Research Grant: "Towards Mono- and Dinuclear High-Spin-Imido Metal Complexes“ (2023-2026)
Heisenberg-Program: "Pushing the Limits in Low-Coordinate Chemistry – From Negative Oxidation States to Late-3d Metal Imidos in Higher Spin and Oxidation States" (2023-2028)
Emmy-Noether-Program: „Synthesis, Properties and Reactivity of Two-Coordinate 3d Transition Metal(I) Complexes” (2016-2022) and “Probing Avenues for Isolation of Simple Organic Radical Anions – Of Metal Coordination and Encapsulation Between Cations” (2022-2023)
Return Fellowship: (2015-16)
Research Fellowship: „Synthesis, Properties and Reactivity of Two-Coordinate Iron(I) Complexes” (2014-15)
Sachkostenzuschuss des VCI
Prof. M. Atasanov, Prof. F. Neese, MPI für Kohlenforschung, Mühlheim (D): DFT/CASSCF calculations on single molecule magnets
Prof. Dr. M. Roemelt, Humboldt-Universität Berlin (D): DFT/CASSCF calculations on iron/chalkogenide clusters
Prof. Dr. D. Munz, Univ. des Saarlandes, Kaiserslautern (D): DFT/CASSCF calculations on imido metal species and metal-bound radical anions
Prof. Dr. R. Berger, Philipps-Univ. Marburg (D): DFT/CASSCF calculations on imido cobalt species
Dr. M. Orlita, Grenoble (FR): Far IR-spectroscopy in magnetic fields
Dr. C. Hering-Junghans, LIKAT, Rostock (D): Heavy main-group Pnictogenes
Prof. Dr. K. Ray, HU Berlin (D): EPR spectroscopy
Prof. Dr. C. Limberg, HU Universität Berlin (D): 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy
Dr. S. Mebs, FU Berlin (D): X-Ray absoprtion spectroscopy
Dr. S. Demeshko, Prof. Dr. F. Meyer, Univ. Göttingen (D): 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy, SQUID
Prof. Dr. S. Dehnen, Institut f. Nanotechnologie, KIT, Karlsruhe (D): Coordination chemistry of Zintl ions
Prof. Dr. C. v. Hänisch, Philipps-Univ. Marburg (D): Open-Shell Phosphinidene Complexes
Prof. Dr. C. Lichtenberg, Philipps-Univ. Marburg (D): EPR spectroscopy