
Vorträge aus dem Projekt

Elena Parina, ʻВаллийские переводы в разные эпохиʼ [Welsh translations cross the time] // Focal, fios agus foghlaim: Международная конференция, посвященная отечественной школе кельтологии и юбилею д.ф.н. проф. Татьяны Андреевны Михайловой  [Focal, fios agus foghlaim: International Celtic Studies conference in honour of Prof. Tatjana A. Mikhailova], Moscow, 28-29.01.2016

Elena Parina, ʻThe Latin source of the Breuddwyd Pawl text in Llyfr yr Ancrʼ // British Academy working group ʻDatblygiad yr Iaith Gymraeg / The Development of the Welsh Languageʼ Project, University of Cambridge, 6-8.04.2016

Elena Parina, ʻMiddle Welsh religious texts from the Book of the Anchorite of Llanddewibrefi - in search of a digital representation for fluid translations of fluid textsʼ // Cologne Center for eHumanities (CceH), 28.04.2016

Elena Parina, ʻOne translation of Transitus Mariae into Middle Welsh in its Insular contextʼ // The Crossing Borders in the Insular Middle Ages research network meeting, Durham, 2-3.07.2016

Elena Parina, ʻThe language of Middle Welsh religious textsʼ // Celtic Linguistics Conference, Cardiff, 1-2.09.2016

Elena Parina, ʻMultiple versions of Breuddwyd Pawl as a source to study the work of Welsh translatorsʼ // 8th International Colloquium of the Societas Celto-Slavica, Heidelberg, 3.09.2016

Erich Poppe, ʻTowards a linguistic profile of the medieval Welsh Transitus Mariaeʼ // Early Irish and Celtic Studies Research Seminar, Maynooth University, 1.12.2016


Elena Parina,  The Middle Welsh 'Sunday Letter' and its Latin Source //  Crossing borders in the insular Middle Ages, c. 900-1500; University of Birmingham, 3.-5.04.2017


Erich Poppe,  Convergent devotional needs – divergent texts and traditions: the 'Sunday Letter' and the 'Transitus Mariae' in Wales and Ireland // Crossing borders in the insular Middle Ages, c. 900-1500; University of Birmingham, 3.-5.04.2017


Erich Poppe, Llyfyr Agkyr Llandewivrevi. Eine walisische Handschrift aus dem Jahr 1346, ihre Texte und Kontexte // Marburger Gelehrten-Gesellschaft, 17. April 2018