Kanadistische Lehre

Das Marburger Zentrum für Kanada-Studien bedient zwar keinen eigenen Studiengang, bietet aber dennoch regelmäßig kanadistische Veranstaltungen an. Hier finden Sie eine Übersicht der aktuellen und vergangenen Lehrveranstaltungen mit kanadistischem Fokus.
Lehre aktuell
Wintersemester 2021/22
Lehre früherer Semester
Wintersemester 2015/16 - 2021
Sommersemester 2021
PS: Indigenous Voices - Focus on Canada (Heuser)
HS: Innovative Works by Canadian First Nations Authors (Kuester)Wintersemester 2020/21
HS: Ecological Themes in Canadian Literature (Kuester)
PS: Contemporary Poetry from Canada (Kuester)Sommersemester 2020
HS: Montreal Novels - Richler, Cohen, Hage (Kuester)
Wintersemester 2019/20
PS: Caught-In-Between Borders: Canadian Immigrant Writers (Said)
HS: Canadian Crime Novels and/as Cultural Studies (Kuester)Sommersemester 2019
HS: Teachers Teaching America (Birkle)
Wintersemester 2018/19
HS: "O Canada": The Underground Railroad from Slavery to Trump (Birkle)
HS: The Canadian Prairies: Poems, Plays, and Novels (Kuester)Sommersemester 2018
PS: Paths Towards Reconciliation: Indigenous Issues in Canada (Heuser)
VL: Canadian Literature: After the Sesquicentennial (Kuester)Wintersemester 2017/18
HS: Literary Views of Europe from a Canadian Perspective (Kuester)
Sommersemester 2017
HS: Performing Canada: Canadian Identities Between Satire and (Re)Negotiation (Boller)
PS: Destination Canada! Exploring the Cultural Landscapes of Canada through Travel Writing (Heuser)
HS: Dramatic Works by Canadian First Nations Authors (Kuester)Wintersemester 2016/17
VL: American Literature and the Politics of Immigration (Birkle)
VL: Key Texts of American Literature (Bischoff)
VL: New Literatures in English in Their Historical Contexts (Kuester)
PS: Contemporary Canadian Women Writers (Boller)
PS: Dystopian Novels from South Africa and Canada (Said)
HS: Mother of Exiles and American Immigrant Literature (Birkle)
HS: Multiculturalism in Canadian Poetry (Kuester)Sommersemester 2016
VL: Canadian Ecologies - Écologies Canadiennes - Kanadische Ökologien (interdisziplinäre Ringvorlesung; Kuester und Gäste)
PS: Into the Wild? Canadian Narratives of Human (and) Nature (Boller)
HS: Contemporary Canadian Novels (Kuester)Wintersemester 2015/16
PS: Contemporary Canadian Women Writers (Boller)
VL: New Literatures in English in the Historical Contexts (Kuester)
HS: Multiculturalism in Canadian Poetry (Kuester)
PS: Dystopian Novels from South Africa and Canada (Said)Sommersemester 2010 - 2015
Sommersemester 2015
PS: First Nations in Canada (Heuser)
HS: Key Concepts in North American Studies (Birkle)
HS: The Literature of War (Langwald)Wintersemester 2014/15
VL: North American Cityscapes (Birkle)
VL: Introduction to the Study of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures (Kuester)
PS: Writing Dementia: Memory and Forgetting in Anglophone Literature (Langwald)
HS: Canadian Drama: History and Recent Developments (Kuester)Sommersemester 2014
VL: Female Leadership in North America (Birkle)
VL: Key Texts from the 20th Century: Modernism and Postmodernism, Colonial and Postcolonial (Kuester)
PS: Women Writers and the Short Story: From Woolf to Munro (Langwald)
PS: Beauty Tips from Moose Jaw: Travels in Search of Canada (Heuser)
HS: Utopia and Dystopia in North America (Birkle)
HS: Key Concepts in North American Studies (Birkle)
HS/UE: Visual Cultures in North America (Birkle)
HS: Marianne, Suzanne and Kateri Tekakwitha: Approaching the Work of Leonard Cohen (Kuester)Wintersemester 2013/14
VL: A Literary and Cultural History of North America (Birkle)
VL: Introduction to the Study of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures (Kuester)
HS: Trauma and Crisis in North America (Birkle)
