Werncke Group

Top: Paula, Gunnar, Andres, Heba
Bottom: Felix, Cissie, Moritz, Alessandra
Group Leader
Dr. C. Gunnar Werncke

Office C201, Tel: +49 (06421) 28 25637
E-Mail: gunnar.werncke@chemie*
PhD Students and PostDocs
Dr. Heba Youssef
Raum: C201, Telefon: +49 6421 28 25637
Topic: Imido and ketimido based coordination polymers and materials (June 2024 -...

Dr. Alessandra Casnati
Raum: C215, Telefon: +49 6421 28 81323
Topic: Catalytic C–H bond activation by Imido Metal Complexes (Jan. 2023 - ..)

Andres Gonzalez (M. Sc.)
Raum: C215, Telefon: +49 6421 28 81323
Topic: Synthesis of NHC-based quasilinear metal(I) complexes and imidocomplexes of chromium and iron (PhD thesis, Aug. 2021 -...)

Paula Epure (M.Sc)
Raum: C215, Telefon: +49 6421 28 22425
Topic: Dinuclear Imidometal complexes (Febr 2024 - ...).

Master and Bachelor Students
Hannah Goerlach (student worker)
Mark Lochte (internship)
Former Members
Dr. Alexander Reckziegel (PhD Thesis, 2018-2023 + Master thesis)
Dr. Grégoire Sieg (PhD Thesis, 2018-2022 + Master thesis)
Dr. Ruth Weller (PhD thesis, 2017-2021)
Dr. Christian Schneider (PhD thesis, 2017-2021)
Dr. Igor Müller (PhD thesis, 2017-2020)
Sascha Reith (Master thesis, Mar 2021 - Sep. 2021, -> AG Lichtenberg)
Alexander Deines (Bachelor thesis, Sept 2023 -Jan 2024)
Moritz Willingshofer (Bachelor thesis, Apr-Jul/2023
Desiree Richter (Bachelor thesis, Sep-Dec/2021)
Christina Millidonna (Bachelor thesis, Apr-Jul/2020)
Lutz Ruppach (Bachelor thesis, Jan-Mar/2020)
Kevin Dollberg (Bachelor thesis, Apr-Jun/2019)
Lena Völlinger (Bachelor thesis, Apr-Jul/2019)
Valeri Fuchs (Bachelor thesis, Mar-Jul/2019)
Nikolas Hecht (Bachelor thesis, Mar-May 2018)