
Let’s Play Dominoes with Small Molecules

Vortrag im Rahmen der Graduierungsfeier von Herrn Maximilian Dreher


22. November 2019 17:15
Termin herunterladen (.ics)

Fachbereich Physik, Renthof 5, Großer Hörsaal (Raum-Nr. 01020)

Nowadays small molecules with a size of only a few nanometers are used to fabricate modern electronic devices like flexible displays in smartphones or organic solar cells. Due to their anisotropic properties it is very difficult to describe the interactions between such molecules, which can have a huge influence on their structure in molecular films and therefore on the electronic properties of possible devices.

This presentation gives an insight in how to understand and predict these intermolecular interactions and the close relation to the family game Dominoes.


Graduierungsfeier / Studiendekan
