hands Project
Necessity knows no Sound Law: On the Inadequacy of the Comparative Method in tracing the Development of the Gaelic-based Argots
Ausstellungseröffnung "Into Europe: Ireland & The EU, 1973-2023"
Vortrag: Performing past and present: The self-fashioning of Angharad Llwyd (1780–1866), antiquary, author, and facilitator
Middle Breton literature, a northwestern production Vortrag im Bonn+Marburg Celtic Seminar
Prepositions and metaphorical thinking in Old Irish: constructing mental space Vortrag im Bonn+Marburg Celtic Seminar
British Latin as a window on early Brittonic Celtic Vortrag im Bonn+Marburg Celtic Seminar
Robert Owen's "de adventu Cadwalladri Regis Britonum ad Urbem" (1585?) recently rediscovered in the Vatican Library Vortrag im Bonn+Marburg Celtic Seminar