Werncke group
The Werncke group is working with complexes bearing quasilinear low-valent 3d transition metals. We are developing a general synthetic access to this class of molecules, examine their properties and reactivity patterns, leading to sometimes surprising observations. Amongst others this gives very-low-coordinate iron-sulfur clusters or imido metal complexes with unusual electronic structures and reactivities. Thereby we touch different aspects of coordination, organometallic, bioinorganic and main-group chemistry as well as catalysis.
Interested students for Bachelor or Master theses as well as "Vertiefungsarbeiten" are highly welcomed and should either contact me directly (via Mail or directly in my office) or my scientific co-workers.
News (also via twitter @wernckegunnar) - or BlueSky:
November: Welcome to our students Hannah and Mark
16/9: The Group went to the Wöhler-Tagung to Munich.
18/7: Gunnar went to Rostock for a GdCH talk
13/7: Alessandra went to Agra (India) for the ICOMC to present the groups imido metal chemistry. Good luck and have fun.
16/7: A paper on metal(I) (iso)nitrile interaction was accepted in Inorganic Chemistry, where we finalized stuff started years ago by now Dr. Igor :).
26/6: Gunnar went to Leipzig for a talk.
June: Heba joined us as a posdoc coming from Gießen. Welcome
March: Two new interns join the groups for their 6 weeks-stay.
11/03: Gunnar went for a talk to the Chemiedozententagung in Aachen.
27/02: The group went to Innsbruck for the Koordinationschemietagung with a talk (Andres) and two Posters (Alessandra and Paula).
05/02: Paula started her PhD thesis. Welcome back!
01/02: The Trendberichte in the Nachrichten der Chemie went online. Third time is the charme - now it is time to hand this pleasure over to someone new.
29/01: Paula defended her master thesis. Congratulations.
January: Gunnar went to Münster and to Gießen to present the work of the group. Alex defended his Bachelor thesis.
01/01: Happy New Year