
Dr. habil. Ilya Yakubovich -
Verzeichnis der wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten

  • Monographien

    1. Sociolinguistics of the Luvian Language. Leiden: Brill, 2010.
    2. Новое в согдийской этимологии. [Neue Wege in der sogdischen Etymologie]. Москва: Языки славянской культуры, 2013.
    3. Лувийский язык в пространстве и времени. Moscow: Languages of Slavonic Culture, 2019. 460 pp.
    4. (with Alice Mouton) Luwili: Hittite-Luwian Ritual Texts Attributed to Puriyanni, Kuwattalla and Šilalluḫi (CTH 758–763). Vol. 1: Edition and Commentary, Vol. 2: Discussion and Glossary. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2023, ca. 485 + 500 pp.
  • Redaktion

    1. (with A. Mouton and I. Rutherford) Anatolian Interfaces: Culture, Language and Religion between Anatolia and the Aegean. Leiden: Brill, 2013. Circa 600 pp.
  • Zeitschriftenaufsätze

    1. “Nugae Sogdicae”. Bulletin of the School of the Oriental and African Studies 65/3 (2002): 543-9.
    2. “Mugh 1.I. Revisited”. Studia Iranica 31/2 (2002): 231-53.
    3. “Lydian Etymological Notes”. Historische Sprachforchung 118/1-2 (2005): 75-91.
    4.  “The Syntactic Evolution of Aramaic ZY in Sogdian”. Studia Iranica 34/2 (2005): 199-230.
    5. “Were Hittite kings divinely anointed?” Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions 5 (2005): 107-37.
    6. “Free-standing genitive and hypostasis in Hittite”. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 65/1 (2006): 39-49.
    7. “Hittite-Luvian Bilingualism and the Origin of Anatolian Hieroglyphs”. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana 4/1 (2008): 9-36.
    8. “The Luvian Enemy”. Kadmos 47/1-2 (2009): 1-19.
    9. “Morphological Negation in Urartian”. Aramazd 5/1 (2010): 141-65.
    10. “Sogdian Etymological Notes”. Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 64/2 (2011): 161-81.
    11. “A Middle Iranian Sound Change”. Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft 66/1 (2012): 147-78.
    12. “The Reading of Luwian ARHA and Related Problems”. Altorientalische Forschungen 39/2(2012): 321-39. 
    13. “The Degree of Comparison in Luwian”. Indogermanische Forschungen 118 (2013): 155-68.
    14. (mit S. Boroday) “Корпусные методы дешифровки анатолийских иероглифов”. Journal of Language Relationship 11 (2014): 39-61.
    15. “К происхождению рефлексивных клитик в анатолийских языках”. Journal of Language Relationship 12 (2014): 73-111.
    16. “Reflexes of Indo-European “ē-statives” in Old Indic”. Transactions of the Philological Society 112/3 (2014): 386-408.
    17. “The Luwian Deity Kwanza”. Armenian Journal of Near Eastern Studies (Aramazd) VIII/1-2  (2013-2014): 282-97.
    18. “Phoenician and Luwian in Early Iron Age Cilicia”. Anatolian Studies 65 (2015): 35-53.
    19. “Adanawa or Ahhiyawa? Reply to the addendum by J.D. Hawkins”. Anatolian Studies 65 (2015): 56-58.
    20. “К локализации Лувии – древнейшего ареала обитания лувийцев”. Вестник древней истории 2015, № 4: 137-163.
    21. (mit D. Sasseville) “The Luwian inscription ŞARAGA: an improved edition”. Nouvelles  Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires 2016/1: 32-35.
    22. “Some transitive motion verbs and related lexemes in Late Luwian”. Indogermanische Forschungen 121 (2016): 69-92.
    23. (mit M. Kudrinski) “Sumerograms and Akkadograms in Hittite: Ideograms, Logograms, Allograms, or Heterograms”. Altorientalische Forschungen 43/1-2 (2016): 53-66.
    24. (mit A. Sideltsev) “The Origin of Lycian Indefinite Pronouns and its Phonological Implications”. Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft 70/1 (2016): 75-124.
    25. “Славянский чертежник: этимология слав *čьrtъ ‘черт’”. Journal of Language Relationship 14/3-4 (2016): 279-291.
    26. “An agreement Between the Sardians and the Mermnads in the Lydian Language?” Indogermanische Forschungen 122 (2017): 165-193.
