

  • 211. R. Rosati, S. Shradha, J. Picker, A. Turchanin, B. Urbaszek, E. Malic "Impact of charge transfer excitons on unidirectional exciton transport in lateral TMD heterostructures", arXiv: 2503.01833

    Lateral heterostructures built of monolayers of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are characterized by a thin 1D interface exhibiting a large energy offset. Recently, the formation of spatially separated charge-transfer (CT) excitons at the interface has been demonstrated. The technologically important exciton propagation across the interface and the impact of CT excitons has remained in the dark so far. In this work, we microscopically investigate the spatiotemporal exciton dynamics in the exemplary hBN-encapsulated WSe2-MoSe2 lateral heterostructure and reveal a highly interesting interplay of energy offset-driven unidirectional exciton drift across the interface and efficient capture into energetically lower CT excitons at the interface. This interplay triggers a counterintuitive thermal control of exciton transport with a less efficient propagation at lower temperatures - opposite to the behavior in conventional semiconductors. We predict clear signatures of this intriguing exciton propagation both in far- and near-field photoluminescence experiments. Our results present an important step toward a microscopic understanding of the technologically relevant unidirectional exciton transport in lateral heterostructures.

    arXiv: 2503.01833

  • 210. J. K. König, J. M. Fitzgerald, E. Malic "Magneto-Optics of Anisotropic Exciton Polaritons in Two-Dimensional Perovskites", arXiv: 2502.18058

    Layered 2D organic-inorganic perovskite semiconductors support strongly confined excitons that offer significant potential for ultrathin polaritonic devices due to their tunability and huge oscillator strength. The application of a magnetic field has proven to be an invaluable tool for investigating the exciton fine structure observed in these materials. Yet, the combination of an in-plane magnetic field and the strong coupling regime has remained largely unexplored. In this work, we combine microscopic theory with a rigorous solution of Maxwell's equations to model the magneto-optics of exciton polaritons in 2D perovskites. We predict that the brightened dark exciton state can enter the strong coupling regime. Furthermore, the magnetic-field-induced mixing of polarization selection rules and the breaking of in-plane symmetry lead to highly anisotropic polariton branches. This study contributes to a better understanding of the exciton fine structure in 2D perovskites and demonstrates the cavity control of highly anisotropic and polarization-sensitive exciton polaritons. 

    arXiv: 2502.18058

  • 209. A. M. Kumar, D. J. Bock, D. Yagodkin, E. Wietek, B. Höfer, M. Sinner, P. Hernández López, S. Heeg, C. Gahl, F. Libisch, A. Chernikov, E. Malic, R. Rosati, K. I. Bolotin "Strain engineering of valley-polarized hybrid excitons in a 2D semiconductor", arXiv: 2502.11232

    Encoding and manipulating digital information in quantum degrees of freedom is one of the major challenges of today's science and technology. The valley indices of excitons in transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are well-suited to address this challenge. Here, we demonstrate a new class of strain-tunable, valley-polarized hybrid excitons in monolayer TMDs, comprising a pair of energy-resonant intra- and intervalley excitons. These states combine the advantages of bright intravalley excitons, where the valley index directly couples to light polarization, and dark intervalley excitons, characterized by low depolarization rates. We demonstrate that the hybridized state of dark KK' intervalley and defect-localized excitons exhibits a degree of circular polarization of emitted photons that is three times higher than that of the constituent species. Moreover, a bright KK intravalley and a dark KQ exciton form a coherently coupled hybrid state under energetic resonance, with their valley depolarization dynamics slowed down a hundredfold. Overall, these valley-polarized hybrid excitons with strain-tunable valley character emerge as prime candidates for valleytronic applications in future quantum and information technology.

    arXiv: 2502.11232

  • 208. B. Kundu, P. Chakrabarty, A. Dhara, R. Rosati, C. Samanta, S. K. Chakraborty, S. Sahoo, S. Dhara, Saroj P. Dash, E. Malic, S. Lodha, P. K. Sahoo "Trion-Engineered Multimodal Transistors in Two-dimensional Bilayer Semiconductor Lateral Heterostructures", arXiv: 2411.01257

    Multimodal device operations are essential to advancing the integration of 2D semiconductors in electronics, photonics, information and quantum technology. Precise control over carrier dynamics, particularly exciton generation and transport, is crucial for finetuning the functionality of optoelectronic devices based on 2D semiconductor heterostructure. However, the traditional exciton engineering methods in 2D semiconductors are mainly restricted to the artificially assembled vertical pn heterostructures with electrical or strain induced confinements. In this study, we utilized bilayer 2D lateral npn  multijunction heterostructures with intrinsically spatially separated energy landscapes to achieve preferential exciton generation and manipulation without external confinement. In lateral npn FET geometry, we uncover unique and nontrivial properties, including dynamic tuning of channel photoresponsivity from positive to negative. The multimodal operation of these 2D FETs is achieved by carefully adjusting electrical bias and the impinging photon energy, enabling precise control over the trions generation and transport. Cryogenic photoluminescence measurement revealed the presence of trions in bilayer MoSe2 and intrinsic trap states in WSe2. Measurements in different FET device geometries show the multifunctionality of 2D lateral heterostructure phototransistors for efficient tuning and electrical manipulation of excitonic characteristics. Our findings pave the way for developing practical exciton-based transistors, sensors, multimodal optoelectronic and quantum technologies.

    arXiv: 2411.01257