Exchange students of Romance Studies
(Erasmus+ & Overseas)

Department of Romance Studies: Academic support
The academic part of your stay at Philipps-Universität Marburg is supported by the Faculties and Departments. If you are a student of Romance studies at your home university (Romance languages, cultures, and literatures: French, Italian, Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese, or Romanian), you can take a variety of courses at our Department. Please choose one of the topics beneath to get information about our academic procedures.
If your degree at your home university does not only include Romance studies, usually, you are allowed to take courses in other Faculties. In this case please refer to the corresponding Departmental Coordinators for information about courses and ECTS and in order to have your Learning Agreement signed for these courses.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Academic Counseling and Support (Departmental Coordinator)
Dr. Christiane Rokitzki
Study Advisor & Departmental Coordinator (incoming and outgoing mobility in Romance Studies)
Office hours during lecture period
Email: erasfb10@staff.uni-marburg.de
(For your questions, you can use one of the following languages: German, English, French, Italian, Catalan or Spanish. The answer will either be in German, English, Catalan or Spanish.)
For any questions concerning the organization of your stay (application and admission, accommodation, German courses, cultural program, etc.), please contact the incoming service at our International Office.Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Terms and Course Catalogue
Classes are from mid-October to mid-February in the winter term (Wintersemester) and from mid-April to mid-July in the summer term (Sommersemester).
At our Department, you can take courses in literature (Literaturwissenschaft), linguistics (Sprachwissenschaft), language practice (Sprachpraxis), cultural studies (Landeskunde), and language teaching (Fachdidaktik) for French, Italian, and Spanish as well as language courses in Catalan, Portuguese, and (sometimes) Romanian.
The complete course catalogue (Vorlesungsverzeichnis) is available online: uni-marburg.de > Portale > Marvin > Studienangebot > Vorlesungsverzeichnis anzeigen (make sure, you select the term of your stay here) > Fachbereich 10: Fremdsprachliche Philologien > Austauschstudierende (ERASMUS & Overseas Incomings) > Romance Studies / Institut für Romanische Philologie.
The new course catalogue is published around March 1st for the summer term and around August 15th for the winter term.Here you will find all the courses offered by our Department for the current term, sorted by language. By clicking on the course title you get the description, time, place, and lecturer. The number of credit points that will be awarded for the courses depends on the type of class and on the required assignments:
Sprachkurs / Übung: 3 CP for written exam or oral presentation
Proseminar / Mittelseminar: 3 CP for oral presentation, 6 CP with additional term paper
Haupt-/Oberseminar: 3 CP for oral presentation, 9 CP with additional term paperIn order to get more information about workload and assignments, please talk to the teaching staff or to the Departmental Coordinator.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Course Registration and Timetable
Most classes are offered once a week and last 90 min. If not stated otherwise, courses will always begin at a quarter past and end at a quarter to the hour that is indicated in the course catalogue (example: 8-10 means 8.15-9.45).
At the moment, incoming exchange students are (technically) not able to register for courses via Marvin by themselves. Therefore, please send an email to the lecturers of your courses in order to get registered. In this email, please state the course title(s) and course code(s) as well as your full name and matriculation number. Nota bene: Students belonging to other faculties are ony allowed to take courses in Romance studies if their home curriculum also includes Romance Languages.
For many courses, the digital platform ILIAS is used as an additional tool for communication and for the upload of course material. In some cases, you will be registered automatically for the ILIAS course when you sign up for the corresponding course in Marvin. In other cases, you will need to do the registration yourself (uni-marburg.de > Portale > ILIAS).Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Language Requirements & Placement Test
Generally, a B2 level in German is recommended (B1 will be accepted). However, all our language practice and cultural studies classes are offered in the respective Romance language so that in these courses only basic language skills in German are required.
In order to attend classes in language practice or cultural studies, you will need to take a placement test for the Romance language you want to study. You can find the necessary information and the dates for all the placement tests at uni-marburg.de > Fachbereich 10: Fremdsprachliche Philologien > Institut für Romanische Philologie > Studium > Informationen für Erstsemester (Sprachliche Einstufung und Orientierung, page in German).
As far as the classes in literature or linguistics are concerned, please refer to the course catalogue indicated above. If the title and the course description are (also) in German, the course will be bilingual (German/Romance language). If everything is written in a Romance language, the class will be held in this Romance language, so that only basic language skills in German are required.Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Academic Documents
Who is your Departmental Coordinator?
If you are an incoming student of our Department (Romance Studies) and you take your courses mostly in our Department, your Learning Agreement and Changes Agreement will be checked and signed by your Departmental Coordinator at the Department of Romance Studies. We recommend that you drop in (virtually) at least once during the first two weeks of your stay at Marburg University.
If you are an incoming student of our Department (Romance Studies), but you take mostly courses from other Departments (for example German, English ...), please let us know in advance so that you can be assigned to the Department where you take most of your courses so that the Departmental Coodinator of that department can help you with your questions concerning the courses and can also sign your documents.In order to get your Transcript of Records after your stay, please follow the procedures that are explained on the website of our International Office.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Join our Cultural Activities!
We invite all incoming students to join the cultural activities of our Department that take place throughout the whole academic year:
· Choir “Philologia Cantat” (students and staff singing in various foreign languages)
· Theatre groups
· Cinema outings in different modern languages, free of charge
· Field trips
· Guest lectures and presentations of degree projects
· Expositions
Please visit our website in German for a complete list of our cultural activities.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen You want to stay (or return to) our Department and study for a degree?
Thinking about staying in Marburg for the rest of your degree or coming back for a Master's degree?
These are the programmes in Romance studies that we offer:
- B.A. Romance Cultures: Communication, Language, Literature (B.A. Romanische Kulturen: Kommunikation, Sprache, Literatur)
- Combined Bachelor: Here you can combine one major (out of 23) with one or two minor subjects (out of 42). We offer French and Spanish as both major or minor subjects.
- French, Italian or Spanish for Teacher Training (Gymnasiales Lehramt Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch)
- M.A. Areas of Romance Languages and Cultures (M.A. Romanische Sprach- und Kulturräume)
- M.A. Romance Cultures: Communication, Language, Literature (Romanische Kulturen: Kommunikation, Sprache, Literatur)
Found anything interesting? Click on "Degree Students" on the left for information about the language requirements, admission procedure etc.
International Office: Application procedures and administration
At Philipps-Universität Marburg, our International Office is the first contact for incoming exchange students. Please visit one of the following websites in order to get information about application procedures, academic calendar, housing, or orientation programmes.