    27. “На каких языках говорили в Трое: взгляд анатолиста”. Journal of Language Relationship 15/3-4 (2017): 193-215.
    28. “The Luwian word for ‘place’ and its cognates”. Kadmos 56 (2017): 1-27.
    29. “Развитие анатолийских иероглифов в контексте хеттско-лувийского двуязычия”. Восток (Oriens) 2018, № 6: 22-34.
    30. (with D. Sasseville) “Palaic Words for Domestic Animals and their Enclosures”. Historische Sprachforschung 131 (2018): 46-58.
    31. (with A. Mouton) “Internal or external evil: a merism in Luwian incantations”. Bulletin of SOAS, 82/2 (2019): 209-231.
    32. (mit B. Vine) “Вяч. Вс. Иванов – индоевропеист”. Общественные науки и современность 2019, № 4: 6-15.
    33. “Persian ezāfe as a contact-induced feature”. Вопросы языкознания 2020, № 5: 91-114.
    34. “Doing Things Reverently Among the Luwians”. Les Études Classiques 88 (2020): 465-489.
    35. (with A. Mouton) “Where did one speak luwili? Geographic and linguistic diversity of Luwian cuneiform texts”. Journal of Language Relationship 19/1 (2021): 25-53.
    36. (with C. Melchert) “Binding and Smiting: One More Merism in Luvian Incantations”. Journal of American Oriental Society 142/2 (2022): 371-385.
    37. “Morphophonemic variation in Luwian clitic chains and the origin of the particle [꞊r]”. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana 18/1 (2022): 485-502.
    38. (with C. Melchert) “New Luwian verbal endings of the first person plural”. Incontri Linguistici 45 (2022): 11-30.
    39. (with M. Valério) “From ‘Foreman’ to ‘Warlord’: Royal Titles in Iron Age Western Anatolia”. Aula Orientalis 40/2 (2022): 345-353.
    40. “Once Again on the Evolution of the Anatolian Hieroglyphic Script”. Kadmos 61 (2022): 37-60.
    41. “The Place of Lydian in the Anatolian Family through the Lens of Recent Research”. Journal of Language Relationship 20/3-4 (2022): 191-221.
    42. ““Daiva Inscription” of Xerxes: Historical Account, Ideological Statement or Propaganda”. Вестник древней истории 83/1 (2023): 5-26.
  • Aufsätze in Festschriften, Gedenkschriften und kollektiven Monographien

    1. “The Distribution of -st- and -št- in Classical Persian”.Studia Linguarum 1 (Fs. A Zalizniak). Moscow: RGGU, 1997, pp. 21-36.
    2. “Labyrinth for tyrants”. Studia Linguarum 3/1 (Gs. A. A. Korolev). Moscow: Languages of Slavonic Culture, 2002, pp 93-116.
    3. “Nugae Luvicae”. Anatolian Languages (ed. V. Shevoroshkin and P. Sidwell). AHL Studies in the Science and History of Language 6. Canberra: Association for the History of Language, 2002, pp. 189-209.
    4. (mit A. Kassian) “DUTU- in Hittite Texts”. Šarnikzel. Hethitologische Studien gewidmet an Emil Orgetorix Forrer (ed. D. Groddek and S. Rössle). Dresden: Technische Universität Dresden, 2004, pp. 395-407.
    5. (mit A. Kassian). “The reflexes of IE initial clusters in Hittite”. Anatolian Languages (ed. V. Shevoroshkin and P. Sidwell). AHL Studies in the Science and History of Language 6. Canberra: Association for the History of Language, 2002, pp. 10-49.
    6. “Carian monument”.  Hr̥dā manasā. Сборник статей к семидесятилетию со дня рождения Леонарда Георгиевича Герценберга (ed. N. Kazanskij). Saint-Petersburg: Nauka. 2005, pp 240-251.
    7. (mit Y. Yoshida)  “The Sogdian fragments of  Sam­ghāta Sūtra in the German Turfan Collection”. Languages of Iran: Past & Present. A Volume of Iranian Studies in memoriam David Neil MacKenzie (ed. D. Weber). Wiesbaden: Harassowitz, 2005, pp. 239-268.
    8. (mit A. Kassian) “Muršili II’s Prayer to Telibinu”. Tabularia Hethaeorum: hethitologische Beiträge Silvin Košak zum 65th Geburtstag (ed. D. Groddek and M. Zorman). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2007, pp. 423-54.