HS: Canada as a Country of Diversity: Learning and Teaching Through Literature (Kuester)Sommersemester 2013
VL: Canadian Literature: Survival and Beyond (Kuester)
PS: Long Poems: Contradiction in Terms or "New" Genre? (Kuester)
PS: North American Language and Culture (Munroe Hotes)
PS: Mosaic, Salad Bowl or Melting Pot? The Multiculturalism Debate in Canada (Heuser)
HS: Borderlands: Literary Contact Zones on the North American Continent (Kuester)
HS: Robert Kroetsch: Mr. Canadian Postmodern (Kuester)Wintersemester 2012/13
VL: Introduction to the Study of Anglophone Literatures (Birkle)
HS: Native North America (Canada and the USA) (Birkle)
PS: Canadian Content (Munroe Hotes)Sommersemester 2012
PS: Indigenous Issues in Canada (Heuser)
PS: Writing from/about the Canadian Prairies (Kuester)
PS: Short Stories from Britain and Canada (Langwald)
HS: Key Concepts in North American Studies (Birkle/Kuester)Wintersemester 2011/12
VL: Canada: Recent European Perspectives (interdisziplinäre Ringvorlesung; Kuester und Gäste)
VL: The New Literatures in English: Key Texts Representing Post-Colonial Writing (Kuester)
PS: Making it New: Contemporary Poetry (Kuester)
HS: North of the 49th Parallel: Recent Writing from Canada (Kuester)Sommersemester 2011
PS: Of Moors and Monsters? Postcolonial Shakespeare (Langwald)
PS: Globality, Identity and Asian North American Narratives (Eleanor Ty)Wintersemester 2010/11
HS: Interdisciplinarity in North American Studies (Birkle)
PS: Generations and Diasporic Identities in Canada (Langwald)Sommersemester 2010
HS: Key Concepts in North American Studies (Birkle)
PS: 19th Century Poetry from Britain and Canada (Kuester)
VL: 20th Century Literature (Kuester)
HS: Recent Anglophone Drama (Kuester)
UE: Introduction to the Study of Anglophone Literatures (Langwald)
PS: Key Texts by North American Native Writers (Ulm)Wintersemester 2004/5 - 2009/10
Wintersemester 2009/10
PS: The Two Margarets: Atwood and Laurence (Birkle)
PS/HS: Die Medientheorie Marshall McLuhans aus der Perspektive einer zeitgenössischen Medienwissenschaft (Krewani)
PS: Recent Novels from Great Britain and the Commonwealth (Kuester)
HS: 19th Century Novels from Britain and Canada (Kuester)
PS: Writing the Nation: Lyrics of Poets Laureate from the Anglophone World (Langwald)
PS: Literature and the New Media (Ulm)Sommersemester 2009
PS: Slavery in the Americas (Birkle)
PS: "Where is Here?": Local Color Fiction in Nineteenth-Century U.S. and Canadian Literature (Fels)
PS: "Borders Within": Regionalism and Diversity in Canada (Heuser)
VL: Geomorphology of Canada (Lajeunesse)
OS: Selected Topics of Geomorphology, Geology and Pedology of Canada (Lajeunesse)
PS: Modern and Postmodern Poetry from Great Britain and the Commonwealth (Langwald)Wintersemester 2008/09
PS: Exploring the Region: British Columbia in History, Literature, and Culture (Langwald)
Sommersemester 2008
VL: Mapping North America in Travel Writing (Birkle)
HS: Going Native in America (Birkle)
UE: Introduction to the Study of Anglophone Literatures (Merschhemke)
PS: The Novel in English: From Modernism to Post Colonialism (Kuester)
HS: The Concept of Europe in Contemporary Anglophone Drama (Kuester)
PS: North American Language and Culture (Kuester/Handke)Wintersemester 2007/08
VL: Kanadistische Ringvorlesung (wechselnde Referent*innen)
PS: Scotswomen, Home and Abroad – Literary Journeys (Keller/Sandrock)
PS: Building the Canadian Nation (Radu)
HS: Modern and Postmodern Poetry (Kuester)
PS: First Nations of Canada (Heuser)
PS/HS: The Short Story in English-speaking Canada (Heidenreich)
HS: The Coming-of-Age Novel in English-speaking Canada (Heidenreich)Sommersemester 2007
PS: Contemporary American Family Novels (Fels)
