Die Arbeitsgruppe Frenking

Nach Eintritt in den offiziellen Ruhestand im April 2014, arbeite ich weiterhin aktiv mit Postdoktoranden und externen Mitarbeitern als emmeritierter Professor an der Philipps-Universität zusammen, sowie zeitweise mehrere Monate im Jahr als Ikerbasque Visiting Research Professor an der Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) in San Sebastian, Spain und als Visiting Research Professor an der Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing (China). Das Augenmerk unserer Forschung sind Dative Verbindungen von Hauptgruppenverbindungen und Übergangsmetal-Komplexe, die Verbindungsanalyse von Molekülen mit ungewöhnlichen Bindungen und Reaktionsmechanismen durch Aktivierung mit kleinen Molekülen.
Es folgen einige representative Beispiele unserer Arbeit
- „Dative Bonds in Main-Group Compounds: A Case for More Arrows!“ G. Frenking, Angew. Chem. 126, 6152 (2014) online (DOI); Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 53, 6040 (2014). online (DOI) [607]
- „No Need for a Re-examination of the Electrostatic Notation of the H-Bonding.“ G. Frenking and G. Caramori, Angew. Chem. 127, 2632 (2015) online (DOI); Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 54, 2596 (2015). online (DOI) [628]
- „The boron-boron triple bond in NHC→B≡B←NHC.“ N. Holzmann, M. Hermann, G. Frenking, Chem. Sci. 6, 4089 (2015). online (DOI) [632]
- „Reaction Mechanism of the Symmetry-Forbidden [2+2] Addition of Ethylene and Acetylene to Amido-Substituted Digermynes and Distannynes Ph2N—EE—NPh2, (E=Ge, Sn): A Theoretical Study.“ L. Zhao, C. Jones and G. Frenking, Chem. Eur. J. 21, 12405 (2015). online (DOI) [637]
- „The [B3(NN)3]+ and [B3(CO)3]+ Complexes Featuring the Smallest π-Aromatic Species B3+.“ J. Jin, G. Wang, M. Zhou, D. M. Andrada, M. Hermann and G. Frenking, Angew. Chem. 128, 2118 (2016) online (DOI); Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 55, 2078 (2016). online (DOI) [647]
- „A Triatomic Silicon(0) Cluster Stabilized by a Cyclic Alkyl(amino) Carbene.“ K. C. Mondal, S. Roy, B. Dittrich, D. M. Andrada, G. Frenking, H. W. Roesky, Angew. Chem. 128, 3210 (2016) online (DOI); Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 55, 3158 (2016). online (DOI) [650]
- „The Chemical Bond in C2.“ M. Hermann, G. Frenking, Chem. Eur. J. 22, 4100 (2016). online (DOI) [651]
- „Unusually Short Be–Be Distances with and without a Bond in Be2F2 and in the Molecular Discuses Be2B8 and Be2B7−.“ Z.-H. Cui, W-S. Yang, L. Zhao, Y.-H. Ding, G. Frenking, Angew. Chem. 128, 7972 (2016) online (DOI); Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 55, 7841 (2016). online (DOI) [653]
- „Comparison of Hydrogen and Gold Bonding in [XHX]−, [XAuX]−, and Isoelectronic [NgHNg]+, [NgAuNg]+ (X=Halogen, Ng=Noble Gas).“ S. J. Grabowski, J. M. Ugalde, D. Andrada and G. Frenking, Chem. Eur. J. 22, 11317 (2016). online (DOI) [654]
- „Reaction Mechanism of the Hydrogermylation/Hydrostannylation of Unactivated Alkenes with Two-Coordinate EII Hydrides (E=Ge, Sn): A Theoretical Study.“ L. Zhao, M. Hermann, C. Jones, G. Frenking, Chem. Eur. J. 22, 11728 (2016). online (DOI) [655]
- „The Structure of the Carbene Stabilized Si2H2 May Be Equally Well Described with Coordinate Bonds as with Classical Double Bonds.“ C. Mohapatra, S. Kundu, A. N. Paesch, R. Herbst-Irmer, D. Stalke, D. M. Andrada, G. Frenking and H. W. Roesky, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 138, 10429 (2016). online (DOI) [659]
- „Gilbert Lewis and the Model of Dative Bonding.“ M. Hermann, G. Frenking, Structure and Bonding 169, 131 (2016). online (DOI) [660]
- „NHC-Stabilised Acetylene—How Far Can the Analogy Be Pushed?“ D. C. Georgiou, L. Zhao, D. J. D. Wilson, G. Frenking, J. L. Dutton, Chem. Eur. J. 23, 2926 (2017). online (DOI) [671]
- „Aromaticity, the Hückel 4n+2 Rule and Magnetic Current.“ L. Zhao, R. Grande-Aztatzi, C. Forouton-Nejad, J. M. Ugalde, G. Frenking, Chemistry Select 2, 863 (2017). online (DOI) [673]
- „Carbones as Ligands in Novel Main-Group Compounds E[C(NHC)2]2 (E=Be, B+, C2+, N3+, Mg, Al+, Si2+, P3+): A Theoretical Study.“ M. Hermann, G. Frenking, Chem. Eur. J. 23, 3347 (2017). online (DOI) [674]
- „(Review) Dative bonding in main group compounds.“ L. Zhao, M. Hermann, N. Holzmann, G. Frenking, Coord. Chem. Rev. 344, 163 (2017). online (DOI) [682]
- „Synthesis, Characterization, and Computational Analysis of the Dialanate Dianion, [H3Al-AlH3]2-: A Valence Isoelectronic Analogue of Ethane.“ S. J. Bonyhady, N. Holzmann, G. Frenking, A. Stasch, C. Jones, Angew. Chem. 129, 8647 (2017) online (DOI); Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 56, 8527 (2017). online (DOI) [686]
- „Carbodicarbenes: Unexpected π-Accepting Ability during Reactivity with Small Molecules.“ W.-C. Chen, W.-C. Shih, T. Jurca, L. Zhao, D. M. Andrada, C.-J. Peng, C.-C. Chang, S.-k. Liu, Y.-P. Wang, Y.-S. Wen, G. P. A. Yap, C.-P. Hsu, G. Frenking, T.-G. Ong, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 139, 12830 (2017). online (DOI) [692]
- (Updated review) „Energy decomposition analysis.“ L. Zhao, M. von Hopffgarten, D. M. Andrada, G. Frenking, WIREs Comput. Mol. Sci. 8, e1345 (2018). online (DOI) [703]
- „Dative and Electron-Sharing Bonding in C2F4.“ D. M. Andrada, J. L. Casalz-Sainz, A. M. Pendas, G. Frenking, Chem. Eur. J. 24, 9083 (2018). online (DOI) [706]
- „Observation of alkaline earth complexes M(CO)8 (M = Ca, Sr, or Ba) that mimic transition metals.“ X. Wu, L. Zhao, J. Jin, S. Pan, W. Li, X. Jin, G. Wang, M. Zhou, G. Frenking, Science 361, 912 (2018). online (DOI) [711]