    9. “Two Armenian Etymologies”. Giorgi Melikishvili Memorial Volume (ed. I. Tatishvili et al.). Tbilisi: Logos, 2009, pp. 266-72. 
    10. “West Semitic god El in Anatolian hieroglyphic Transmission”. Pax Hethitica: Studies on the Hittites and their Neighbours in Honour of Itamar Singer (ed. Y. Cohen et al.). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2010, рp. 385-98.  
    11. (with E. Rieken) “The New Values of  Luwian Signs L 319 and L 172”. Ipamati kistamati pari tumatimis: Luwian and Hittite Studies presented to J. David Hawkins on the occasion of his 70th birthday (ed. I. Singer). Tel-Aviv: Institute of Archaeology, 2010, pp. 199-219.
    12. “Hittite aniye/a- ‘to do’ ”. Ex Anatolia Lux: Anatolian and Indo-European studies in honor of H. Craig Melchert on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday (ed. R. I. Kim, E. Rieken, N. Oettinger, and M. J. Weiss). Ann Arbor: Beech Stave Press, 2010, pp. 375-84.
    13. (mit Beiträgen von Th. van den Hout) “Anatolian Hieroglyphs”. Visible Language: Inventions of Writing in the Near East and Beyond (ed. Ch. Woods). Chicago: Oriental Institute, 2010, pp. 203-14.
    14. (mit M. Valério) “Semitic Word for Iron as Anatolian Loanword”. Исследования по лингвистике и семиотике: сборник статей к юбилею Вяч. Вс. Иванова (ed. T.M. Nikolaeva). Moscow: Languages of Slavonic Culture, 2010, pp. 108-16.
    15. “Middle Iranian Intransitives in -ās-”. Commentationes Iranicae: сборник статей к 90-летию В.А. Лившица (ed. P.B. Lurje and S.R.Tokhtasjev). Saint-Petersburg: Nestor-Historia, 2013, pp. 64-73.
    16. “From Lower Land to Cappadocia”. Extraction and Control: Studies in Honor of Matthew W. Stolper (ed. M. Kozuh et al.). Chicago: Oriental Institute, 2014, pp. 347-52.
    17. “К этимологии персидского dästur”. Два выдающихся востоковеда. К 90-летию со дня рождения И.Ф. Вардуля и Ю.А. Рубинчика (ed. A.S. Panina and Z.M. Shaliapina). Moscow, 2014, pp. 175-86.
    18. “The Luwian Welcome”. Audias fabulas veteres. Anatolian Studies in Honor of Jana Součková-Siegelová (ed. Š. Velhartická). Leiden, Brill, 2016, 463-84.
    19. (mit Pavel Lurje). “The Myth of Sogdian Lambdacism”. Zur lichten Heimat: Studien zu Manichäismus, Iranistik und Zentralasienkunde im Gedenken an Werner Sundermann, Team “Turfanforschung” (eds), Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2017, pp. 319-342.
    20. “The Luwian Title of the Great King”. Hittitology Today: Studies in Hittite and Neo-Hittite Anatolia in Honor of Emmanuel Laroche’s 100th Birthday, A Mouton (ed.), Istanbul: IFEA, 2017, pp. 39-50.
    21. “The Mighty Weapon of Tarhunt”. Over the Mountains and Far Away: Studies in Near Eastern history and archaeology presented to Mirjo Salvini on the occasion of his 80th birthday, P. S. Avetisyan, R. Dan, and Y. H. Grekyan (eds.), Oxford: Archaeopress, 2019, pp. 544-559.
    22. “Showing Reverence in Lydian”. QAZZU warrai: Anatolian and Indo-European Studies in Honor of Kazuhiko Yoshida. A. A. Catt, R. I. Kim, and B. Vine (eds.). Ann Arbor: Beech Stave Press, 2019, pp. 399-409.  
    23. (with E. Rieken) “Ein lydisches Schmuckstück”. Maiores Philologiae Pontes: Festschrift für Michael Meier-Brügger zum 70. Geburtstag. M. Fritz, T. Kitazumi, and M. Veksina (eds.). Ann Arbor: Beech Stave Press, 2020, pp. 215-223.
