Lab Courses in the M. Sc. Functional Materials (for students in the "newPO")
Please note:
All courses are organized via the ILIAS group to the respective course. Please make sure to check the informations there regularly (joining the ILIAS group will be automatically achieved by registering for the course in MARVIN).

When studying within in the M. Sc. Functional Materials in the "new PO", you will participate in two major lab courses:
- F-3: Basic Lab
- F-4: Functional Materials Lab
The Basic Lab consists of two parts which are typically offered in the "lecture free time". One part, the "Light-Matter-Interaction Parkour" is typically offered in September/October, the other part ("Electronics Parkour") is typically offered after the lectures in the winter term, i.e. February / March. It is usually attended by students in their first and second term. It is a non-graded module.
The Functional Materials Lab is offered in summer and winter term within the lecture time, it lasts for two semesters. In each semester, you will attend three experiments, hence six in total. The reports are graded and you will receive a combined grade for this course.
F-3: Basic Lab
Please make sure to register for this course in the beginning of the semester (using the MARVIN system). Further infos will then be provided within the respective ILIAS group.
F-4: Functional Materials Lab
In this course, you will perform six experiments which are related to topics of the Functional Materials
Program (out of a total number of nine). At this time, these experiments are:
- FML-1: Terahertz Spectroscopy
- FML-2: Luminescence and Absorption of Semiconductors
- FML-3: Scanning Force Microscopy of Thin Molecular Films
- FML-4: Characterization of Solar Cells
- FML-5: X-ray Diffraction on Semiconductor Quantum Structures
- FML-8: Raman Spectroscopy
- FML-9: Semiconductor Laser Spectroscopy
- FML-11: Functional Materials for Water Purification
- FML-12: Soft Lithography / Micro-Patterning
You will perform the experiments in groups of two people, hence you can team up before registration. The experiments are typically performed on Monday (entire day). Sometimes, some additional hours are required on another day. Upon completion of the experiment, you will write a report for each experiment with a length of about 10-12 pages. In this, you will discuss the background of the experiment and in particular your own results. Details on the structure and contents of this protocol will be provided in the opening event for this course. This shall be handed to the experiment’s supervisor within 14 days after the experiment was performed. In many cases, the supervisor will ask for some additional re-corrections. These reports will be graded in order to derive your grade for this course.
Please register for the Functional Materials Lab by writing an E-Mail to the organizer, Dr. Tobias Breuer: tobias.breuer@physik.uni-marburg.de and by registering via MARVIN (see course catalogue for details).
Since you will work in groups of two people, you should, if possible, team up before registration and provide me the information about your group (i.e. E-Mail address, matriculation number and full names of both participants).
You are free to state which experiments you would prefer to perform. We will try to follow your preferences if the capacities allow for this. Hence, ideally provide a list with “1st wish: FML-XX, 2nd wish: FML-XY”, so that your priorities are clear.
Further details on the exact procedure will be provided in the ILIAS group to this course.