PS: Auto/biography: Writing (Canadian) Lives (Radu)
HS: Transatlantic Stereotyping: Views From/About Both Sides of the Ocean (Kuester)Wintersemester 2006/07
VL: The New Literatures in English (Kuester)
PS: Building the Canadian Nation (Radu)Sommersemester 2006
PS: 20th Century Poetry in the UK and Canada (Radu)
PS: Canadian Mysteries (Heuser)Wintersemester 2005/06
S: Postmodern and/or Postcolonial: Contemporary Writing from Britain and the Commonwealth (Kuester)
VL: Englisch als Weltsprache (Zimmermann)
S: A Good International Citizen? Canadian Foreign Policy from 1945 to Present (Bosold)Sommersemester 1999 - 2005
Sommersemester 2005
S: Tall Tales and Typescripts: Canadian Creative Processes (Keller/Kuester)
S: Marshall McLuhan and the Digital Worlds (Krewani)
UE: The Fundamentals of Screenwriting (Walz)
PS/S: Canadian Film: An Introduction (Walz)Wintersemester 2004/05
S: Recent Developments in British and Canadian Drama (Kuester)
PS: Regional Stories in the US and Canada in the 19th Century (Quennet)
S: Selected Problems of Canadian Politics (Courtney)
S: Introduction to Canadian Government and Politics (Courtney)Sommersemester 2004
PS: Canada from Sea to Sea to Sea (Heuser)
S: Nineteenth-Century Novels from Britain and Canada (Kuester)
PS: The Jewish Short Story in England, Canada and the U.S. (Quennet)
UE: Creative Writing (Panofsky)Wintersemester 2003/04
PS: Modernism and Postmodernism: Poetry and Fiction from Great Britain and the Commonwealth (Kuester)
VL: Modernism, Postmodernism and Beyond: Key Texts from the 20th Century (Kuester)
PS: The Canadian Kuenstlerroman (Radu)
PS: Politische Systeme und Konfliktmuster in Kanada und USA (Schiller)Sommersemester 2003
S: The Contemporary Novel in English: Recent Booker Nominees from the New English Literatures (Kuester)
PS: La situation du français au Canada (Lescure)
UE: L'espace francophone (Lescure)
VL: Einführung in die Geschichte Kanadas (Krieger)
MS: Lektüre ausgewählter Quellen und Darstellungen zur kanadischen Geschichte (Krieger)
VL: Canada - its Urban-Economic Realm (Hecht)
S: Selected Topics on the Canadian Socio-Economic Urban Realm (Hecht/Pletsch)Wintersemester 2002/03
PS: Multiculturalism: Pieces of the Canadian Mosaic (Heuser)
S: Plays Within Plays (Kuester)
S: Multilateralismus als Methode außenpolitischen Handelns (von Bredow)Sommersemester 2002
PS: Canadian Poetry: An Introduction (Dyck)
S: The Rhetoric of the Aboriginal Canadian Novel (Dyck)
PS: From Autobiography to Prosopagraphy: Self-Writing from the Middle Ages to Present (Keller)
S: Kanadischer Film (Krewani)
UE: The Great White North? – A Fresh Look at Canada (Neer)
UW: Creative Writing (Williams)Wintersemester 2001/02
S: The Construction of a Literary Region: The North American Prairies (Kuester)
Sommersemester 2001
Seminare über französisch-kanadische Literatur (Greif)
GIS-basierte Regionalanalyse – Beispiele aus laufenden Forschungsprojekten (Kanada, Frankreich, Deutschland) (Pletsch/Müller/Kehr)Wintersemester 2000/01
VL: The Historical Novel (Kuester)
S: Historical Novels: Traditional and Postmodern (Kuester)Sommersemester 2000
VL: Introduction to New Literatures in English (Kuester)
S: The Nineties in Canadian Women Writers Fiction (Quennet)
S: Contemporary Canadian Authors: Canadian Historical Dilemmas in Fiction (van Herk)
UE: Creative Writing: Short Fiction (van Herk)Wintersemester 1999/00
S: Politics, Culture and Political Culture in Canada (von Bredow/Moss)
S: Margaret Atwood (Kuester)Sommersemester 1999
S: Reflections of the Great War in 20th Century Literature (Kuester)
PS: Ethnicity in Canada (Moss)
PS: On the Wings of Tongue: Jewish Canadian and American Writing (Quennet)
S: Geography im Internet (Pletsch/Gerhard)