    24. Hittite Agent Form”. Проблемы общей и востоковедной лингвистики. Сочетаемость языковых единиц и языковые модели. Памяти З.М. Шаляпиной (1946-2020), A.I. Kogan and A.S. Panina (eds), Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies, 2021, pp. 124-141.
  • Aufsätze in Tagungsbänden

    1. “Laryngeals from velars in Hittite: a Triple-Headed argument”. Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual UCLA IE conference, Los-Angeles, June 4-5, 1999 (ed. K. Jones-Bley et al.). Washington, DC: Institute for the study of Man, 2000, pp. 135-50.
    2. “Nugae Sogdicae II”. Turfan Revisited – The First Century of Research into the Arts and Cultures of the Silk Road (ed. D. Durkin-Meisterernst et al.).  Berlin: D. Reimer. 2004,  pp. 420-4
    3. “Prehistoric Contacts between Hittite and Luwian: the Case of Reflexive Pronouns”.  Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual UCLA IE conference, Los-Angeles, October 27-28, 2005 (ed. K. Jones-Bley et al.). Washington, DC: Institute for the Study of Man, 2006, pp. 77-106. 
    4. “Marriage Sogdian Style”. Iranistik in Europa - gestern, heute, morgen (ed. H. Eichner  et al.). Vienna: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. 2006, pp. 307-44.  
    5. “Head-noun Ellipsis in Hittite and Elsewhere: A Study in Recoverability Conditions”. CLS 40-2: The Panels / Papers from the panels of the fortieth annual meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (ed. N. Adams et al.). Chicago Linguistic Society 2008, pp. 37-53. 
    6. “The Origin of Luvian Possessive Adjectives”. Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual UCLA IE conference (ed. K. Jones-Bley et al.). Washington, DC: Institute for the Study of Man, 2008, pp. 193-217.  
    7. “Luwian Migrations in Light of Linguistic Contacts”. Anatolian Interfaces: Hittites, Greeks, and their neighbors (ed. B. J. Collins et al.). Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2008, pp. 123-34.
    8.  “Anaptyxis in Hitt. *spand- ‘to libate’: One More Case of Luvian Influence on New Hittite”. Индоевропейское языкознание и классическая филология. XIII. чтения памяти И.М. Тронского (ed. N.A. Bondarko and N.N. Kazanskij). St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2009, pp. 545-57.
    9. “Indo-European mā ‘to grow’”. Индоевропейское языкознание и классическая филология. XIV. чтения памяти И.М. Тронского (ed. N.N. Kazanskij et al.). St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2010, pp. 478-92.
    10.  “Information Structure and Word Order in the Aramaic of the Book of Daniel”. Narratives of Egypt and the Ancient Near East: Literary and Linguistic Approaches (ed. F. Hagen et al.). Leuven: Peeters, 2011, pp. 373-96
    11. “Anatolian Names in -wiya and the Structure of Empire Luwian Onomastics”. Anatolian Interfaces: Culture, Language and Religion between Anatolia and the Aegean. (ed. A. Mouton et al.). Leiden: Brill, 2013, pp. 87-123. 
    12. (with A. Mouton and I. Rutherford). “Introduction”. Anatolian Interfaces: Culture, Language and Religion between Anatolia and the Aegean. (ed. A. Mouton et al.). Leiden: Brill, 2013, pp. 2-21.
    13. “The Slavic Draughtsman”. Etymology and the European Lexicon. Proceedings of the 14th Fachtagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft, B. S. S. Hansen et al. (eds.), Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2017, pp. 529-540.
    14. (with S. Boroday) “Hittite local adverbs in comparative perspective”. 100 Jahre Entzifferung des Hethitischen: Morphosyntaktische Kategorien in Sprachgeschichte und Forschung. Akten der Arbeitstagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft vom 21. bis 23. September 2015 in Marburg, E. Rieken et al. (eds), Wiesbaden: Reichert, 2018, pp. 1-22. 
    15. “The Lydian Dating Formulae”. Luwic Dialects and Anatolian: Inheritance and Diffusion, I.-X. Adiego et al. (eds), Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona, 2019, pp. 299-316.
    16. (with A. Mouton) “Пролептическая конструкция в лувийском языке”. Индоевропейское языкознание и классическая филология – XXIV, N.N. Kazanskij et al. (eds), St. Petersburg: Institute for Linguistic Studies, 2020, pp. 206-33.
