
DPhG-Vortrag: Pharmacy and Colonialism: The case of the British Empire

Vortrag in Kooperation mit der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft.


27. Juni 2022 18:15 – 27. Juni 2022 20:15
Termin herunterladen (.ics)


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Colonialism involved the mass movement of people, goods and ideas between metropoles and peripheries. This seminar examines the movement of drugs between Britain and her colonies from the 17th to the 19th centuries. It explores both exports to the colonies and imports from them, including remedies appropriated from indigenous peoples and the results of bioprospecting. Exports ranged from medicine supply to the West Indian slave plantations to the sale of patent remedies in India. Medicines represented a small but important part of Britain’s imperial trade.


Prof. Dr. Stuart Anderson, London (UK)


Institut für Geschichte der Pharmazie und Medizin (i. Gr.) in Kooperation mit der DPhG