Dr. Oğuz Soysal

Oğuz Soysal
von privat

Wiss. Mitarbeiter, Eigene Stelle (DFG)


oguz.soysal@ 1 Wilhelm-Röpke-Straße 6
35032 Marburg
W|02 Geisteswissenschaftliche Institute (Raum: 00024)


Philipps-Universität Marburg Fremdsprachliche Philologien (Fb10) Institut für Klassische Sprachen und Literaturen (IKSL) Fachgebiet Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft (AG Rieken)

In einem Interview, das Sie unter dem Link https://bilimveaydinlanma.org/a-hittitologist-since-secondary-school-oguz-soysal/ finden, erfahren Sie mehr über Dr. Oğuz Soysal und seine Arbeit.


    27.07.1961: Day of birth in Ankara (Turkey)

    1967-1972: 5 years elementary school in Ankara (Turkey)

    1972-1978: 6 years junior-senior high school in Ankara (Turkey)

    1978-1982: 4 years at the Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi (Undergraduate; B.A.). Subjects: Hittitology, Assyriology, Anatolian Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern History

    1979: Participation at the Konya Karahöyük-Excavations (Turkey)

    1983-1986: 3 years at the Philipps-Universität Marburg (Doctor’s degree study). Subjects: Altorientalistik, Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft and Semitistik

    1986-1989: 3 years at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (Doctor’s degree study; Ph.D.). Subjects: Kleinasiatische Philologie, Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft and Assyriologie.

    25.07.1989: Day of doctoral examination

    01.02.1989 - 30.04.1989: Academical Assistant at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg

    26.01.1995 - 04.05.1995: Visiting Professor at the New York University

    01.08.1995 - 01.07.2000: Research Associate in the Chicago Hittite Dictionary Project of the University of Chicago

    1997: Participation at the Sivas Kuşaklı-Excavations (Turkey)

    2000: Archaeological surveys at the Vicinity of Sivas (Turkey)

    01.07.2000 - 01-07-2013: Senior Research Associate in the Chicago Hittite Dictionary Project of the University of Chicago

    01.04.2003: Day of naturalization as American citizen

    01.02.2005 - 31.05.2005: Visiting Assistant Professor at the Ankara Bilkent University

    01.07.2013 - 01.07.2018: Senior Research Associate & Associate Editor in the Chicago Hittite Dictionary Project of the University of Chicago

    2015 - 2017: Member of the Sivas Kayalıpınar-Excavations Team (Philologist)

    2018 - 2019: Full member of the Sivas Kayalıpınar-Excavations Team (Assistant Director, Philologist)

    01.02.2020 - present: Project Head of Unpublished Boğazköy-Fragments: Edition and Research (DFG) at University of Marburg

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