    17. “The Anatolian Connections of the Greek God Enyalius”. Linguistic and Cultural Interactions between Greece and Anatolia: In Search of the Golden Fleece, M. Bianconi (ed.). Leiden: Brill, 2021, pp. 233-45.
    18. “Лувийские заклинания из города Тауриса на севере Малой Азии”. Древность: историческое знание и специфика источника. Материалы научной конференции, посвященной памяти Эдвина Арвидовича Грантовского и Дмитрия Сергеевича Раевского. Выпуск VIII, G.J. Kolganova and V.J. Shelestin (eds). Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies, 2021, pp. 418-36.
    19. (with E. Rieken) “Zu den Reflexen der Wurzel *al- in den anatolischen Sprachen”. Zurück zur Wurzel – Struktur, Funktion und Semantik der Wurzel im Indogermanischen: Akten der Tagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft vom 13. bis 16. September 2016 in Wien, M. Malzahn et al. (eds), Wiesbaden: Reichert, 2022, pp. 267-80.
    20. (with E. Rieken) “Encounters between Scripts in Bronze Age Asia Minor”. Seen not Heard: Composition, Iconicity, and the Classifier Systems of Logosyllabic Scripts, I. Zsolnay (ed.). Chicago: Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures, 2023, pp. 205-235.
    21. “Changing colour as pollution in Hittite and Luwian Incantations: From metaphor to semantic shift”. New Approaches on Anatolian Linguistics, J.-V García Trabazo et al. (eds), Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona, 2023, pp. 317-333.
  • Beiträge in Nachschlagewerken

    1. “Middle Iranian Marriage Contracts”.  Encyclopedia Iranica, 2005. https://iranicaonline.org/articles/marriage-contract-in-the-pre-islamic-period
    2. “N. J. Marr”. Encyclopedia Iranica, 2005. https://iranicaonline.org/articles/marr-nikolai-yakovlevich-1
    3. “Sogdian”. Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (ed. S. Brock et al.), Gorgias Press, 2011, pp. 382-3. 
    4. “Luwian and the Luwians”.  Oxford Handbook of Ancient Anatolia (ed. Sh. Steadman and G. McMahon), Oxford University Press, 2011, pp. 534-47.
    5. “Hieroglyphs, Anatolian”. The Enclyclopedia of Ancient History (ed. R.S. Bagnall et al.), Blackwell, 2013, pp. 3210-11.
    6. “Luwian Language”. The Enclyclopedia of Ancient History (ed. R.S. Bagnall et al.), Blackwell, 2013, pp. 4174-75.
    7. (mit A. Kassian) “Aнатолийские языки”. Языки мира: реликтовые индоевропейские языки передней и центральной Азии (ed. J. Koryakov and A. Kibrik), Moscow: Academia, 2013, pp. 15-26.
    8. “Лувийский язык”. Языки мира: реликтовые индоевропейские языки передней и центральной Азии (ed. J. Koryakov and A. Kibrik), Moscow: Academia, 2013, pp. 109-36.
    9. “Нузи”. Большая российская энциклопедия, v. 23 (2013), pp. 376-77.
    10. “The Luwian Language”. Oxford Handbooks Online (21 Oct. 2015). http://www.oxfordhandbooks.com/view/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199935345.001.0001/oxfordhb-9780199935345-e-18
    11. “Lukka”. The Enclyclopedia of Ancient History, R.S. Bagnall et al. (eds), online supplement, Oxford: Blackwell, 2016, DOI: 10.1002/9781444338386.wbeah30241
    12. “Anatolia, local languages of”. The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity, O. Nicholson (ed.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, p. 70.
    13. “Karahöyük stele”. Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie, M. Streck et al.(eds), Berlin: de Gruyter, Volume 15/7-8 (2018), pp. 397-399.
    14. “Hittite”. A Companion to Ancient Near Eastern Languages. R. Hasselbach‐Andee (ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell, 2020, pp. 221-238.
    15. “Languages and Peoples”. Handbook of Hittite Empire: Power Structures. S. de Martino (ed.). Berlin: de Gruyter, 2022, pp. 3-43.
    16. “Cuneiform Luwian in the Hattuša Archives”. Contacts of Languages and Peoples in the Hittite and Post-Hittite World, by F. Giusfredi, V. Pisaniello and A. Matessi. Leiden: Brill, 2023, pp. 284-312.
  • Rezensionen

    1. (Rezensionartikel) “The Child of the Century. (Discussing the Ossetic Etymological Dictionary of V.I. Abaev and its author)”. Journal of the Association of Graduates in Near Eastern Studies 8/1 (1998): 5-11.
    2. Bactrian Documents from Northern Afghanistan. I: Legal and Economic Documents, by Nicholas Sims Williams. JIES 29/3-4 (2001): 476-81.
    3. Этимологический словарь ваханского языка, by Ivan M. Steblin-Kamenskij. JIES 29/3-4 (2001): 481-5.
    4. Introducción al avestico, by Javier Martínez and Michiel de Vaan. JIES 29/3-4 (2001): 485-90.
    5. Этимологический словарь иранских языков, v. 1, by Vera S. Rastorgujeva & Dzhoj I. Edelman, Indo-European Studies Bulletin 10/1 (2002): 30-1.
    6. Indo-Iranian Languages and Peoples, ed. Nicholas Sims-Williams. JIES 31/3-4 (2003): 475-82.
    7. The Avestan Vowels, by Michiel de Vaan. JIES 32/3-4, 2004: 387-95. 
    8. Studies in the Origin, Development and Interpretation of the Kizzuwatna Rituals, by Jared Miller. JIES 33/3-4 (2005): 422-33.
    9. Histoire des marchands sogdiens, by Étienne de la Vaissière. JNES 65/2 (2006): 122-24.
    10. Studies in Iranian Linguistics and Philology, by Wojciech Skałmowski. Iranian Studies 39/2 (2006): 190-94.
    11. Legends, Tales, and Fables in the Art of Sogdiana, by Boris Marshak. JNES 65/3 (2006): 223-25.
    12. Studies in Zoroastrian Family Law: a Comparative Analysis, by Bodil Hjerrild.  JNES 65/3 (2006): 214-16.
    13. The Luwians, ed. C. Melchert. JNES 66/2 (2007): 140-44.
    14. Lenguas en Contacto: El testimonio escrito, ed. P. Bádenas de la Peña et al. JAOS 127/2 (2007): 217-18.
    15. Akkadian Language in its Semitic Context, ed. G. Deutscher and N.J.C. Kouwenberg. Bibliotheca Orientalis  2008/1-2: 149-54.
    16. Margins of Writing, Origins of Cultures, ed. S. Sanders. JIES 36/1-2 (2008): 202-11.
    17. Индоевропейское языкознание и типология языковых ситуаций: сборник статей к 75-летию профессора А. Л. Герценберга (1930-1995), ed. M.N. Bogoliubov. Indo-European Studies Bulletin 13/1 (2008): 51-53.
    18. Phonétique et morphologie de la langue lydienne, by Raphaël Gérard. JNES 68/1 (2009): 43-45.
    19. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the World’s Ancient Languages, ed. R. Woodard. JNES 68/1 (2009): 41-43.
    20. The Kingdom of the Hittites: New Edition, by Trevor Bryce. JNES 69/1 (2010): 104-107
    21. (mit D. Campbell). Die hethitischen Tontafelkataloge aus Hattuša (CTH 276-282), by Paola Dardano. JNES 69/1 (2010): 90-93.
    22. A grammar of the Hittite Language, by Harry A. Hoffner and H. Craig Melchert. Bibliotheca Orientalis 67/1-2 (2010): 147-54.
    23. Аспекты компаративистики 4, ed. Georgij S. Starostin. Journal of Language Relationship 4 (2010): 207-11 [auf Russisch].
    24. Sprachen des Alten Orients, ed. M. Streck. JNES 69/2 (2010): 253-54.
    25. The Indo-European Language Family: Question about its Status, ed. A. Marcantonio. Journal of Language Relationship 6 (2011): 227-33 [auf Russisch].
    26. The Disappearance of Writing Systems: Perspectives on Literacy and Communication, ed. John Baines et al. JAOS 131/1 (2011), 135-138.  
    27. Einführung in die hurritische Sprache. 2.,überarbeitete Auflage,by Ilse Wegner. JNES 70/2 (2011): 337-39.
    28. Glossar des Lykischen, by G. Neumann. JNES 70/2 (2011): 336-37.
    29. Le Hōm Stōm et la zone des déclarations (Y7.24-Y15.4, avec les intercalations de Vr3 à 6), by Jean Kellens. JNES 70/2 (2011): 334-35.
    30. Corpus dei testi urartei. Part 1:  Le iscrizioni su pietra e roccia, vol. 1-3, by Mirjo Salvini. Syria 88 (2011): 423-24.   
    31. Investigationes Anatolicae : Gedenkschrift für Erich Neu, ed. J. Klinger et al., and Studia Anatolica in memoriam Erich Neu dicata, ed. R. Lebrun and J. De Vos. Kratylos 56 (2011):  172-81.
    32. Die hethitischen Frauennamen, by Thomas Zehnder. Kratylos 56 (2011): 182-87.
    33. Sources for a Socio-Economic History of the Neo-Hittite States, by Federico Giusfredi. Orientalia 80/2 (2011): 259-65. 
    34. Iranica in the Achaemenid Period (ca. 550-330 B.C.): Lexicon of Old Iranian Proper Names and Loanwords, Attested in Non-Iranian Texts, by Jan Tavernier. JNES 71/1 (2012): 133-35.
    35. Berliner Pahlavi-Dokumente: Zeugnisse spatsassanidischer Brief- und Rechtskultur aus frühislamischer Zeit, by Dieter Weber. JAOS 132/1(2012): 116-18.
    36. The Carian Language, by I. Adiego. JNES 71/1 (2012): 131-33.
    37. L’alignement syntaxique dans les langues indo-européennes d’Anatolie, by Silvain Patri. JNES 71/2 (2012): 390-2.
    38. Völker und Sprachen Altanatoliens, by Maciej Popko. JNES 71/2 (2012): 388-90.
    39. Die Entwicklung von Demonstrativpronomen zu Artikeln in Soghdischen, by Antje Wendtland. ZDMG 162/2 (2012):  495-7.
    40. The Elements of Hittite, by Theo van den Hout. Classical Review 63/1 (2013): 1-3.
    41. Die Aḫḫijawa-Frage (mit einer kommentierten Biblographie), by Robert Fischer. Kratylos 58 (2013): 185-92. 
    42. Ultima Indo-Europea, by Jaan Puhvel. JIES 41/3-4 (2013): 566-70.
    43. Iranische Personnennamen in der neuassyrischen Nebenüberlieferung, by R. Schmitt. Kratylos 59 (2014): 249-53. 
    44. Iranische Personnennamen in der neu- und spätbabylonischen Nebenüberlieferung, by R. Zadok. Kratylos 59 (2014): 245-49.
    45. Personal Names in Ancient Anatolia, ed.R. Parker. Classical Review 65/1-2 (2015): 3-5.
    46. The Hittite Demonstratives: Studies in Deixis, Topic, and Focus, by Petra Goedegebuure. BSOAS 79/1 (2016): 164-166.
    47. Bibliographisches Glossar des Hurritischen, by Thomas Richter. JAOS 136/1 (2016): 179-183.  
    48. Einführung in die urartäische Sprache, by Miroslavo Salvini and Ilse Wegner. Bibliotheca Orientalis 73/1-2 (2016): 155-159.
    49. Accent in Hittite: A Study in Plene Spellings, Consonant Gradation, Clitics and Metrics, by Alwin Kloekhorst. WZKM 106 (2016): 291-94.
    50. The Germanic Loanwords in Proto-Slavic, by Saskia Pronk-Tiethoff. Kratylos 61 (2016): 138-144.
    51. Sogdian Epigraphy of Central Asia and Semirech’e, by Vladimir A. Livshits [London: School of Oriental and African Studies, 2015]. Indo-Iranian Journal 60/4 (2017): 413-418.
    52. From Hittite to Homer. The Anatolian Background of Ancient Homeric Epic, by Mary R. Bachvarova [Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016]. JNES 76/2 (2017): 363-366.
    53. The Gods Rich in Praise: Early Greek and Mesopotamian Religious Poetry, by Christopher Metcalf [Oxford: Oxford University Press]. JNES 77/1 (2018): 128-131. 
    54. Kanišite Hittite: The Earliest Attested Record of Indo-European, by Alwin Kloekhorst [Leiden: Brill, 2019]. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 110/2 (2020): 278-288.
    55. Phonologie Httite, by Sylvain Patri [Leiden: Brill, 2019]. JAOS 142/1 (2022): 239-242.
    56. Religionsgeschichte Anatoliens vom Ende des dritten bis zum Beginn des ersten Jahrtausends, by Manfred Hutter [Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2021]. JIES 50/3-4 (2022): 555-562.